Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Well hello there! How are you all doing? In only seven days I should be embarking in another adventure and can I just say that I LOVE sunny days in December!  I didn’t grow up with snow so for all of you out there who are dreaming of a white Christmas, I must say that sorry but I honestly don’t share your sentiment!   I mean really, sunny days are the greatest!  There is something about the feeling of sun on your skin that just makes you happier…am I right?!

Today I am thinking a lot about all the good things in my life. I have been thinking about how grateful I am to have an incredible family, amazing friends, and unbelievable life experiences I have been able learn and grow from. Today I feel truly blessed. I live in the Philippines but have been blessed to travel over to where you are. Next week, exactly in 7 days on December 12thDaniel and I will be on several planes to Salt Lake City, Utah. Not because we want to see the snow but because we want to see our family. Later in the month we will be visiting family in Uruguay where we can again enjoy the Summer weather. Yay! 

We are all blessed. No doubt about it. We may all be blessed in different ways but without question we all are. Anyone who can read this blog right now is blessed to have sight, and anyone who can run outside is blessed to be able to walk. We should all be able to find the ways we are so lucky to be alive! 

It’s funny….it is seriously impossible to feel sad or stressed out in the moments you are feeling blessed. Gratitude seems to be the perfect solution for putting a smile on your face. I feel so happy as if I had just taken some Prozac, all because I get to go home! That is why I feel so blessed! 

Con amor,

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