Saturday, June 30, 2018

Be Awesome

In a meeting we had with the employees Elder Bowen shared the idea of being AWESOME! he shared how the company he used to work for loved to “Surprise their clients with unexpected AWESOMENESS! I think at our office we should do it for the providers too because keeping the providers happy is just as important as keeping our clients happy – so SURPRISE both of them with UNEXPECTED AWESOMENESS!… 

So how can you surprise them with unexpected awesomeness? Be creative – do something to make them smile or lift their spirits. Do something to make their day. To inspire you to come up with ways to surprise them with unexpected awesomeness I am going to share a story I came across that is seriously one of the coolest examples of unexpended awesomeness ever! (It’s a little long but worth every second to read…just read fast so we don’t get behind today!) 

The Greatest Customer Service Story Ever Told, Starring Morton’s Steakhouse The following story is entirely true.

 More importantly, know that the story below was in no way staged, planned in advance, or in any way faked. This is real. And most importantly: This is AMAZING. 

“When my alarm clock went off at 3:30 this morning, I knew I was in for a long day. I was catching a 7am flight out of Newark to Tampa, Florida, for a lunch meeting in Clearwater, then heading back to Newark on a 5pm flight, getting me in around 8:10pm, and with any luck, to my apartment by 9 or so. We all have days like that, they happen from time to time.

 Made my flight, everything was on time, got to my lunch meeting. Because of the training/workout schedule I’m on, my first meal of the day was that lunch. Was fine, I had a healthy piece of grouper, and a very successful lunch meeting that lasted just about three hours.

 By the time I got back to the airport, it was close to 4pm. Flight boarded at 4:30pm, and I knew that by the time I got home, I wouldn’t have time to stop for dinner anywhere, and certainly didn’t want to grab fast food at either airport. When I got on the plane, my stomach was a rumbling a bit, and I had visions of a steak in my head. 
As I’ve tweeted and mentioned countless times before, I’m a bit of a steak lover. I go out of my way to try steakhouses all around the world when I can, and it’s one of the reasons, no doubt, that my trainer at my gym is kept in business. But it’s all good – give and take. Over the past few years, I’ve developed an affinity for Morton’s Steakhouse’s and if I’m doing business in a city which has one, I’ll try to schedule a dinner there if I can. I’m a frequent diner, and Morton’s knows it. They have a spectacular Customer Relations Management system in place, as well as a spectacular social media team, and they know when I call from my mobile number who I am, and that I eat at their restaurants regularly. Never underestimate the value of a good CRM system.

 Back to my flight. As we were about to take off, I jokingly tweeted the following: “Hey Mortons can you meet me at the Newark airport with a porterhouse when I land in two hours? K, thanks!”

Let’s understand: I was joking. I had absolutely no expectations of anything from that Tweet. It’s like how we Tweet “Dear Winter, please stop, love Peter,” or something similar. 

I shut off my phone and we took off. 

Two and a half hours later, we landed at EWR. The fact that a flight got into EWR on time during summer thunderstorm season is a miracle in itself, but that’s not important right now.

 Walking off the plane, I headed towards the area where the drivers wait, as my assistant Meagan had reserved me a car home.

 Looking for my driver, I saw my name, waved to him, and started walking to the door of EWR, like I’d done hundreds of times before.
 “Um, Mr. Shankman,” he said. I turned around. “There’s a surprise for you here.” 

I turned to see that the driver was standing next to someone else, who I just assumed was another driver he was talking to. Then I noticed the “someone else” was in a tuxedo.

 And he was carrying a Morton’s bag. 

Now understand… I’m a born-and-raised New York City kid. It takes a lot to surprise me. A LOT. I see celebrities on the Subway. I see movies being shot outside my apartment, and fake gunfire from any given CSI show, five days a week. I’m immune to surprises.

 Except when they’re like this.

 Alex, from Morton’s Hackensack walks up to me, introduces himself, and hands me a bag. He proceeds to tell me that he’d heard I was hungry, and inside is a 24 oz. Porterhouse steak, an order of Colossal Shrimp, a side of potatoes, one of Morton’s famous round things of bread, two napkins, and silverware. 

He hands me the bag. 

I. Was. Floored. 

Let’s make sure we’re clear on a few things here… 1) I was joking in my Tweet. I never, ever expected anything to come of it other than a few giggles.

