Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Trip to El Salvador 2012

The year is almost ending and I had not gone to El Salvador at all. Tio Carlos daughter Karla is getting married in November but that is when Valentina arrives in Santo Domingo for Thanksgiving so the only time left for me to go was from September 19 to the 24. Right around the time of Liz's birthday.

I first got to Puerto Rico and left the next day via Miami to El Salvador. Got to see Maricela in the airport and on the way back. The trip was needed to check on an apartment that I hope to sell, check about who owns the tittle and get a power of attorney signed over to Liz. For now is being lease to two girl missionaries and it is a blessing for me that they are there. It brings a good environment to the apartment.  During this visit, I even got to see the vise consul of foreign affairs Juan Jose Garcia so he is now aware of the situation in Utah not having a much needed  honorary Consul  I also wanted to see my mother to find out from her doctors more of her leg condition. I worry about her being diabetic and not controlling her sugar levels.

A four day trip is too short. No time to go to the beach or do anything relaxing except that I did go to the Salon a few times. Nothing feels better than getting a good facial, massage, manicure and pedicure. It was also great to see Liz and her family and actually be there to celebrate her birthday. It was great to go to the beautiful Church next to the Temple on Sunday and see so many dear people I knew back then. I even got to see Rafael Siman who is one of my best true friends. All in all, the trip was all worth it!

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