Sunday, April 28, 2013

Diamonds are made under pressure


Which is really to say – no pressure, no diamonds.  

No Diamonds??!!  Frankly just typing the words “no diamonds” makes me break into a cold sweat… A world without Diamonds is unimaginable!  Because Diamonds make this world a more beautiful place!  They are so beautiful, and sparkly, and shiny, and you can’t help but love the way the light dances off of them…they are spectacular!

But it’s important for each of us to remember that diamonds didn’t start as beautiful, sparkly, shiny objects.  They started as carbon atoms in nature buried 100 miles deep into the earth’s surface.  They are subjected to a crazy amount of heat (about 2,200 degree Fahrenheit), and insane amounts of pressure (something around 725,000 pounds per square inch!).  Because of the heat and pressure the carbon atoms begin to bond to one another in groups of billions and billions in order to form a single one carat crystal. 

Then through violent eruptions they travel extremely fast to the surface of the earth, causing them to cool quickly enough to surface as diamonds. But even after enduring all of that their journey still isn’t over yet.  They still have to go through being polished and facetted before they finally achieve their full glory.  It is only AFTER they have endured all of those hardships that they finally become those glorious, sparkly, brilliant stones…

Each of us are like diamonds in the way we evolve throughout our own lives. We start small and we slowly grow through time and daily life experiences. Then we go through major struggles and difficult challenges and intense trials, each of which mold us into a stronger and better person. Then over time as we endure those trials and overcome our challenges, we surface as a more mature and refined person. But our journey still isn’t finished yet…we still have to go through polishing and small adjustments in order to reach our full glory.  It’s going through all of that and enduring it well that will give us our ultimate sparkle and shine.

When we long for a life without difficulties we are selling ourselves short. What we need to be longing for is the faith to see the end beauty of that will result if we endure our difficulties well.  The most beautiful things in the world result from the most difficult of circumstances. So when times are tough and we are feeling the pressure, just remember that God is just making you into a perfect diamond, so hang in there, endure it well, and just see that sparkle appear…it’s going to be SPECTACULAR!

Con amor,



Saturday, April 27, 2013

I am glad my husband left

 I found out my husband was having an affair.


I gave him exactly one hour to gather his things and say goodbye to twenty who years of marriage. 


My heart was hit hard by the news on April 27th, 2004 


...and my daughter at home was stressed to the breaking point.  Wondering what would happen next?  The world she knew had collapse. 


We knew of so many people around us dealing with divorce but when our turn came, we sobbed just like everyone else.


But unlike most people, my tears turned to laughter. Within the hour, I had made the decision that changed the course of my life forever.  In fact, as I walked out of my house and got in my car headed to downtown Salt Lake City, I was screaming Nooooo and crying...but by the time I turned around and made it back home, I was already laughing!


Anyone seeing me at that moment would have thought I was insane.  Crying and laughing at the same time. But the Lord had turned my tears of sorrow into tears of laughter as I realized He had just set me free.  He had done me a huge favor.  He immediately reminded me of my dream of going back to school.  And I decided THIS was my moment. THIS was my chance to finally go after finishing my degree. 


If He hadn't intervened, I'm not sure when I would have escaped the unhappy marriage treadmill I was on.  Not sure I ever would have the time to start fresh and to step into my true destiny with someone who values me for who I am inside. 


Now, after years of a meaningful relationship with someone who truly matters, I can tell you the truth from my heart:



It changed the course of my life.  Because it forced me to re-evaluate the path I was on. 


Then it set me on the path to a new me.  And within a few years, it led me into an adventure living abroad. 


You've heard this before, I'm sure.  But sometimes...what feels like a setback is really a set up.


You see, I was letting the "security" of a stale marriage stand in between me and who God had called me to be.


What are YOU letting stand in your way?


Take a deep breath, pray for guidance and step in the direction of your dreams.  


 Con amor,




Thursday, April 18, 2013

A day with Bianca

A day with Bianca in New York

Bianca and I are spending our day doing chores. Yes, is sounds tedious but cleaning and washing clothes is what we are doing today. We were both commenting that It seems that everything is harder to do in New York, from driving to parking to buying food to washing clothes. I could probably do it for a short time but I am amazed at people who live here all their lives and how they cope with so much inconvenience but not everyone lives in apartments, if you have enough money there are some very nice suburbs with beautiful homes where it is so peaceful if you had a few million dollars.

But Bianca is a special girl. She finds a way to enjoy the moment even in the saddest times. She is amazing. I was looking at her and for a moment I literally felt as if I was in the presence of an angel. She reminded me of this quote:

"The most beautiful people I know are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.  These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion and a deep loving concern.”   -author unknown

People who have been through hard times are truly beautiful.  They are inspiring for the rest of us when we hear of their hardships and see them come out on the other side of them.  They have a grace and a humility and a wisdom about them.  They have more tender hearts, more empathy, and a softness about them that can only come from having been through difficulties.  Those people make others feel like things can, and will, all turn out okay for the rest of us, because, if they could survive what they have, then so should all of us.

The next time you yourself are going through something difficult, just keep in mind that your ability to endure it and get through it to the other side, will someday serve as an inspiration to someone else heading into tough times.  To them it is you who will be seen as the most beautiful person they know….so hang in there for both your sakes.
My sweet Bianca is hanging in there, making life the best she can with what has been handed to her. She is a strong woman, I am deeply proud of my girl and know that one day, she will be rewarded for her deep faith and trust in the Lord.

Con amor,