 2) Morton’s Hackensack is 23.5 miles away from EWR, according to Google Maps. That meant that in just under three hours, someone at Morton’s Corporate had to see my tweet, get authorization to do this stunt, get in touch with Morton’s Hackensack, and place the order. Then Morton’s Hackensack had to cook the order, get it boxed up, and get a server to get in his car, and drive to Newark Airport (never an easy task, no matter where you’re coming from) then, (and this is the part the continues to blow me away,) while all this was happening, track down my flight, where I was landing, and be there when I walked out of security!
 Are you taking this all in? Because it happened to me, and I still can’t even fathom it. 

Think about all the things that could have gone wrong: My flight could have been delayed or diverted. I could have exited out a different location. (Had I taken the AirTrain and not had a driver, I never would have even exited that way!) I could have just missed him all together, I could have landed early, etc., etc…

 I have no doubt that countless companies think like that. They think along the lines of “Oh, too many logistics. That’ll never work,” and they leave it at that. 

But what if it does work? What if it happens, and it works perfectly, and it shocks the living day lights out of the person they do it to? Like it did tonight? 

And what if that person’s first thought is to make it public? Like I did tonight? 

We live in a world where everyone you meet is a broadcaster. Look around. Think of all your friends, all your colleagues. Do you know anyone anymore who doesn’t have a camera in their phone, or anyone who doesn’t have a Facebook or Twitter account? 

As I say in my book over and over again, customer service is no longer about telling people how great you are. It’s about producing amazing moments in time, and letting those moments become the focal point of how amazing you are, told not by you, but by the customer who you thrilled. They tell their friends, and the trust level goes up at a factor of a thousand. Think about it: Who do you trust more? An advertisement, or a friend telling you how awesome something is? 

Of course, I immediately tweeted out what happened: “I don’t believe it! Morton’s showed up at EWR WITH A PORTERHOUSE!” and sure enough, Twitter lit up like a bottle rocket. ————————————————————————– 

AMAZING STORY and BRILLIANT customer service! Think of the impact that company made by going the extra mile for that customer and think of how wide spread that impact was on their business. Just plain awesome.

This week’s challenge is for all of you to come up with ways to surprise someone with UNEXPECTTED AWESOMENESS! Share your ideas with one another if you like. Then don’t just talk about your ideas – implement them! I want to hear all about it when you do. It’s going to be a great week!

Con amor,

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

HR training & orientation

From June 28th we are going to have an HR training where Daniel will speak to the employees. After the meeting, we will go directly to the Mission Presidents training. A new mission has been added to make 22 missions in the Philippines.

Three new mission Presidents will be arriving and one Mission President was re assigned to take over a Mission. They only have one day to start the new mission. Daniel introduced himself and explained what the office does in the area.

Later I am traveling to Idaho.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Amazing story of perseverance 

When Jon and I were first married, we went through a lot of soul refining experiences. We didn't have money for basic things, like food or housing - because of losing our business. We were pushed past our breaking point, over and over again. We often thought we wouldn't make it ... alone, or together.

One thing that brought me through the first four years of court and bill collectors (that camped out on my front porch together, daily), was a picture I kept on my fridge of a grass hut hotel on the ocean in Tahiti. I thought, "Someday, if we can make it through all of this insanity, we will go there!"

Well, that someday is here. It's today! About ten minutes ago, I leaned over the balcony and a tear fell into the ocean. I stood by Jon's side, and together we admired this breathtakingly beautiful earth. My husband and I are still here, together, after many years.

Today is a day of reflection and beauty. My kids are safe and thriving. I'm humbled. My heart is beating fast and my mind is still - and so while we can soak up the good, we will.

I often joke when we're signing business deals, that "All they can take, is everything". I say this because if we lost our physical 'everything' again, we would still be standing. They can't take my family, they can't take my experiences and they can't take my determination. And if they repossessed it or we had to sell it all again, it's ok, because we've proven that we can make it. And that, my friends, is peaceful reassurance that God lives. What really matters are the people we journey with and the relationships we fight for.

Janae Moss

I do not know Janae Moss but her story of perseverance touched my heart. It gives hope to anyone out there who needs a little faith. 

