Sunday, November 30, 2014

My talk

I got up super early to go to Church today. Did not want to be late so I went super early, sat in my car to read my talk and all of the sudden I was almost late to the meeting but it all worked out. I was given 15 minutes and went over three minutes but I hope that wasn't too bad. This is what I said, sorry it's in Spanish.

En los Estados Unidos el pasado jueves se celebró el día de acción de gracias y que mejor época del año para poder agradecerle al Señor por todas las innumerables  bendiciones que he recibido este año. Una de esas bendiciones es la oportunidad que tengo de enseñar a los niños en el programa de Fe en Dios.

 Cuando yo era niña recuerdo que tenía un marco de tela en el cual yo iba poniendo una ficha cada vez que cumplía con un requisito para completarlo. Uno de los requisitos era aprenderme de memoria los artículos de Fe, Otro dar un discurso en la primaria, otro de enseñar una noche de hogar, otro de desarrollar un talento, el de hacer alguna manualidad  y recuerdo que tenía que hacer varias obras de servicio.  Todo eso yo lo hacía por mi cuenta.

La Presidenta de la Primaria solo nos recordaba que lo teníamos que completar antes de cumplir los 12 años para podernos graduar de la Primaría como cuando pasas de un grado a otro y no te quieres quedar atrás porque quien quiere tener catorce años y seguir en la Primaria?  Y eso me serbia de motivación para completar ese marco lo más pronto posible.  

Hoy los niños cuentan con un librito que lo van llenando a medida que van completando las asignaciones. Este folletito se les entrega al cumplir 8 años por lo tanto deben de cuidarlo y no extraviarlo. Busquen un lugar especial donde siempre lo pueden encontrar.  Los padres deben de ayudar a sus hijos a completar ese folletito junto con la ayuda de su  maestra  y esa soy yo. Hay un total de 30 actividades que los niños tienen que desempeñar para completar su librito de fe en Dios aparte de memorizar los artículos de fe.

 Las actividades se basan en cuatro categorías. Tres de esas categorías son: vivir el evangelio, servicio a los demás, y desarrollar los talentos. Se requieren 8 actividades como mínimo que deben completar por cada una de esas categorías.

Mis palabras el día de hoy se  las voy a dirigir a los niños de mi clase primordialmente, pero aplica por supuesto a todos! Ejemplo, atrás del folletito dice: Mis normas del evangelio. Dice así:

Seguiré el plan que nuestro padre celestial tiene para mí.

Recordare mi convenio bautismal y escucharé al Espíritu Santo.

Hare lo justo. Sé que puedo arrepentirme si cometo un error.

Seré honrado con mi Padre Celestial, con otras personas y  conmigo misma.

Usaré con reverencia el nombre de Nuestro Padre Celestial y el de Jesucristo. No usaré un lenguaje indecente ni malas palabras.

Haré durante el día de reposo las cosas que me harán sentir cerca de mi Padre Celestial y de Jesucristo.

Honrare a mis padres y haré lo que este de mi parte para fortalecer a mi familia.

Mantendré mi cuerpo y mi mente sagrados y puros, y no participaré de cosas que sean dañinas para mí.

Me vestiré modestamente para mostrar respeto por mi Padre Celestial y por mí mismo.

Solamente leeré y veré cosas que sean agradables a mi Padre Celestial.

Solamente escuchare música que complazca a mi Padre Celestial.

Buscare buenos amigos y trataré con bondad a los demás.

Viviré de tal forma que sea digno de entrar en el templo y haré lo que esté de mi parte para tener una familia eterna.

Eso es lo mismo que todos nosotros anhelamos tener. Voy a tocar distintos temas de los cuales hemos hablado en algunas de las actividades que hemos tenido juntos y a la vez aprovechar dar gracias por ellas:

 Estoy agradecida por las escrituras que nos enseñan la verdad sobre Jesucristo.

Mis queridos  hermanitos de más está decirles que me siento muy agradecida por Jesús y Su Padre que también es mi padre, el  Padre Celestial. Y sobre ellos hablan las escrituras.  Recuerden que en las escrituras se encuentra toda la verdad. En Juan 8:32 dice “ Y conocereís la verdad y la verdad os hará libres.” En otras palabras si vivimos el evangelio de Jesucristo el cual se encuentra en las escrituras, seremos libres de ser engañados y de perecer. Llegaremos a comprender lo infinito que ha sido su expiación por cada uno de nosotros. A querer seguirlo para poder algún día estar en su presencia y obtener la exaltación.

 Estoy agradecida de pertenecer a su Iglesia, la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los últimos días. 

Ustedes han tenido el gran privilegio de haber sido bautizados en la Iglesia del Señor de la misma forma y con la misma autoridad con la cual nuestro Señor  Jesús fue bautizado. El siendo perfecto y sin mancha sin nada de que arrepentirse, se bautizó para darnos el ejemplo.

 Estoy agradecida por tener la guía del espíritu santo.

Hemos hablado mucho de este tema ya que al haber cumplido los 8 años y haberse bautizado, ustedes han recibido el don del Espíritu Santo, miembro de la trinidad y ese es otro gran privilegio que solamente es exclusivo para los miembros de la Iglesia de Jesucristo y es precisamente el espíritu Santo el que les revelara toda verdad siempre y cuando nos esforzamos por ser dignos para tener la compañía del espíritu.

 Estoy agradecida por el plan de Salvación.

 Ustedes saben de dónde vinieron y exactamente porque se encuentran aquí en este mundo y para donde van. Este es el plan diseñado por Dios. Esto es algo que muchas de las mentes brillantes y educadas en el mundo entero no lo saben. Que afortunados son ustedes de tener ese conocimiento a tan temprana edad. 

