Saturday, December 28, 2013

It's not about the nail

Okay there is a new you tube video ever made regarding male and female communications that  I seriously could not stop laughing when I watched it.  


It is a MUST WATCH FOR EVERYONE!  It is only 1 minute 42 seconds, but it is the most hilarious 1 minute and 42 seconds ever! 


And the lesson for couples trying to communicate in a relationship is sheer genius!  I can honestly say that if all the men out there will watch it and learn from it that it will save their relationships going forward! Please take time to watch this video.  I worry that if I say too much it will ruin the simple beauty of the message it conveys, so I am just going to let you all watch it and enjoy it and hopefully learn from it. I would say that I hope all husbands out there  will also watch the video and learn from it. Enjoy! 

Con amor,