Con amor,

Monday, June 25, 2018

A sing along FHE

Our family home evening with the Senior Missionaries was about music in our lives. The idea was to have people talk about a favorite hymn and then we sang it. One by one went and told story after story of a special song. What a nest idea to do for FHE if your know how to play the piano.

I didn't get up to say anything but if I had to pick one hymn it would be I stand all amazed because I have honestly never heard that hymn sang so beautifully than when Bianca sings it. She has done it multiple of time and each time is such a treat to hear her rendition. I should start practicing piano. That is something I regret so much not doing when I had the opportunity but it's never too late. I hope!

Con amor,

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Ten things to remember

Ten Things truly confident people do differently.

True confidence — as opposed to the false confidence people project to mask their insecurities — has a look all its own. One thing is certain: truly confident people always have the upper hand over the doubtful and the skittish because they inspire others and they make things happen. Today as I was teaching my lesson in Relief Society I needed to remember the following quote.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.” 
- Henry Ford

Ford’s notion that your mentality has a powerful effect on your ability to succeed is seen in the results of a recent studyat the University of Melbourne that showed that confident people earn higher wages and get promoted more quickly than anyone else.

Indeed, confident people have a profound impact on everyone they encounter. Yet, they achieve this only because they exert so much influence inside, on themselves.

We see only their outside. We see them innovate, speak their mind, and propel themselves forward toward bigger and better things.

And, yet, we’re missing the best part.

We don’t see the habits they develop to become so confident. It’s a labor of love that they pursue behind the scenes, every single day.

And while what people are influenced by changes with the season, the unique habits of truly confident people remain constant. Their focused pursuit is driven by these habits that you can emulate and absorb:

1.     They speak with certainty.It’s rare to hear the truly confident utter phrases such as “Um,” “I’m not sure,” and “I think.” Confident people speak assertively because they know that it’s difficult to get people to listen to you if you can’t deliver your ideas with conviction.

2.     They seek out small victories.Confident people like to challenge themselves and compete, even when their efforts yield small victories. Small victories build new androgen receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for reward and motivation. The increase in androgen receptors increases the influence of testosterone, which further increases their confidence and eagerness to tackle future challenges. When you have a series of small victories, the boost in your confidence can last for months.

3.     They exercise.A study conducted at the Eastern Ontario Research Institute found that people who exercised twice a week for 10 weeks felt more competent socially, academically, and athletically. They also rated their body image and self-esteem higher. Best of all, rather than the physical changes in their bodies being responsible for the uptick in confidence, it was the immediate, endorphin-fueled positivity from exercise that made all the difference.

4. They don’t seek attention.People are turned off by those who are desperate for attention. Confident people know that being yourself is much more effective than trying to prove that you’re important. People catch on to your attitude quickly and are more attracted to the right attitude than what, or how many, people you know. Confident people always seem to bring the right attitude.
Confident people are masters of attention diffusion. When they’re receiving attention for an accomplishment, they quickly shift the focus to all the people who worked hard to help get them there. They don’t crave approval or praise because they draw their self-worth from within.

5. They don’t pass judgment.Confident people don’t pass judgment on others because they know that everyone has something to offer, and they don’t need to take other people down a notch in order to feel good about themselves. Comparing yourself to other people is limiting. Confident people don’t waste time sizing people up and worrying about whether or not they measure up to everyone they meet.

6. They get their happiness from within.Happiness is a critical element of confidence, because in order to be confident in what you do, you have to be happy with who you are. People who brim with confidence derive their sense of pleasure and satisfaction from their own accomplishments, as opposed to what other people thinkof their accomplishments.

7. They listen more than they speak.People with confidence listen more than they speak because they don’t feel as though they have anything to prove. Confident people know that by actively listening and paying attention to others, they are much more likely to learn and grow. Instead of seeing interactions as opportunities to prove themselves to others, they focus on the interaction itself, because they know that this is a far more enjoyable and productive approach to people. If you struggle with this, emotional intelligence trainingcan help.

8. They take risks.When confident people see an opportunity, they take it. Instead of worrying about what could go wrong, they ask themselves, “What’s stopping me? Why can’t I do that?” and they go for it. Fear doesn’t hold them back because they know that if they never try, they will never succeed.