 Estoy agradecida por el sacerdocio.

Hermanitos varones que ya no están en mi clase porque cumplieron los 12 años, a ustedes se les ha conferido el sacerdocio de Dios. Ese mismo poder por el cual este mundo fue creado y por el cual se hacen muchos milagros. Mientras vallan creciendo llegaran un día a ser hombres dignos poseedores del sacerdocio de Melquisedec siempre y  cuando sean puros y obedientes a los mandamientos del Señor. El Elder Scott en un discurso del 2008 dijo estas palabras: “Qué bendecidos somos de estar entre los pocos hombres de la tierra a quienes se les ha confiado la autoridad para actuar en el nombre del Salvador con el fin de bendecir a los demás mediante el uso correcto de Su sacerdocio.

Me pregunto, hermanos, ¿cuántos de nosotros reflexionamos seriamente acerca del valor inestimable de poseer el Sacerdocio Aarónico y el de Melquisedec? Cuando consideramos cuán pocos son los hombres que han vivido en la tierra y han recibido el sacerdocio, y cómo Jesucristo ha investido a esos hombres para actuar en Su nombre, deberíamos sentirnos sumamente humildes y profundamente agradecidos por el sacerdocio que poseemos…Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo es el modelo perfecto del uso del santo sacerdocio. Él ministró con amor, compasión y caridad. Su vida fue un ejemplo sin igual de humildad y poder.

Las bendiciones más grandes que se reciben al utilizar el sacerdocio provienen del servicio humilde que se presta a los demás, sin pensar en uno mismo. Si seguimos Su ejemplo como poseedores fieles y obedientes del sacerdocio, tenemos a nuestra disposición un gran poder. Cuando sea necesario, podemos ejercer el poder de sanar, de bendecir, de consolar y de dar consejo, al seguir fielmente la suave inspiración del Espíritu.” Fin de la cita.

  Estoy agradecida por mi testimonio.

Una de las actividades que tuvimos  se trató del significado de tener un testimonio el cual lo escribimos y lo pusimos en una capsula de tiempo para  abrirlo en un futuro y poder ver como se ha fortalecido nuestro testimonio.  Recuerden que es su testimonio lo que les permitirá poder resistir cualquier prueba. Y las pruebas vendrán, de eso estoy segura. En Mormón 9: 25 leemos “ Y a quien crea en mi nombre, sin dudar nada, yo le confirmaré todas mis palabras, aun hasta los extremos de la tierra.”  Y en D&C 6:36 y 37 dice: Elevad hacia mi todo pensamiento; no dudéis; no temáis. Mirad las heridas que traspasaron mi costado, y también las marcas de los clavos en mis manos y pies; sed fieles; guardad mis mandamientos y heredareis el reino de los cielos. Amen.

 Estoy agradecida por nuestros líderes

Cada vez que tenemos una conferencia General hemos tenido actividades para prepararnos para escuchar con más atención los mensajes de las Autoridades Generales. Y que afortunados son ustedes hermanitos el tener viviendo entre nosotros a tres Setentas como Autoridades Generales. Son contados los países donde reside la presidencia de área y la Republica Dominicana es uno de esos países.  Elder Cornish, Elder Zivic y el Elder Martinez. A ellos, como discípulos del Señor,  entre otras cosas, se les ha dado la encomienda de fortalecer a los miembros a venir a Cristo.    

 Estoy agradecida por mi familia

Este mes estuvimos hablando sobre la familia y la proclamación de la familia. Una proclamación que fue dada en 1995 (hace 19 años.) Hoy en día debido a tanta confusión de lo que es la familia, esta proclamación tiene mayor relevancia, validez y significado. La semana pasada el Elder Eyring tuvo la oportunidad de referirse a esta proclamación cuando estuvo en el vaticano. El dijo: “El esposo y la esposa tienen la solemne responsabilidad de amarse y de cuidarse el uno al otro, así como a sus hijos…los padres tienen el deber sagrado de criar a sus hijos con amor y rectitud, de proveer para sus necesidades físicas y espirituales, y de enseñarles a amarse y a servirse el uno al otro, a observar los mandamientos de Dios y a ser ciudadanos respetuosos de la ley dondequiera que vivan…La familia es ordenada por Dios. El matrimonio entre el hombre y la mujer es esencial para Su plan eterno. Los hijos merecen nacer dentro de los lazos del matrimonio y ser criados por un padre y una madre que honran sus votos matrimoniales con completa fidelidad. La felicidad en la vida familiar tiene mayor probabilidad de lograse cuando se basa en las enseñanzas del Señor Jesucristo. Los matrimonios y las familias que logran tener éxito se establecen y se mantienen sobre los principios de la fe, de la oración, del arrepentimiento, del perdón, del respeto, del amor, de la compasión, del trabajo y de las actividades recreativas edificantes…en estas sagradas responsabilidades, el padre y la madre, como compañeros iguales están obligados a ayudarse el uno al otro…otros familiares deben brindar apoyo cuando sea necesario.” Fin de cita.

 Estoy agradecida por vivir en este tiempo

Mis hermanitos, se han preguntado alguna vez que tan especiales son ustedes? Se  han puesto a pensar lo bendecidos que son por haber nacido en esta última dispensación?

Para concluir quiero dejarles las bellas palabras del Presidente Hinckley y al  hacerlo quiero expresar mi amor por cada uno de ustedes los futuros líderes de la Iglesia.  Al dirigirse a los jóvenes él Presidente Hinckley dijo: “ …Os considero a vosotros, los jóvenes de hoy, la mejor generación que ha habido en la historia de la Iglesia. Os felicito, pues tengo en el corazón un gran sentimiento de amor, de respeto y de reconocimiento por vosotros.

