Thursday, July 1, 2021

Stay Positive

I was super excited for this Fourth of July weekend as, next to Christmas, it is one of my favorite holiday of the entire year!  I love celebrating patriotism as I feel so grateful to be a U.S. citizen and it’s an honor to pay tribute to the land that I love and those brave souls who serve and sacrifice to protect the freedoms it affords. Thank you!


Tonight, my husband and I would have boarded the plane to take us to be with our children and grandchildren. I wanted to go with the sisters who left earlier last month but I felt that I needed to remain with Daniel. We found out last minute that our flight from Buenos Aires to Dallas got cancelled and that there are no flights schedule to Dallas for the next 30 days because of new government restrictions.


We are staying positive, that is all we can do. It does not do any good to complain and get too worked up. The fact is that feeling sorry for myself would have done nothing, absolutely nothing to get us out of here. It is what it is. There are a lot worse things that could happen to people, specially, those brave souls who lost their lives at war, defending our freedom. 


I extend my sincerest gratitude to all those brave humans who do so much for our country. I salute you! 


Con amor,


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