9. They aren’t afraid to be wrong.Confident people aren’t afraid to be proven wrong. They like putting their opinions out there to see if they hold up because they learn a lot from the times they are wrong and other people learn from them when they’re right. Self-assured people know what they are capable of and don’t treat being wrong as a personal slight.

10. They celebrate other people’s successes.Insecure people constantly doubt their relevance, and because of this, they try to steal the spotlight and criticize others in order to prove their worth. Confident people, on the other hand, aren’t worried about their relevance because they draw their self-worth from within. Instead of insecurely focusing inward, confident people focus outward, which allows them to seeall the wonderful things that other people bring to the table. Praising people for their contributions is a natural result of this.

Bringing It All Together
Building confidence is a journey, not a destination. To become more confident, you must be passionate in your pursuit of a greater future.
Please share your thoughts on confidence in the comments section below, as I learn just as much from you as you do from me. 
Dr. Travis Bradberry

 I think this was a good article on gaining confidence but I will also add, to be confident you need to be prepared. 

Con amor,

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Mike Murray

Today, I was looking at some of my notes I took from Mike Murray when he came to visit us in the Dominican Republic four years ago. A man I know and respect greatly, Mike Murray, gave some fantastic ideas on self-reliance while he was there. He is a great motivational speaker. We had that place overflowing of people inside the Institute building and even outside in the parking lot. 

  Mike Murray has had an amazing career. He went to school at Stanford, then went to work directly reporting to Steve Jobs at Apple Computers in his 20s as the head of marketing for the Macintosh.  Mike joined Microsoft in 1989 reporting directly to Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer.  He spent 10 years at Microsoft during a 10- year span when the company’s stock grew 40% year over year for the entire 10 year span.  Mike walked away from Microsoft having made significant money off his stock options.  Mike could have chosen to do anything with his money, but what he chose was to dedicate his money and his time to serving others through his charity work.  One of the charities Mike founded is called Unitus which helps increase access to microloans throughout India, Africa and other areas with a need in order to help people find a pathway to self-reliance.  Through his efforts he has been able to affect the lives of hundreds of thousands if not millions of people throughout the world.

The best part about Mike Murray is the fact that if you were to meet him on the street knowing nothing at all about his incredible success you would literally think you had met one of the kindest, most gentle hearted, humble, and unassuming men out there.  He shows no sign of arrogance or entitlement.  Mike acknowledges that he worked hard for many years to achieve the financial success he achieved, but he then immediately points out that he knows many people who have worked just as hard as he did yet did not get financially blessed the way he did.  You can tell that it genuinely bothers Mike that everyone who works hard doesn’t have the same financial rewards as him and he has now dedicated his life to helping everyone he can to achieve financial success too.

Mike is generous beyond belief. He is thoughtful and authentic and you can feel of his sincerity for helping others – not for the sake of gaining accolades or attention for himself, you can quickly see how uncomfortable that makes him – no, Mike does it solely for the purpose of doing all he can to help others succeed.  He is an amazing example for all of us.

I wish we all strive to follow his example. Mike Murray is one of a kind and so happens to own an apartment in City Creek so he is also our neighbor. We often see him working out at times we have gone to the gym. I am thankful that Daniel and I had a chance to associate with good people like Mike Murray and to learn from their examples of how to make the world around us a better place by using our time and talents and resources to help others. 

Con amor,

Friday, June 22, 2018

Ten things to remember

Ten things to remember when going through tough times:

Everything can and will change.

You have overcome challenges before.

It’s a learning experience.

Not getting what you want can be a blessing.

Allow yourself to have some fun.

Being kind to yourself is the best medicine.

Other people’s negativity isn’t worth worrying about.

You have lots of strengths as a person.

Anything is possible.

Great things take time.

The best way to heal a broken heart is to give God all the pieces.

 Con amor,

Thursday, June 21, 2018

On the Road Again

Today we were on the road for a total of 8 hours. Three to get there and five going home. This was a trip to see the new mission home and the lot where they are building the home. A Filipino couple is coming to this mission in only 10 days so Daniel needed to see that everything is set up for them.

It is amazing to think how expensive land and building has become. everything is on average around 500K just like it would be in the U.S. and I sometimes think, who buys these home? I guess, we do! People who bring money from abroad do. The home and neighborhood is beautiful. The mission President is so lucky to come to such a beautiful home Daniel and his team have been preparing.