Cada vez que me encuentro ante un grupo de vosotros, acuden a mi memoria las notables y proféticas palabras del apóstol Pedro cuando dijo en: (1 Pedro 2:9)

“Más vosotros sois linaje escogido, real sacerdocio, nación santa, pueblo adquirido por Dios, para que anunciéis las virtudes de aquel que os llamó de las tinieblas a su luz admirable” …Vosotros sois linaje escogido”. Eso es muy cierto. Pese a todos los problemas que tenemos, considero que esta es la más grandiosa etapa de la historia del mundo. Y vosotros, los jóvenes de esta generación, formáis parte de ella y recibís el beneficio de ella; las ventajas de esta época existen para ser una bendición para vosotros si tan solo sabéis aprovecharlas y vivís dignos de ellas.

En la actualidad, disfrutamos de más comodidades, de más oportunidades, de más beneficios de la ciencia y de la investigación que cualquiera otra generación de la historia de la tierra. Vivimos hasta más avanzada edad para disfrutar de todo eso.  Ha habido más descubrimientos científicos a lo largo de mi vida que en todos los años anteriores de la historia de la humanidad.

 No sé por qué he sido tan altamente bendecido al haber nacido en este tiempo tan favorecido; pero estoy agradecido, profundamente agradecido y espero que vosotros también lo estéis. Y además de ese florecer de conocimiento, hemos recibido una bendición aún más grande, la cual es la restauración del Evangelio de Jesucristo. Vosotros y yo estamos viviendo las asombrosas y magnificas bendiciones de esta dispensación del cumplimiento de los tiempos. En estos tiempos, se han restaurado a la tierra todos los principios, los poderes, las bendiciones y las llaves de todas las dispensaciones anteriores… hemos recibido conocimiento de la realidad de la existencia de Dios nuestro Padre Eterno y de su Hijo Amado, el Salvador y Redentor del mundo.

Como parte de esta gran revelación de conocimiento y luz y verdad, hemos recibido el Libro de Mormón, ese otro testimonio de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, un compañero de la Santa Biblia, una declaración de la realidad de la existencia del Hijo de Dios que habla en testimonio de El por cuanto ese conocimiento fue revelado a profetas que hace muchísimo tiempo llegaron a conocerle en este hemisferio occidental.

En verdad, mis queridos y jóvenes amigos, vosotros sois un linaje escogido. Espero que no lo olvidéis jamás. Espero que le deis la importancia que merece. Espero que crezca en vuestros corazones un intenso sentimiento de gratitud a Dios, que os ha hecho posible venir a la tierra en esta maravillosa etapa de la historia del mundo.

Pedro habla de una “nación santa” (1 Pedro 2:9) y no se refiere a una entidad política sino a una vasta congregación de los santos de Dios: hombres y mujeres que andan en santidad de ello emanan.

La descripción final del apóstol Pedro: “pueblo adquirido por Dios”, es decir, un pueblo singular.

Desde luego que sois singulares. Si el mundo sigue sus actuales inclinaciones y si vosotros sois obedientes a las enseñanzas y a los principios de la Iglesia, os volveréis aún más singulares y extraordinarios a la vista de los demás.

A cada uno de vosotros digo: A vosotros, los miembros de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días, se os han enseñado muchos principios de origen divino, los cuales se basan en los mandamientos que el dedo de Dios escribió en las tablas de piedra (véase Éxito 31:18) cuando Moisés habló con Jehová sobre el monte. Vosotros los conocéis y los conocéis bien.

Los principios que se os han enseñado también se basan en las bienaventuranzas que Jesús habló a la multitud. Estas, junto con otras de las divinas enseñanzas del Señor, constituyen un código de valores éticos, un código de enseñanzas divinas que vosotros conocéis y de conformidad con las cuales tenéis el deber de vivir.

A ellos se han añadido los preceptos y los mandamientos de la revelación de los últimos días. Combinados, esos básicos y divinos principios, leyes y mandamientos deben constituir vuestro código de valores. Y no podréis evitar recibir los frutos de la obediencia a ellos. Si os regís por ellos, no vacilo en prometeros que conoceréis gran paz y felicidad, progreso y logros. En la medida en que no los observéis, lamento deciros que en esa misma medida recogeréis los frutos de la desilusión, la tristeza, la desdicha y hasta la tragedia.

Vosotros no podéis permitiros hacer ninguna cosa que no esté totalmente de acuerdo con los preceptos, las enseñanzas y los principios que el Dios de los cielos ha establecido por Su amor a vosotros y Su deseo de que en vuestras vidas abunden lo bueno y la felicidad.

Y así invito a todos los que me estéis escuchando a pensar un momento en por que estáis aquí por el divino plan de vuestro Padre Celestial y a pensar en el inmenso potencial que tenéis para hacer el bien durante la vida que Dios os ha dado. Sabed que os amamos, que os apreciamos, que os tenemos confianza, sabiendo que dentro de poco vosotros asumiréis posiciones de liderazgo en la Iglesia y grandes responsabilidades en el mundo en que viviréis.

Que Dios os bendiga, lo pido humildemente y doy testimonio de estas cosas, en el nombre de Jesucristo. Amén.” Fin de cita

Esa es la  misión de todos nosotros en esta Iglesia, ser un pueblo santo, un pueblo escogido adquirido por Dios. Y esto lo comparto en el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen. 






















