Some days you just need a good nap!!! As amazing as this holiday
time of year can be, it is without a doubt exhausting too! There are parties to
attend several nights a week, presents to buy, decorating to do, cards to
write, wrapping to be done, goodies to bake…there is a never ending list of
holiday related things to get done this month and if you’re not careful it can
wear you out!
Today was one of those days. I tried to pack a million things
in my day and was literally finishing one thing when as the next thing was getting started and it went on like that all day. By the end of the day
my brain was mush and I couldn’t remember what I needed to take to Uruguay so I emptied the suitcase and started over again. I wanted to take as many gifts as I could and didn't have too much time to think exactly if a certain item was going to be used or not but I took it anyway. There is Roberto, Sandra, Miguel Angel, Estela, and la abuela Nela. Roberto has married children, Pamela, Matias, Marcos and Nicolas, Nacho is serving a mission. His grandkids are Celeste, Joaquin and Abirl. His in-law children are Rebeca, Joaquin and Nico. Miguel Angel has four boys: Guille, Santiago, Rafa, and Augustin Estela has a son and a daughter Vanessa and her daughter Camila. My notes of ages and what they might liked were scattered all over my bedroom in piles and I had no idea
what they meant anymore since they were shorthand from the conversations I had
with Nela that no longer seemed relevant to me.
Then at around 6:30pm I needed to take the presents I purchased for Daniel's secretaries from work only to remember I had promised the Rappleyes to bake a quesadilla to take them before I go to give them the recipe. Ay-yay-yay! What was I thinking! Well, it’s now 10pm and I just finished the recipe and took it to them. Is a good thing they came home late so it gave me more time to finish. I realized by the end of the day that there is such a thing as trying to be too productive to the point that you just can’t let it all soak in anymore and it becomes an ineffective use of your time. I guarantee I will forget half of the things I should take because I am doing it all last minute including sending the Christmas cards, I plan to finish those on the plane and get them sent once I get to Miami. It feels like it is all a jumbled mess in my head tonight not to mention my home. What a mess! And at this point my brain is completely fried and I have very little of substance to share tonight other than this – Don’t try to do so much in a day that the day becomes completely un-enjoyable! It’s good to be productive and to get a lot handled, but it’s bad to do so much that you really don’t get to soak it all in. Lesson learned…scale back the number of things you try to pack into the day.
Leave yourself time in between your tasks to take little breaks so you can clear your head before you head into your next project. And when you have to do things late into the night try to pack your day a little bit lighter and vice-versa. Leave yourself time to at least answer a few emails and answer a few calls. Otherwise you get to the end of the day feeling completely overwhelmed. Trust me…that’s where I am ending my day today and I have decided I don’t want to let that happen again tomorrow, or the next day, or the next. So I am going to be smarter about blocking out my time so I can still be productive, but still enjoy the day and the people I am interacting with and still have a little bit of sunshine I my heart when my hubby gets home at night. No one’s family deserves to get just a burned out person at the end of the day…we owe it to them to save a little energy and happiness when they come home. That’s my goal for tomorrow because heaven knows I blew that today…now it’s off to hit my pillow and put today behind me with the hopes of a better day tomorrow as I should be awake at around 5:00 am which gives me two hours before we have to go. To top it all a friend was inquiring if their guests could stay in our apartment while we were gone and I had to tell her I couldn't get the house ready for guests and that I was sorry. Really, there was no way I could do that unless I didn't sleep at all but I was dead tired.