Con amor,

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

What I love

I love to travel. I got my tickets confirmed. I have to leave on July 1st because there are no seats available later in the month. I am returning on August 2nd so that will be a whole month away for home leave.

I also love staying connected with my family and friends. I love to meet people and I love to write journals and stories to help my posterity get to know me. Besides waiting, I love to hike the canyons of our majestic mountains in Utah and kayaking at our beautiful lakes. I love working out and Zumba, yes, I really do! I don't mind exercising since I also love to eat. I love to cooking new recipes and love to bake. I also love to scrapbook and doing family History.

I grew up in El Salvador but have lived most of my grown up years abroad. From the longest I have lived in one place to the shortest: Utah was my home for 30 plus years, El Salvador for 18. The Dominican Republic for five, The Philippines for three and counting and Tucson, Arizona for three so as you can see, I have spent most of my life in Utah and hope to retire there since it is the gathering place for our family.

Con amor,

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Summer means: moving away or soccer games

The world cup is underway and that means a lot of time spent watching those games. Daniel is a huge fan of the Uruguay team and a close second is Argentina. Every year, Argentina almost makes it but loses right before or comes in second. 

Today we invited our neighbors to have dinner with us. The Haynies are leaving to go back to Utah and that is probably better for Debra. She doesn't seem heart- broken at all. the packers came and took all their stuff. They sold their home in San Diego and bought one in Salt lake. They had a realtor looking and a daughter showed them what they had found and just like that, they closed the deal. Wow, It's amazing how fast homes are selling in Utah. This is defiantly sellers market. 

It's interesting to think that we came at the same time and they are now gone but we still remain.  I wonder if this next year will be our last but for now at least we know that we have another 12 months to visit those beautiful places in the Philippines we hear about. We need to go exploring because our time to leave this area might come before we know it. 

Con amor,

Monday, June 18, 2018


I had heard so much of Legaspi and finally I got a chance to be there from June 15th to June 17th and that was the last thing I did for sister Uceda. I went everywhere with her from her arrival to her departure. It was very interesting.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Heavenly Father knows Best!

Father in Heaven knows Best!

Today is Father’s Day so in tribute to our Heavenly Father, I dedicate this post. 

 We all have a picture in our heads of how we think our lives should go.  We plan it out perfectly in our minds, laying out what seems to us to be the ideal plan for our lives.  We set goals toward it, we take action based on it, and we kneel down at night and ask in prayer for it to go the way we want it to.

There is a song called “Unanswered Prayers” by Garth Brooks and I am not a fan of country music but there are a few songs I do like and “unanswered Prayers” is one of them. This song has lyrics in it that teach an amazing life lesson.  The song is about a man who is thanking God for not granting him some of the things in life he had prayed for in his past (thus the phrase unanswered prayers).  The man had come to recognize that his life had turned out far better than it would have if God had granted him what he thought he had wanted and prayed for in his past.  He had learned that God’s plan was so much better than anything he could have conceived of at the time and he is grateful for the God’s wisdom in not always giving him what he thought he wanted.     

I love the lesson that song teaches because reminds us that when we pray for something we want at the time, and we don’t get it, we need to recognize that God is granting that prayer because He has something far better in store for us if we just be patient and have faith.  So often when we kneel to ask for something we don’t have all the facts, and we certainly don’t know the bigger picture of what could be in our lives, so we are lucky to have someone wise enough to know when to say “no” or “not now” or whatever it is that we need to hear in those moments, even if it infuriates us at the time because we aren’t getting what we wanted based on our own understanding of the options that exist.  We need to realize that there must be other options out there that we aren’t aware of yet, and it’s our job to hang on patiently and wait with confidence.  We need to remind ourselves to be grateful that someone is watching out for us and making sure we will have the very best thing instead of the thing we thought we wanted. 

I can count so many examples in my own life when I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to have happen.  I would get on my knees and pray my heart out for something, only to then be disappointed when it didn’t happen. But inevitably every time I went through this, as time passed and more facts came to light, it became incredibly clear to me why things needed to end up another way that was better than what I even knew existed so have faith that things will work out in the end.

