Saturday, July 4, 2015

4th of July is not the same abroad

Today I want to share the lyrics of a song by Lee Greenwood:

"I ma proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free. And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today. Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A."

There are some Holidays only celebrated in the US and the fourth of July is one of  them. It is one day I wish I was there because I am an American! Yep, some people might think I am a traitor but the truth is, as much as I love El Salvador, I love the United States of America. My children were born there and all our grandchildren too. Not to mention that I feel completely out of place in El Salvador and even as if I were a foreigner when I am there. That place is not what it used to be. That was my place of birth and my home for 18 years but I am 55 now. I have been an American citizen and have  lived in the United States more years of my life than in my homeland.

Too often we all take for granted what a great blessing it is to be considered an "Americano" to live in a country that stands for freedom of choice and freedom of religion. It's easy when you have those freedoms as part of your normal daily life to forget how truly lucky and blessed we are. That is why I miss not being in the States celebrating the Fourth of July this year because it is a good reminder of how blessed and lucky I am.

In the American School I attended, every time we had an assembly or every monday we started our week reciting the Pledge of Allegiance with says:

I pledge allegiance to the flag
Of the United States of America
And to the Republic for which it stands
One nation under God, Indivisible,
With Liberty and justice for all.

I don't think school do that anymore. Everything is Politically correct these days. It is sad, my children and grandchildren are not reminded to be grateful for this wonderful nation they were lucky to have been born in and to pay tribute to the fact that we became this great Nation under a God and his divine direction.

I hope you all get to enjoy this day for me.

God bless,

Friday, July 3, 2015

Our time is up

" Learn to appreciate what you have before time makes you appreciate what you had."

Today I had one of those moments finding myself whishing I had appreciated every moment of the five and a half years here in the beautiful Dominican Republic. I find myself wishing we had stepped away from the computer or turned off the TV a little more just to explore a little more this island. We never got to see the "cuevas de las maravillas" or gone to see the famous 20 something watterfalls or went out to meet the famous butterfly woman that a book and movie have been made but those moments have now passed and the opportunities are no longer there.

Unfortunatly that is the danger of not planning things to do- by the time you realized this the opportunity has usually passed. So my goal now is to make sure I don't do the same when I go to the Filippines. I hope to travel more with Daniel since he will not have to fly too much in this new assignment and perhaps I could tag along.

I also regret not knowing anyone in this buiding. I barely invites our neighbor to dinner just to say good bye and that is sad. I never got involved with the expat group here either and that is something I want to do as soon as I get there. We loved our time here but like so many good things, they need to come to an end.

This are three suggestions I saw posted that I want to apply in our new home in the Philippines.

1. Be present. I spend too much time lamenting about the past and worrying about the future. We need to learn to live in the right now.

2. Be grateful. Love what you have. I will remember that things could always be so much more worse than they are. I will give thanks and celebrate each day for what I do have.

3. Be kind. I will do something for someone else whenever I get a chance. By doing service for someone else it helps see beyond me and it immediately creares a feeling of gratitudes for all we have.

Recognizing and remembering all the good in your life is the best way to feel genuinely happy. Gratiture is a powerful tool to help make your life into everything you dream it to be. No matter what happens in this new home I choose to be present, be grateful and be kind.



Thursday, July 2, 2015

Ready for change.

" Life happens. Adapt. Embrace change, and make the most of everything that comes your way."

As  this week represents our final days living in the DR I felt most appropiate to talk about change because change is an interesting word. For some people it represents fear, and even terror, while for other people it represents adventure and excitement. In my experience, I have noticed that more people tend to fear change, rather than embrace it. I remember when Bishop Burton talked to Daniel about coming to the Caribbean Area, I was afraid he was asked to do the impossible. Daniel on the other hand loves challanges and he was right. He could do it! An office that had so many problems is now the best! Daniel had no fear! So here is what I have discovered about why people fear change at their job at all costs.

Some fear the unknown that change represents, especially when they have a lack of information, often times if there is no information human nature i to let the monsters in your head start to fill in the gaps with worst case scenarious, which leads to a major increase in a person's anxiety.

Some fear that change will represent a loss of some kind. A loss of a friend, or coworker, or position. or title, or even their fear of losing their own job.