Saturday, November 29, 2014

Saying thank you

I have been asked to speak in Church and will be working on my talk all day today. Daniel is out of town so the house feels so lonely at times. I miss my hubby. I don't know how people who are by themselves do it. I am a social person and love having company. I wish at times I lived in El Salvador where is so easy to have parties like the ones my sister Liz does, but the only problem is that I hardly know anyone there anymore. Besides planning for parties I also like attending workshops and devotionals. Anything that would get me to learn something new.

 I remember one time attending a seminar where the speaker asked to do an exercise. We were each given a piece of paper and a pencil and we were asked to take five minutes to quietly begin writing on our paper a list of all of the things we were grateful for. We were to write every tangible and non-tangible thing we could think of in our lives that we felt thankful for. The room was silent and we all began writing feverishly on our papers. I started my list with the obvious things like my family and my faith and my friends, but as I continued writing the thoughts of everything I am thankful for came pouring into my mind and my paper was quickly filling up to the point I had to turn it around and start writing in the margins to fit everything. When the speaker said to stop I was still miles away from finishing my entire list as the thoughts in my head kept coming.  But we put our pencils down and looked up at our speaker. Then she asked us to each look at our own lists of what we had written down and to consider when is the last time we thank God for these items in our prayers. It really made me stop and realize that although I pray daily and always try to thank God for my “blessings”, it had been a really long time since I had stopped to thank him for the blessings by name.

I think we forget sometimes to truly express gratitude on a regular basis for all the things we have been blessed with. I know that I am far quicker to get on my knees and ask for specific help when things are going wrong in my life,  or my children lives than I am to get on my knees and give specific thanks when things are going right.  That is something I really want to get better at doing – Thanking God for the specific things I am grateful for every single day.

Expressing gratitude is one of the best ways to change our emotions. It can take us from being sad to being happy in an instant. It can lift our spirit and improve our mood.  It’s amazing how powerful an influence feeling grateful can have on us for the better.  It’s impossible to feel depressed and grateful in the same moment…not only that but studies have shown that people who are thankful are not just happier but they are healthier too!

So my advice today is to make a gratitude list of all the specific things you are grateful for, then check it not just once or twice, but every single day of your life. Add to it as your list of blessings grow. And at the end of each day when you get down on your knees to pray, don’t forget to thank God for all of those items on your list!
Next year, when I do my new year resolution I am going to start writing a daily diary to be able to keep track of all the many blessings I am given each day.

Friday, November 28, 2014

What am I thankfull for

Yesterday we were invited to eat at some friends house where we ate and ate and ate but most importantly we shared around the table what we are thankful for: Daniel said he was thankful for me and for the fact that I support him in all he does even though I could be with my girls in Idaho celebrating with them. I had talked to them earlier since Mandy went there with Spencer and Bianca and Joseph are already there with Cristi and Brooks and the kids. It was also Mandy's birthday on the November 26 so they were celebrating the day before. I wrote this post on facebook about her birthday:
I would like to wish our daughter, Amanda Michelle Morrison a very Happy Birthday today! I want you to know how much I have loved you since I first felt you kick! After literally three days in labor getting ready for a c section somehow at that moment you hurried up and came into this world!! Nice!!! You were born on a Wednesday before thanksgiving like today, and how thankful I will always be for that special day!! Thank you for sharing your teen years with me when I needed you the most!! Thank you for teaching us all about animals and to be compassionate toward nature!! You are so beautiful in and out!! To quote a favorite book, "I like you for always, I love you forever... As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be." Happy, Happy 23rd Birthday Mandy!! And for this reason Thanksgiving time will always be a special season of the year for me. It's when I had a baby!
 Nancy said how grateful she was for the time in her life at the moment when she can enjoy her grandkids. Kent said how much he enjoys the diversity in the group and how much we all enjoy of each other's company and how being different from Nancy makes life so exciting. Mary said how much she enjoys her job as a teacher and how happy she feels helping them succeed but the one story that stood the most was someone at the table who shared his experience growing up with a single mother who  had several jobs to support the family. How he remembers one time when he was around six going to day care one day when  her mother had not come to pick him up so the woman at the day care called a taxi and sent him to where her mother was working. He remembers her mother looking for some money to pay for  the taxi and another time he had to be baby sat by a family Chinese family who owned a restaurant where her mother worked in the evenings so he was so thankful for all  her sacrifice. Even though she was not active in the Church, he made sure they were active.  She has passed away for 20 years now but he will always acknowledge all  what she did for him and his brothers. I told everyone how I love this Holiday because Thanksgiving is an American idea. No other country in the world sets a day in the year to give thanks and I am grateful to be part of this wonderful tradition.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Director's Seminar 11/20-11/23

We started the Director's seminar on Wednesday night by attending a temple session and than going the next day to Punta Cana. Dreams Resort and like always it turned out wonderful. That was probably the last time we go there if we move next year.

For me the highlight of the event was when Daniel spoke about a historic event that took place thirty years ago, when the first area presidency was introduced and now we are at another historic event because we are at a pivotal point as well when the self-reliance approach has been introduced. It is done the same way it was done when the pioneers organized themselves. He read D&C 136: 3,9,27 to become self-reliant and how they help others even when they didn't have much themselves. It is the same way now with the areas as each area becomes self reliant they are able to help other areas. He ended his presentation by saying: "We are the Church and He is at the helm."

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thanksgiving 2004

Today I hosted the expat luncheon. It was wonderful as always. People who are new here come because they want to meet people and socialize. Others come because they are loyal to these meetings and come no matter what and there are a few who never come for whatever reason, they are not interested and that's ok. No one is forced to join are group or feel obligated in any way to come so out of 14 possible, I had 8 who came and that is pretty good.

