I can hardly believe that it was exactly three years ago, that we arrived in Buenos Aires from Manila. From July 2019 to February of 2020 was a sheer whirlwind of activity of visitors coming and going until March of 2020. The pandemic is all people talked about for a long time. Argentina had a strict lockdown of 18 months that felt more like house arrest so when I realized that it was the three -year anniversary over the weekend from when we arrived, all I could think of is how it feels like it happened forever ago, as opposed to just three years.
During our time down South, we had the death of a dear uncle but to compensate for that, we added four new grandbabies, I celebrated my twelve- year wedding anniversary to my amazing husband; my oldest daughter turned forty and the youngest turned thirty. Two granddaughters graduated from High School and my nephew and niece got married. Yes, a tremendous amount has happened over these last three years and for that, I am grateful.
During the last six months, just as we are leaving, we could transition smoothly out of the lockdown into a more normal situation. How ironic! Just when we could travel and explore the beautiful countries of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay, we need to go. It has been an incredibly different experience for Daniel and me. Our time in Buenos Aires will be remembered as the time we survived the Covid-19 pandemic. Daniel knew what exactly needed to get accomplished at work before we went back and he did it!
On the one hand, it feels incredibly exciting because we could finally do stuff with our family, but on the other hand it was incredibly disconcerting because I was so used to having all my time and days mapped out for me and now I am free to choose how I want to spend my days. I am not restricted in staying in one place. I can move around. Our new assignment is in the U.S. which means that I am writing the last page of the last chapter as an expat.
Daniel has worked crazy hours ever since she was asked to be the DTA for the Central Area in the U.S. but also continued working in the South America Area. The new DTA officially starts on August 1. For the first time in twelve years I am able to really stop and ask myself “exactly what am I excited to spend my time doing? “
Up until this point I had always been busy in order to support my husband so I never really stopped to ask myself “if you could do anything what would it be?”. But now I can, and the answer is that I am figuring the answer to that question out a little more each day as I continue moving myself forward toward the things that I have a passion for, like family history. I will be writing books.
Had you asked me three years ago where I would be today I would have answered that we would still be in Buenos Aires. I had no idea our move would come so quick because time flies when you are busy and having fun. To each person, I met for the past decade as an expat, thank you for your friendship. Keep up the faith. I will always remember you. And for those who read my blog, know that I hope someday our paths will cross. This is only the end to a blog where I wrote each night except when on vacation not the end of my life. I will keep writing in a different blog.
The End!
Con amor,