Con amor,

Thursday, June 14, 2018

What we say

The words we say

“Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.” -Buddha

Words are such a powerful thing. Especially the words we speak. They can build up or tear down, hurt or heal, uplift or destroy. I personally believe that words, when unkind, can be far more damaging than physical pain and can take far longer to heal from. On the other hand, positive words can inspire, motivate, and change lives for the better. Words are a powerful tool. That is what I learned today from Elder Uceda and his wife  who are here with Elder Christofferson visiting the area for an area review. 

On Facebook there is something called Wordle.  A Wordle for those who are unfamiliar with that term is an automatically generated collage of the most commonly used words you have written that it lays out into a cool picture image with the most heavily used words you use in bold.  It is interesting to see what words we use over and over again. 

As I thought about this I couldn’t help but wonder – if all of us could pull every word that comes out of our mouths into a Wordle, what would our Wordle look like? Would we be proud of the words that we have repeated over and over again? Would we be proud of our Wordle of spoken words? Would it be positive and inspiring? Would it lift others up? Would it be full of complimentary words that we shared with others around us to give them credit and encouragement in their lives? Would the words “thank you” and “love” and “please” and “grateful” be big and bold?

I want to be more mindful of the words I speak each day so that if a Wordle was ever created from those words that I would be proud of it!

A great quote to think about when choosing your words you speak is this:

“If you wouldn’t write it and sign it, don’t say it.” – Earl Wilson

I think is important to consider the verbal wordle we are creating with our spoken words.  Let’s really focus on having our words be positive and uplifting and encouraging.  Compliment people with genuine feedback.  Share words of encouragement to lift someone’s spirits.  Speak words of gratitude daily.  Let the words we say leave a wordle that we will forever be proud of! The most used words for me were amor or love and family. 

Con amor,

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

I am the Interpreter

Today I was asked to be the interpreter for Sister Uceda. She has so much love for her country of Peru. She told people here that everything in the Philippines reminded her of Peru which is true and that can be said of any country in Latin America like El Salvador too.

It was wonderful to be able to translate but for some reason there came a part where I didn't understand her accent and didn't know what she was saying. That was a little embarrassing but I know deep in my heart, did my best! 

Later that afternoon we went to the Kilus factory and to have lunch together as sisters. I am not ever invited to go with the sisters but on this occasion they had to invite me because I was sister's Uceda interpreter. What a sweet tender mercy. Thank you sister Uceda. You will never know how much I appreciated your invitation to accompany you everywhere you went. 

Con amor,

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Independence day is on June 12

I will never think of June 12th the same way since it is the  important day for the Philippines. Daniel of course was at home working so I asked him to come with me to the Olongapo mission where I had to translate for sister Uceda. We had a great visit with the missionaries and the Mission President and his wife. 

Elder Uceda has a very unique style when teaching. He sounds almost like some Evangelical Pastor and likes to read a scripture one word at a time. Analyzing each root of every word.  It was very interesting to study the scriptures that way. He also had the missionaries understand the importance of staying in close proximity at all times for safety. They need to be able to see each other and hear each other at all times. The rule is very clear and it's in their missionary handbook. 

As I was translating for sister Uceda a feeling of love and gratitude came over me that I felt tears coming down my face. I felt so much love for these remarkable young men and women. what a blessing to have been there! 

Con amor,

Monday, June 11, 2018

A day at Intramuros

For the first time we got to spend a whole day with our General Authorities visiting our area. It is now Elder Christofferson's turn and Elder Uceda who are here doing an area review.

The trip to Corregidor got cancelled because of bad weather so we went to intramuros instad. We learned about the history of the Philippines and later we were able to attend dinner. What a blessing it feels not to be excluded for once. This is the first time ever that we are invited to attend dinner with the Area Authorities and what a tender mercy that is. All thanks to sister Uceda who needed a translator.

I can't help to compare the way it was when we lived in the Dominican Republic. Elder Wilford Andersen, and Elder Cornish worked very closed with Daniel and really appreciated him as another counselor so we were invited to attend all of their meetings and that has not been the case here in the Philippines. There is no protocol of what to do with the DTA it is all up to the Area President.

I am grateful for this day and blessing because I know it probably won't happen again unless we get a new Area President that is more inclusive.