I told the women to share a story, poem or best memory of a thanksgiving and we had some fun stories that were shared and some even super funny, like making everyone sick and stuff. I had to share my most memorable thanksgiving. It was at a very difficult time in my personal life but somehow I managed to get busy and not  think too much about my situation. With the help of my girls we collected over 7,000 pairs of shoes and brought thanksgiving dinner to a poor community. The papers published it and thanks to google, this is what I says.

For Salvadorans living at dump, a helping of love




By Diego Mendez, Associated Press  November 26, 2004

SAN SALVADOR -- It wasn't exactly traditional, but it got to the heart of the holiday.

A group of 16 Americans and Salvadorans living in the United States flew to El Salvador to have Thanksgiving dinner yesterday with families who live at a trash dump.

Like many others in Latin America, the scavengers survive by sorting through waste to find old tin cans, food, and other items they can sell or eat.

Instead of the traditional US Thanksgiving turkey dinner, the scavenger families asked for a Salvadoran favorite: fried chicken from Pollo Campero, one of the most popular fast-food restaurants in the country.

Veronica Van Leeuwen, a member of the US charity group that sponsored the trip, said the families usually eat the remains of Pollo Campero meals they dig out of the trash.

The journey to the unusual dinner began when scavengers caught the attention of a Mormon missionary.

He suggested to a group in Salt Lake City that they should help the 300 or so families at La Espiga dump in San Luis Talpa, on the southern outskirts of San Salvador.

The group formed Soles for Souls to provide shoes for the scavengers, many of whom are forced to go barefoot and suffer severe infections from cutting their feet on broken glass and other sharp objects in the dumps.

Soles for Souls has collected $30,000 worth of donated shoes, school supplies, clothing, and toys that will be distributed to impoverished people near the dumps.

Van Leeuwen, a Salvadoran native who has lived in the United States for 26 years and is El Salvador's honorary consul in Salt Lake City, said the group selected Thanksgiving for its pilot project.

It seemed fitting, she said, as a ''symbol of the holiday and everything we take for granted."

She said members of the group decided to share the holiday meal at the dump because they wanted to get to know the people they were helping.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Marriage and family

Today I gave the class in Institute about marriage and it was one a hesitated in giving because I am no expert. I am not the best example since I was once divorced and the thought about giving this class scared me. I wasn't sure how to say to them, don't do what I did wrong, whatever that was so I gave a little prayer before I prepared and asked my Heavenly Father to help me and he did.

The class turned out amazing, the students were very much engaged in anything I had to say, and Daniel even showed up at the end, which he never does and told the class the way his father treated  his mother and how much people trusted him. After all, I have discovered how marriage is all about trust and I trust Daniel 100% without a shadow of a doubt that he will never ever betray me and I don't think there are too many women that can say that.
We live in a world where people go through relationships like they go through boxes of breakfast cereal. Many have relationships of convenience or relationships based on “having no one better so why not settle for this person??” Often times before ending one relationship people are out scouting for their next one, keeping their relationships going as if they were a revolving door. Divorce has honestly become so commonplace that one actually finds oneself surprised to find a happily married couple who has stayed together….and when its that rare circumstance where they might even like each other we are all stunned completely.

I came across the cutest quote ever!:

“When I’m older and my daughter asks who my first love was, I don’t want to have to pull out the old photo album. I want to be able to point out across the room and say – “He’s sitting right over there.””

None of us can change our relationship past….it is past. But we can change our relationship, present and future.

Remember the day you first met the love of your life? When you fell madly into love with them. When you would get butterflies when you were within a few feet of the person; experiencing those feelings are some of the very best types to experiences for sure. Who doesn’t love getting the butterflies of love?!

And once you find that you have those butterfly feelings, you then have to work to keep them alive and active. An article in Psych Central Magazine gives a few tips on how you can do this:

  1. Show your appreciation every day.
  2. Surprise your partner – write them an unexpected note, or do something cute for him like leaving a sexy voice message or writing a sweet note.
  3. Carve out time to be together each week.
  4. Devise your dream getaway
  5. Take turns planning dates
  6. Mix things up once in a while
  7. Take a class together
  8. Pick activities that are unusual for you
  9. Spend 30 minutes a day talking
  10. Do chores
  11. Remember what first sparked your love
  12. Give up a grudge
  13. Have a lazy weekend together
  14. Do more things together
  15. Be intimate and remember that communication builds intimacy

Being in love is a great feeling. Being in a love that can endure the test of time is the ultimate great feeling. But creating that kind of love takes time and effort. You just can’t sit back idly by and expect things to turn out the way you had hoped they would.

Make an effort for the one you love. Practice doing some of the things from the psych central list above for your sweetheart and bring the butterflies back!

I am working on doing #1 and 3 more often. 