Some fear that change will forcé them to leave their comfort zone. We get so used to the routine of the day to day ad the vence of security that gives us in our life, that the thought of a change will interrupt that sense of security, and leave us feeling lost and unsure.

Some fear that change might bring successes that they are not prepared to handle. New found success can bring more responsibility, more stress, and an increase in the expectations others place upon them.

All of these emotions are normal but what I love about my husband's line of work is that the Lord is on his side and through His teachings we learned that change is such a necessary part of life. We need it to grow. Change forces us to go beyond our comfort zone into unknown territory that we would likely have avoided if left to our own choice. Don't fear change. Welcome it! Change is going to happen, so why not greet it head on with a smile on  our face and an excitement for what if will teach you. Be happy to see change and be grateful that it will make you grow and evolve inot a better, stronger, and wiser person. And, never forget that change is what tyurns a simple caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly.

It has time to get ready for change and to say good bye to this beautiful place, and  the wonderful people we met and our home in the DR.

What an adventure this has been!


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Today was the release

Daniel was finally release today as the DTA for the Caribbean area. Guillermo Antivilo took his place. I was asked by the Bishop to give a 15 to 20 minute talk so this was what I said:

Mi despedida.
Hermanos y hermanas  antes de todo, quiero darles las gracias por su amistad, su interés en hacer las cosas bien y su paciencia con nosotros. Nos llevamos hermosos recuerdos de esta área y esperamos poder regresar algún día. Nos faltaron algunas cosas por hacer.  Nunca fuimos a las cuevas de la maravilla, ni las cataratas de los charcos, ni al acuario y aunque parezca mentira no recuerdo que mi esposo haya entrado a la piscina de nuestro propio apartamento pero talvez eso nos obliga a tener que regresar más relajados en calidad de turistas.

Durante los cinco años y medio yo pude observar como mi esposo oraba cada mañana para tener la guía del espíritu y lograr todas esas cosas que el Señor requería que hicieran como equipo. El trabajar para la Iglesia de Jesucristo es un privilegio y una gran bendición. No es como cualquier otro trabajo. Las personas que trabajan aquí tienen que demostrar ser íntegros. Llegando a tiempo a las reuniones, cooperando como equipo, trabajando muy fuerte y haciendo las cosas correctamente  a la manera del Señor. Gracias por ser todo eso y más. Gracias por su empeño en demostrar ser lo mejor de lo mejor y dar de su tiempo a la edificación del reino. Todos en este mundo queremos dejar un legado para las personas que nos siguen.

La vida es eterna y las familias son eternas. El legado que quiero dejar a mis hijos es eso precisamente. Que todos juntos logremos vivir con nuestro Padre Celestial.  Se los voy a presentar. Andres y familia, Gabriel y su esposa, Pablo y familia, Alejandro y familia, Hernan y familia, Analia y familia, Cristi y familia, Bianca y su esposo, Mandy y su esposo y Valentina, nuestra única hija soltera. Ellos son lo más importante para mí. Lo que hice ayer, lo que hago hoy, lo que hare mañana y sucesivamente lo que iré haciendo cada día de mi vida hasta el último día de mi existencia mortal yo voy a fijar mis ojos en esa meta de hacer todas esas cosas que me acercan a mi Padre Celestial. Cada día hasta el último día me preguntare si esto que estoy haciendo me acerca a esa meta de vivir con Dios y ser una familia eterna y depende de la respuesta lo hare o no lo  hare. Hay que comenzar con el final en mente desde el principio.

 Mi testimonio se ha fortalecido por haberles conocido. De las cosas que voy a extrañar es  haber vivido al lado del templo y haber tenido la oportunidad de servir en él. En esas paredes del  templo sentí el amor indescriptible de mi Padre Celestial y su hijo amado. Entendí que él me ama a mí y me conoce pero no tiene favoritos. A todos sus hijos nos quiere por igual. Entendí que todas las pruebas que pasamos sirven para llegar a ser como es el y que realmente desea que lleguemos a su presencia. Sé que el Libro de Mormón es la palabra de Dios y otro testigo de Jesucristo. Sé que por medio de José Smith la Iglesia de Jesucristo pudo ser restaurada y que hoy en día tenemos un profeta viviente que nos guía en estos días. Que el Señor los guarde, los cuide y los bendiga, en el nombre de Jesucristo. Amen

Con amor,