Monday, July 18, 2022

It's happening!

We are moving back home! We got in yesterday morning after we barely made it to the gate to take the red eye flight from Dallas to Buenos Aires before they closed the door. All because our flight from Salt Lake was delayed and that made for a very tight connection. Its no secret that the pilots are on strike of sorts and they are calling in sick. Be aware that your travel plans might not go as planned. We got in just fine but our bags didn’t make it. I wonder why?  I couldnt sleep even when I was flying business and my seat practically could turn into a bed. 


It was maybe because it gave me time to think and reflect on all the years we have been gone and I had to pause for a minute, listen to the buzzing sound of the jet plane and reflect. I remembered those warm endless summer nights in the Dominican Republic and later in the Philippines when we lived there. Going for walks when we first arrived in Buenos Aires to explore the city. Visits to Uruguay to see family before the pandemic. Fireworks around Christmas and New Year’s! All that will be a thing of the past. I thought of all the bad decisions and the good ones too. Live and learn. 


Hard to imagine the trajectory of our lives from thirteen years ago when we were moving to our new home in Bountiful and little did we knew that it was short lived. We put an offer on that house in July 2009 and by November we knew we were moving. Not knowing what to expect as the life of an expat. How my love for other cultures and travel would be a reality. Kind of crazy how that happened! I thought about all the places I’ve visited as an expat that I never would have imagined as a kid. The people I’ve met. The people who are no longer here. I miss them all. I hope they’re all out there somewhere busy doing good.


It’s nice to occasionally go back, to think about the past. Whether it’s obvious, the past always seems to go some distance in shaping the present us and the decisions we make on our daily journey through life. It’s not necessarily a profound thought. I just had to take note of it, maybe because deep down I’m still wondering what would our new adventure look like reflecting on what has been and what’s left unwritten


All I can say is how thankful I am for the memories we made and for the new ones to come with our family. I love my life! 


Con amor,



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