Con amor,

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Advice to a young woman

Advice to young women:

Yesterday was my gorgeous daughter Cristi’s 36 birthday but she looks like she is only 20 but I  wonder if she is thinking that she is not as pretty as she is gets older. 

1. You are at least ten times prettier than you think you are. That holds true no matter how pretty you already think you are! Don’t believe me? Ask your mother/auntie/grannie if she thought she was pretty when she was twenty. She’ll say no. Then find a photo of her at that age. See what I mean?

2. The only thing you should be faking is confidence. If you don’t have it yet, pretend you do. In every new situation, pretend you’re not nervous, pretend you’re not afraid. After a few times doing this, the pretend part disappears.

3. Want to try something new like painting, skiing, running your own business? Go to the library and borrow ten different books on the subject. Skim through them all, find the ones that have the most vital information and study them. Then see number 2.

4. No matter how old you get, remember what it was like to be a nine-year old girl. Remember the feeling of freedom. If you’ve already forgotten, do a cartwheel. You can so still do one. Savor that feeling. Wake up with it every day. You’ll stay young until the day you die.

5. In the same vein, cut or potted flowers are never a waste of money. Because every time we glance at them, they remind us how much beauty there can be in the world.

6. Speaking of money, starting right this moment, whether you’re twenty or sixty, you can change your finances around. Don’t leave someone else completely in charge, whether it’s your husband, partner, parents, or banker. Become financially savvy. Financial independence gives you the freedom to walk away from many bad situations. How do you know you’re in bad situation? See number seven.

7. If your stomach hurts and you haven’t got a virus, you’re in a bad situation. Before you know what it is, your stomach always does. Give yourself some time to ponder what it might be that’s making your stomach hurt. Chances are you already do know, you just don’t want to believe it, for some reason. You can ignore advice from your friends, even your own brain, but you can’t ignore your stomach, because the stomach never lies.

8. When meeting someone new and he or she seems to be behaving like a jerk, show compassion first. If after you display your sincere compassion, they are still acting like a jerk, walk away. If they follow you, call the police.

9. Wear sunscreen on your face, neck, and hands every day, winter and summer. I don’t care how dark your skin naturally is. Wear it. You’ll remember me when you look in the mirror at age fifty. Always keep in mind that Your body is directly connected to your spirit. Look after your body. Exercise, floss, and brush your teeth. Put nothing in your body that can permanently harm your spirit.

10. And when you find a man and he’s the right man…meaning your stomach doesn’t hurt, he’s smiling at you, he knows your name, he treats you kind, he shows you respect  – enjoy it!  I promise he is not at all thinking about how fat your thighs look.

And that my friends is some awesome advice. Ms. Davies She has also written a book The Diva Doctrine that I am going to read.

Today I will start writing about all the wonderful notes and pieces of good advice received over the many years. I don't want those precious moments and good comments to be forgotten. 

Con amor,

Friday, June 8, 2018

Assessing your personal Integrity

To continue the topic of Integrity here are some more quotes from Elder Rasband as he spoke to BYU students on March 13, 2018

Assessing Your Personal Integrity
Assess with me for a minute how you see and exercise integrity:
  • Do you choose to “stand . . . in holy places, and be not moved”?20 What does it mean to you to hold a current temple recommend and to count it a privilege? Do you seek peace and comfort in the temple? Is temple worship of our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ, part of who you are?
  • Do you pray for promptings to help someone the Lord knows needs assistance? Or is your schedule too busy?
  • When you make a mistake, do you deny it or blame someone else? Or do you face the issue and resolve it?
  • When friends are maligning someone or being rude, do you step away? Do you take their defense? Or do you join in for the sake of being a part of things?
  • How do you keep the Sabbath day holy? How fully do you live the BYU Honor Code? The Word of Wisdom?
  • If you served a mission, are you still doing the work of the Lord or have you slipped back into old habits? Are you setting aside time for daily scripture study and morning and evening prayer?
  • Do you honor and sustain the president of the Church and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles? How do you speak of, support, and follow their initiatives and teachings?

These are just a few ways you can spot-check your personal integrity. When you leave this sacred school setting, what will you be known for? The time to decide your epitaph is not at the end of your career but at the beginning. Right now. Will you be moral, ethical, and honest?

In Proverbs we read, “The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.”21 Integrity shapes a legacy, a path for others to follow.

Con amor,