Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What have I learned as a parent?

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned as a parent? I was asked when I taught parenting classes for the Family Support Center. Here are some of the answers discussed. 


Kids are people too. They deserve respect and our attention. 


By word and example show your children that you are a person of integrity worthy of trust, so they can feel comfortable seeking your guidance as they discover themselves and their place in the world. 


Their feelings shouldn’t be expected to be controlled 100% of the time. Its ok for them to lose it just like us adults do sometimes. And they remember your actions more than your words. 


Don’t make promises you may not be able to keep, and they are so much wiser than we give them credit for. 


Keep the lines of communication open with your kids. Make sure they keep talking to you. 


My kids told me things that made me crazy but they never knew it. I listened. 


To relax. It won’t last forever.


They respond better to connection than coercion 


To be present. 


Never give up! 


I often thought: These kids are Heavenly Father’s kids, He knows them better than I do. He didn’t raise them just to give them to me and have me mess them up in 18 years. He believes in me, even while knowing all of my weaknesses. 

Never lose hope! 


Con amor,






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