Friday, September 16, 2011

Party Time

Parties and more parties. It all started with my mom who loves parties. I remember coming home from school to find people decorating the house for some event. Any theme we wanted for our birthday, we got! for my 10th birthday, I wanted a live band at my party to dance to. A rock band came to play but no one wanted to dance and I was so mad with my friends. My sister Vanessa's birthday is on October 26 so many of her birthdays had the Halloween theme. Liz then started to do the same for her children. Her birthday parties were amazing and now Maricela is also having big celebrations for Manu's birthday. She had a farm theme with real farm animals. A Beach theme with a pool and water games for anoter birthday and for his fourth birthday  it was a car theme. They waited to have the big party in El Salvador. The clowns were so funny and the games so cute and the prizes were amazing. Mari even had gifts for the moothers who came. It was done at the Club Campestre, the best place and most exclusive in the city of San Salvador to have a party and not to mention the excellent food too. Another huge party and this was even bigger was Paola's quincenera. This is of course a very traditional type of celebration for girls. In the old days, it used to mean that the young woman turning 15 was available. It meant that she was coming out and was ok to have a steady boyfriend. It also meant that she could wear make up and high heals. In El Salvador as I remember it was a time when boys also started drinking and smoking as well. Not a good habit to acquire at such a young age but it happens in cultures where machismo still exists. For our family it means a good excuse to be together with family and close friends. It means that even though we do celeberate like everybody else, we do have norms that we follow. It is a time to share our love and appreciation for the young gilrs life giving thanks to our heavenly father for such a virtuous young woman as part of our family. Paola is that kind of a special girl and our family is very proud of her.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Shhh Silence please!

I love this poem by Alberto Masferrer!

Silence is remebering that I would be free today if I had not said yesterday's word, and that today's word will be my chain tomorrow.

Silence is remembering that if just one more hour had passed before I judged a certain person or event, in that hour I would have discovered something new to soften my cruel and hasty judgment.

Silence is remembering that the simple act of repeating what others say form an avalanche to destroy tranquility and reputation.

Silence is refraining from complaint, in order not to worsen the grief of others.

Silence says "I did," instea of " I will do."

Silence is devotion that knows its direction.

Silence is being oneself, not a drum that sounds under the figures of the crowd.

Silence is having one's own heart, one's own brain, and not changing sentiments or opinions because others wish it.

Silence is speaking with God before speaking with men, in order not to have to repent after having spoken.

Silence is speaking quietly with one's own sadness, and holding it within, until it becomes a smile, a prayer, or a song.

Coming this September 11, 2011 It would have been a big deal but now I only hope for silence.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The amazing Cultural Celebration

Andres and Paola were two of the over 2000 young men and young women who participated in the Cultural Celebration. I had never seen so much energy, enthusiam, patriotism and faith all in one big huge venue. Every Stake participated in this event. The performers got there early in the morning and were there all day in the hot and humid weather but the remarkable good attitude of our youth was commendable. They had big smiles and put all what they had into their dance. I don't think El Salvador had ever seen this and perhaps is something that should be done more.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Looking up into heaven.

Today I will start writing about all the wonderful notes and pieces of good advice received over the many years. I don't want those precious moments and good comments to be forgotten. This sweet note was written to a dear daughter of mine, and this is what it said:

Dear one:

I just wanted to write a short note expressing my love for you. Your questions Sunday signaled to me that you have a heavy and aching heart. Your thoughts seemed worried. I want you know how much the Lord and our Savior love you and are aware of you. I don't know the specifics of your trials your are facing but please know that many are praying for you that you will have strength and understanding. Sometimes the people that we need the most do things that hurt us and confuse us. Please know that the savior knows every emotion that you are experiencing and that he truly understands how to succor and comfort you. Often during challenging times Satan puts fear, anxiety, and confusion in our hearts such as "there isn't any hope", "no one can be guided in their lives", " there is no such thing as truth anymore." please know that your life can be solid and true and that you can be led to progress in your life. Dear one, you are such a force for good. Many people love you and look up to the example that you are. May the Lord's fondest blessings be in force in your life at this time. love, Deb.

 I never had asked my daughter what questions she had because this was after all her own personal note but I can only imagine the anguish she must have been feeling with our divorce. I am a full -grown woman and even I can't understand the why of her father leaving us but I do know somehow we are going to become better people because of this.

I am constantly finding scattered notes here and there that fit the things I want to write to my children of people who are able to come up with ideas and can express them better than I can. What a sweet woman who took the time to write this nice note to my daughter. I hope someday I can be this kind to someone who needs words of comfort. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

You are looking at Queen Veronica!

As we entered the brides room inside the LDS temple open house in San Salvador we were reminded that we are to be the queens in our home. I am so thankful to have a husband that treats me like a queen everyday and hope that the women in my life also get the royal treatment from their family.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Jeff and Silvia Allred

This picture was taken in August 2010 in Salt Lake City, Utah with all the children their spauses and grandchildren.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Need I say more!

In March of 2011 Bianca was featured by Our stage and MTV for her amazing voice and artistic nature and this is what they wrote:

When Bianca Merkley turned 16, her dad gave her the option of buying an old beat up 1981 Toyota Corolla, or a slightly used shiny Taylor guitar. Most teens would have chosen the car without hesitation, but Bianca thankfully chose the guitar - a decision she will never regret. Now years later, with that same birthday gift Bianca has managed to write songs and perform her music with ease and conviction in front of thousands- using songwriting and performing as a way to connect with listeners from all walks of life. Bianca started performing as young as 8-years-old singing everything from the “Ay ay ay” of Mariachi music to the twang of Country while performing at a wide range of events, from company Christmas parties to the 2002 winter Olympics. It was actually during one of those cold Utah winter nights in the streets of Park City with lips turning blue and fingers slightly numb, when she was approached by a passerby who said to her: "It’s amazing how in a 3 minute song, I have forgotten my problems." This was a monumental night for Bianca as this one fleeting encounter inspired her debut album Promise, released in 2007. Engineer and producer Giles Reaves said it best when he described her freshman project as one that “takes you on a musical journey from folk-rock to pop and Latin flavors (with even some jazz influences making an appearance). Bianca manages to weave all these styles together into a wonderful unified tapestry of sound…With songs about life, love songs, songs of personal discovery and just some plain fun songs, Bianca covers lots of ground- all the while firmly establishing her sound.” In 2009, Bianca co-founded and successfully carried out “Harmony for Healing: Women Helping Women Through Music,” an annual benefit concert where proceeds are donated to women in mental health. Shortly after, in the Spring of 2010, Bianca was a finalist in the Lilith Fair Local Talent Search in New York City with her original song, “The Canvas.” Currently, Bianca is releasing a new album in 2011 filled with moving melodies, lyrical sensibility, and beautifully simplified arrangements, which feature Naomi Steckman on the cello. This new project truly displays the beautiful subtleties of Bianca’s voice, and perceptive nature of her songwriting. Links Official Website

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Turning One

A year has gone by since I posted on this happy News blog. So I am happy to report that on February 17, 2011 our premature grandson baby Nixon turned a year old and very much like any other boy his age. Is making sounds trying to talk.
He loves to get "masajitos" or little massages from his mami Vero.