Monday, November 17, 2014

Be yourself

Today Nancy and Joleen invited Cindi, Tammy and me to have breakfast. Tammy had to leave town today to get her baby checked at Primary Children's Medical Center to figure out why the baby is not growing or gaining weight so we all are praying for her.  We all had a nice visit with one another and found out some things about each other. Toward the end Nancy shared some words from sister Holland on how to be yourself that I love so this is what she quoted about her personality.
PERSONALITY:” Our father in Heaven needs us as we are, as we are growing to become. He has intentionally made us different from one another so that even with our imperfections we can fulfill his purposes. My greatest misery comes when I feel l have to fit what others are doing, or what I think others expect of me. I am most happy when I am comfortable being me and trying to do what my  Father in Heaven and I expect of me. For many years I tried to measure the oft times quit, reflective, Pat Holland against the robust, bubbly, talkative, and energetic Jeff Holland and others with like qualities. I have learned through several fatiguing failures that you can’t have joy in being bubbly if you are not a bubbly person. It is a contradiction of terms. I have given up seeing myself as a flawed person because my energy level is lowered than Jeff’s, and I don’t talk as much as he does, nor as fast. Given this up has freed me to embrace and rejoice in my own manner and personality in the measure of my creation. Ironically, that has allowed me to admire and enjoy Jeff’s ebullience even more. Somewhere, somehow the Lord blipped the message unto my screen’ that my personality was created to fit the mission and talents he gave me. For example, the calmer talent of playing the piano reveals much about the real Pat Holland. I would never have learned to play the piano if I hadn’t enjoyed the long hours of solitude required for its development. The same principle applies to my love of writing, reading and meditation, and especially teaching and talking with children. Miraculously, I have found that I have untold abundant sources of energy to be myself. But the moment I indulge in imitation of my neighbor, I feel fractures and fatigue and find myself forever swimming upstream. When we frustrate God’s plan for us, We deprive the world of God’s kingdom of our unique contributions, and a serious schisms settles in our soul. God never gave us any task beyond our ability to accomplish it. We just have to be willing to do it our own way. We will always have enough resources for being who we are and what we can become”. Pat Holland, LDS Women’s Treasury: Insights and inspiration for Today’s Woman, 104) I love  this because it makes me realize more and more that I need to love myself the way I am. Not to say, this is how I am and can't do anything about it, but to embrace the fact that it's ok to be me.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Dealing with the Church history

I found this post which I am reposting on my thread that expresses the same feelings I have toward the history of our Church but I may add one thing, ironically those same people that attack plural marriage 200 years ago, have no problem with boys  getting girls pregnant who end up having an abortion to avoid responsibility and that is clearly wrong. I know so many  people who would not be alive today if it wasn't for plural marriage. Kent and Nancy Rappleye are two wonderful people who are on  this earth because of polygamy so who is to judge.  At the end of the day, You will know them by their fruits!!
"Regardless of what some want to think about Joseph Smith, the Church is true. And whether you struggle with the principle of plural marriage, or not, or think polygamy even when commanded of God immoral it doesn't matter. It won't change a thing in relation to the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ -- it happened and Joseph Smith is the one whom the Lord called to establish His Church in the last days; knowing full-well his character. Bottom line: the stone cut out of the mountain will continue to roll forth until it fills every corner of the earth and sounds in every ear!

 I find it interesting that some members who were not aware of the complete history of the LDS Church in relation to polygamy would so easily question the integrity of the Church when finding out that like Abraham and other ancient prophets, God would require it of Joseph as well. Surprisingly, some have even left the Church upon finding out this information unable to reconcile the history in relation to the truthfulness of the gospel -- deeply sad. And it is from these sources the media is currently having a heyday with their eager willingness to make Joseph out to be something he never was – unrighteous.

 I'm not suggesting I fully understand polygamy, like it or even know everything there is to know about it -- I don't. What I am saying is that the Lord provided a way for every sincere seeker of truth to know if Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God and it has nothing to do with how many wives he was sealed to and what the ages of those he married were; as if that matters. It doesn't.

 What matters is that Joseph was obedient to what the Lord commanded him and that, to me, knowing what I do know about the history is incredible. Who among us has similar faith in keeping covenants we've made regardless of the price? Not so many, I think. Which is why those who do are considered, by God, "elect."

 I can't help but think about how difficult it is for increasingly more members to sustain the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on a number of important doctrines specifically related to current social issues.

 I’m grateful that Joseph Smith, evidence of a true prophet of God, regardless of the consequences was obedient to God and especially when what was asked of him was difficult to not only understand but to actually do, which he did. And God knowing all things knew how his actions would be twisted and sold to try and undermine the work of salvation and cause some to lose faith.

 There is a part of me that feels it a privilege to stand with the prophet, Joseph Smith, and bear my personal testimony that he is indeed a prophet of God. Perhaps this is in some way a test of faith for many of us – I hope we pass.

 Not too long ago I wrote about how I gained my testimony of the prophet through the Book of Mormon, thus my knowledge that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true – I know it. Surely, God knew that man would challenge man, because every man is fallible and subject to unrighteous judgments based in ignorance or even hate. Therefore, He prepared a way that His children, regardless of man, could know for themselves that this work is true and that His prophet, no matter the accusations, was called of Him to do this marvelous work and wonder!

 The Family: A Proclamation to the World is an inspired document that lays out the doctrinal foundation for the plan of salvation. And yet, as the world rejects that marriage is ordained of God only between and a man and woman progressive Mormons judge God's prophets' on the wrong side of history when they council members to do everything we can to defend natural marriage. Why should we care what the world advocates when we have prophets upon the earth? Unless we care more about what people think of us than what God commands?

 Because most covenant members consider the counsel and teachings of prophets and apostles inspired, we believe that what they teach and direct is God’s will. Unfortunately, some who consider themselves faithful set themselves up as judge and jury of every word that proceeded forth from their mouths. By their own intellect, they determine if various counsels, often according to the world’s standards of what is politically correct, are inspired and worthy of their sustaining actions. If it is not, they feel comfortable taking on a contrary opinion justifying such a position on the potential fallibility of their guidance and instruction believing themselves more inspired.

 From that post I wrote:

It is not a light thing to profess that a testimony of the authenticity of The Book of Mormon come from God and produces, as its byproduct, a testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith. Period. God in His masterful way intended this to be so. And it is precisely this faith based and Spirit-testified testimony that has the power to save us, literally!

