Monday, November 26, 2012

The kindness of a stranger

Today I want to remember the kindness of a stranger over twenty years ago to commemorate Mandy's birthday! 

The setting was a busy store where my sister and her family and my girls and I went shopping for souvenirs on our way back to Miami where my sister and family lived. We had been enjoying the parks in Orlando and it was time to stop at a mall to buy a few things.

We were all together watching each other’s kids. I got destructed looking at some things to buy when all of the sudden here comes in the store a gentleman with a little girl in his arms and a police officer asking if anyone knew who this little girl belonged to?

As I looked at them, I couldn’t believe my eyes. That little one -year old little girl was my Mandy! I felt petrified and in shock to even think she had gotten out of the store into a parking lot without me knowing. Somehow I thought she was being watched by my sister and brother in law and they thought she was with me.

I can’t tell you the impact that one experience has had in my life that I have never ever forgotten about it.  First, it was a huge relief that my baby girl was okay. But second, it was an amazing thing to know the kindness of this person I didn’t know. What an angel he was to have done that. His kindness was truly humbling. He handed Mandy to me after I proved to the officer she was my daughter by showing him a picture of our family I was carrying in my wallet. Mandy was of course in the picture.  

The policeman handed Mandy to me with some hesitation as to saying to me: “what kind of a mother are you”?  I know, I deserved to be scolded. I had lost my child and didn’t even know it. Lesson learned! Never assumed you child is in the care of someone else and never lose sight of your child even for a second.

 Another lesson I learned that day was the kindness of a stranger who took the time of his day to find this child her mother. Too bad we never exchanged contact information to thank him but I hope somehow he realizes how deeply grateful I am for returning my child.


That quote reminds me that we should always be mindful of others, even strangers that we haven’t met or gotten to know, because you may be touching the life of someone very special. We just never know the impact that we can have on another person’s life.

My journal entry today is dedicated to this fellow with no name who went out of his way to reach out to find my daughter, her mother. I hope that I can take his example into my life and make sure that I pay more attention to the kind things that I can do for another; even someone  who I may not even know. Today’s challenge for me is to find an opportunity to touch someone’s life just like this person with his kindness so long ago, touched mine.

May we all do better to be more mindful of strangers…

Con amor,


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Trip to El Salvador 2012

The year is almost ending and I had not gone to El Salvador at all. Tio Carlos daughter Karla is getting married in November but that is when Valentina arrives in Santo Domingo for Thanksgiving so the only time left for me to go was from September 19 to the 24. Right around the time of Liz's birthday.

I first got to Puerto Rico and left the next day via Miami to El Salvador. Got to see Maricela in the airport and on the way back. The trip was needed to check on an apartment that I hope to sell, check about who owns the tittle and get a power of attorney signed over to Liz. For now is being lease to two girl missionaries and it is a blessing for me that they are there. It brings a good environment to the apartment.  During this visit, I even got to see the vise consul of foreign affairs Juan Jose Garcia so he is now aware of the situation in Utah not having a much needed  honorary Consul  I also wanted to see my mother to find out from her doctors more of her leg condition. I worry about her being diabetic and not controlling her sugar levels.

A four day trip is too short. No time to go to the beach or do anything relaxing except that I did go to the Salon a few times. Nothing feels better than getting a good facial, massage, manicure and pedicure. It was also great to see Liz and her family and actually be there to celebrate her birthday. It was great to go to the beautiful Church next to the Temple on Sunday and see so many dear people I knew back then. I even got to see Rafael Siman who is one of my best true friends. All in all, the trip was all worth it!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Happy 30th birthday to Cristi

My journal entry on 10 de junio, 1982 

Querida hija mía:

Hoy no tenía sueño, estoy aquí en el hospital y me levante para verte. Te veo y no puedo creer que hace tan solo unos días, todavía eras parte de mí. Tu eres mi primera ilusión quien despertó en mí el instinto maternal. Sin saber cómo eras o quien eras te amé desde el momento que supe que te tenia dentro de mí

Tu padre y yo nos amamos inmensamente y juntos compartimos cada detalle de preparación para ser bueno padres. En este momento todo paree girar alrededor tuyo. Te miro y te veo tan inocente e indefensa que solo pienso en protegerte, pero sé que llegara el día en que seas una mujer y ya no dependerás de nosotros.  

Me siento feliz que Nuestro Padre Celestial nos a dado un ser tan divino como tu para cuidarlo. Tu eres su hija también y nosotros más bien somos sus guardianes para formarte y hacerte una persona de bien. Deseamos lo mejor para ti y estamos dispuestos a cualquier sacrificio por tu bienestar y todo lo mejor lo queremos para ti y así cuando crezcas y tengas tus hijos tu podás darles a ellos igualmente en la misma forma que hoy te damos a ti. 

El martes pasado fue un día de mucha emoción. No pude dormir en la noche anterior pues pensé que me habían hecho daño una pizza que me comí, pero ya acostumbrada a no poder dormir no le tomé importancia hasta que empecé a sentir dolores en mi vientre, y noté algo raro al ir al baño entonces se me vino la idea que ya se acercaba el día del nacimiento. Me sentía por supuesto feliz y temerosa a la vez y todo el día espere a que los dolores se volvieran más intensos pero lo que cambio el curso de toda la espera fue cuando sentí que el agua se salió. Eso hizo que yo tuviera que irme al hospital y tenerte en las próximas 24 horas o podría desarrollarse una infección. 

Esa noche fue larga, los dolores eran constantes e intensos, pero tenía a tu padre a mi lado y a una magnifica enfermera que me dieron todo el apoyo necesario. Por fin cuando estaba por darme por vencida me di cuenta que ya me faltaba poco y luego te tuve a las 5:42 a.m. ha sido para mi un día inolvidable. 

Con amor, 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's day 2012

I decided to surprise my mom for a quick visit to Miami for mother's day and Vanessa did the same thing. Liz couldn't come because she needed to be with her children, of course. It was during a time that Daniel needed to be away also so I didn't leave him home alone for too many days, that is always a concern he has when I leave to one of my little trips to see my family. I also made a scrapbook album for her as a mother's day gift.