I know this is true. I know this power in my own life. I know this truth is my own personal lifesaver — because it saves me every single day.

All around us we see our brothers and sisters in the gospel fall by the wayside. Each casualty has a personal story as to what has caused him or her to choose to leave the path. Unfortunately, and far too often, it is due to a lack of conviction. And here is where the importance of a testimony based on the truthfulness of The Book of Mormon, in my experience, applies its incredible power.

Because I know by the Power of the Holy Ghost that The Book of Mormon is a true record brought forth by the Gift and Power of God, I also know (Think of how many people today, even some within the Church, detest and even mock that phrase) that Joseph Smith was and is a true prophet of God.

Said Gordon B. Hinckley in one of my all-time favorite General Conference addresses about The Book of Mormon:

“The Book of Mormon is the only book ever published, of which I know, that carries in it a promise that one who reads it prayerfully and asks concerning it in prayer will have revealed to him by the power of the Holy Ghost a knowledge that it is true (see Moroni 10:4).”


Because of my own experience in acquiring this specific knowledge, President Hinckley’s testimony has remained with me — in understanding how profound this promise, from God, is intended to be for each of His children. It is real and available to all willing to exercise faith in Jesus Christ and His words. And, it is that which develops unfaltering conviction.

joseph smith polygamy gospel topics essays

In the midst of the current storm, may each of us who have made sacred covenants to defend the kingdom of God continue to stand with Jesus Christ and feel it a privilege to also stand with the prophet of the restoration and those who continue to hold the very same keys to direct the great work of salvation.

 I do have compassion for any whose faith is challenged by those who would turn God’s work into drama and twist much of what we don’t know or fully understand about polygamy as a way to shed negativity on the Church. I would say that instead of allowing doubt to overtake you turn toward what God has given us so that we are not tossed to and fro with every prevailing wind or fiery dart of the adversary.

 From what I hear, the forecast is rough and unless we are firmly rooted through His intended promises we will likely end up off course. So hold on and whatever you do stay in the boat!

 Kathryn Skaggs

 Mormon Newsroom: Church Provides Context for Recent Media Coverage on Gospel Topics Pages.  A complete list of the in-depth essays is listed below: some of these essays were written by our neighbor, President Corbitt who is presiding over a East Santo Domingo mission at the moment.

1.Are Mormons Christian? November 20, 2013

2.First Vision Accounts November 20, 2013

3.Race and the Priesthood December 6, 2013

4.Plural Marriage and Families in Early Utah December 16, 2013

5.Book of Mormon Translation December 30, 2013

6.Book of Mormon and DNA Studies January 31, 2014

7.Becoming Like God February 24, 2014

8.Peace and Violence among 19th-Century Latter-day Saints May 13, 2014

9.Translation and Historicity of the Book of Abraham July 8, 2014

10.Plural Marriage in Kirtland and Nauvoo October 22, 2014

11.The Manifesto and the End of Plural Marriage October 22, 2014

Mormon Women Stand: 5 Common Concerns: Polygamy, Joseph Smith, and the Church

 Sixteen Small Stones: Some Thoughts for LDS Members Who are Surprised and Upset about Joseph Smith’s Polygamy
The Millennial Star: Why didn't the Church teach me this stuff?

 Mormon Women: For those who struggle with Mormon history of polygamy

 We Talk of Christ We Rejoice in Christ: Joseph Smith and Polygamy

Saturday, November 15, 2014

S & I Convention 11/11-11/14

Once a year we are invited to the S&I three day convention with the coordinators to get our batteries charged.  Daniel has always stated that this area is the first he's invited to attend as a DTA
The convention was from Tuesday Nov. 11 to Friday Nov. 14, 2014. What I learned in  those three days will last with me forever. There were so many good things shared by wonderful people in the room so I will start with Elder Martinez and his wife, than brother Anderson from Salt Lake, than brother Rappleye  than the rest of the group and last but not least my sweetheart Daniel.

Elder Martinez had us read a few scriptures to analyze further. One was D&C 6:36 and 37 " Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not. Behold the wounds which pierce my side, and also the prints of the nails in my hands and feet; be faithful, keep my commandments and ye shall inherit the kingdom of heaven. Amen". I was thinking about so many times fear of things to come overtake our thinking but we should have more trust in the Lord. The Josephs from Haiti had their home broken into by robbers while they were attending the seminar and they expressed that they were not worried after listening to Elder Martinez.

Brother Anderson spoke on being on the right journey toward exaltation.That the trials in our lives is what makes us get closer to him. We are here on this earth to reach our potential and to become better. Even when you have been born again you have a body that has desires, we all have temptations, we all love chocolate! Sexual drive is given by God but if you are looking in the wrong places, don't go there! We need to be clean before the Lord. Invite all youth to attend seminary and Institute. Don't miss one. Mosiah 18:21 D& C 66:3 sins of omission Good, better, best!

Use your talents. We need not only to use the talent given to us but to make it better, to improve it. He went over Revelations 7: 9, 13,14 This is the only way to become better, if you take away the pressure there is no progress, you can't find the word fun in the scriptures. We are to have peace but not as the world gives peace. Some decide to get out of the pressure by leaving the Church, the pressure that turns us into saints. There is no other way.

He had us read Mosiah 23:14  The responsibility we have as teachers is to be great examples. Job 13:15 He allows death, trials, burdens but faith is not only thing that we should never lose.

To believe is faith in the old testament = Trust! D&C 67:13 talks about to continue in patience until you are perfected. Be the way we are. Don't try to be like someone else. God loves us the way we are. Think of what is your mission in life and try to fulfill it and how do you know if you are making any progress  on what your mission is? read 2 Nephi: 28 Also know what the Gospel of Jesus is all about, read Matthew 22: 36-39 A fellow was making a painting of Christ and as he went to show President Kimball all the different portraits of Him and asked to choose which one was the closest, President Kimball said: look into my eyes, there should be love for all people, the portrait of Jesus should show loving eyes. He ended by saying Jesus loves everyone!

Brother Rappleye discussed the talk by Elder Martinez on service and it was nice to have his son in law and elder Martinez daughter commenting first hand because the stories on this talked were about those two families  who went to help after the hurricane George hit Puerto Rico. How much we need to observe and than act when doing service. How we need to be in tune with the spirit to tell us what to do and how home teaching and visiting teaching is so vital in order to serve one another. We went over Moses 7: 18 and the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart, and one mind, and dwell in righteousness; and there was no poor among them. Jacob 2:17-19 explains the principle of prosperity. Pay your fast offering and not only pay it but be generous. This is how we help the poor and how much does it cost? 0 because it does not cost anything because we would have spent it eating anyway. Next: Seek personal development. We read Matthew 11:5, ( The poor received the gospel) Matthew 19: 16-20  Mosiah 4:26 We are expected to become self-reliant to be able to help those in need. Is what it's called raising the bar. He explained how that term came about and drew a picture. No excuses. Elder Gardner is blind and does everything anyone around does, he is a distinguished lawyer and successful in all he does. Another example: Dr. Carson His mother was one of 24 children, she married to a 28 year old fellow at age 13 but at age 8 or 10 his mother separated and only said: "your father has done bad things and he is not going to be living with us". She was on her own, would check into the mental hospital because things were so bad. Ben while he was in grade school was made stupid and was ridiculed until he found out that he needed glasses to see. His mom had a 3 grade education but made him study hard and encouraged him to never give up. He later was given an award but still the fact he was black was hard for people to accept him. Ben Carson became a successful Dr. so much that he was the one responsible for separating twins joint at the head. He wrote a book " Gifted Hands" and now he is running for President. Another great example was Mary Murdock who died on her way to the Utah but told someone to tell her son John the following " Tell John that I died with my face facing Zion" What is the legacy we want to leave behind? Alma 48:11-13, 17 We are leading as people to the welfare of our brothers and sisters. We want to be knows firs of all as people with integrity, people who are valiant. people who think of others. Example of Moroni who was valiant and didn't fear men. Jesus was crucified because he proclaimed to be the son of God, the bread of life, all was fine and dandy feeding the 5000 physically but as soon as he said I am the bread of life, people left. Is no much different today, we also believe that we are children of God but Satan wants to convince you that it is not true. John 10: 24-31 People get stuck on verse 30 because they read it out of context thinking that God the Father and the Son are the same thing when it clearly shows in the scriptures they are two different beings. We need to  have the courage to stand with difficult doctrine even when we will be standing alone. Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and John Taylor practiced plural marriage. Ended on October 6, 1890. Nancy and Kent Rapplleye would not exist today if it wasn't for plural marriage. 2 Samuel 12: 7-8 Jacob 2: 27-30 D&C 132 Brigham Young to with blacks couldn't hold the Priesthood; Gordon B Hinckley: The Family, A Proclamation to the World. given in 1995.At the time no big deal, it was accepted, but is it now? Thomas S Monson: Same sex marriage. What do we know, where do we stand? faith in following the prophet the one soul that will not led us stray and that is a promise. Moroni 7:48 Be still and know that I am God. Things will get worse and worse but we know who we are. There is no substitute for family prayer. What does the Savior want us to do? What does it mean to be a leader in the kingdom of God? What is our mission? Brother Rappleye ended the meeting with his wife standing by him acknowledging that he appreciates all she does for him and how much he loves her. He even gave her a kiss at the end. Very sweet ending.

In between this last meeting brother Britton from Jamaica and brother Muñoz shared their thoughts on social media.  brother Joseph on the new requirements to graduate form seminary, brother Gamiete of the role of priesthood leaders. It shared that there are 2400 LDS official sites for  the Church, that the most popular one is Facebook, followed by Twitter He read Moses 7: 60-62 The missionary work can be done this way without having to be knocking on doors and the same goes to what we know of our students. Are we helping them to improve their lives? Are we making a difference? Are we helping the students help others? Tips on how to post: Be natural, Be brief, Be Relevant, Be visual, using images, share scriptures, Mormon messages, talks,etc. example: If not us who? If not now when? to encourage young men and women to go on a mission. Remember President  Benson to fill the earth with the Book of Mormon. now is sweep the earth with good messages using social media. Know the difference of goals vs purpose or Metas y Propositos. #sharegoodness #comprartebondad. In Acient Greece Alenxander the Great was taught by Aristotle. Who are we teaching? We are the trainers like Aristotle was to Alexander the Great! The rules have changed. It is no longer just attending seminary that will get you graduated, now you need to read the material and pass an exam  and have a Bishop interview. D&C 124: 45-46  and 3 Nehpi 27: 10-11 were shared. Remember the 7 hats White: fact; Blue: management; Red: feelings; Black; opposition; Green: creative solutions; Yellow: optimistic.

Daniel spoke about a historic event that took place thirty years ago, when the first area Presidency was introduced and now we are at another historic event because we are at a pivotal point as well when the self-reliance approached has been introduced. It is done the same way it was done when the pioneers organized themselves. D&C 136:3, 9, 27 to become self-reliant and help others.  His presentation was very good. It lasted over an hour and well worth it. He ended by saying " We are the Church and He is at the helm'.