Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Don't cry for me Argentina

We are moving! 

The movers are coming. Only a few months ago we were so happy that finally we were going to explore the South America South Área. Argentina had a strict lockdown during the pandemic and ironically now that we are starting to go back to normal, we had all these amazing trips in the works, but the Lord had other plans.

Endings are always hard. We love you all so much my dear friends with whom we shared wonderful memories for the past three years. Letting go of you it’s hard. But endings are also necessary as they allow for new beginnings to occur. If nothing ever came to an end then nothing new could ever begin. 

Out time as expats is over which means that this blog will also end. It was where I wrote my experiences living abroad and that will no longer be the case. Daniel received a new assignment in the Central States and Canada. It's official, we are moving back to reside in Bountiful Utah.

The movers will be here tomorrow to send our stuff. The tricky thing is to know what we should keep for the next three months before we get our things. We have accumulated so much stuff. That is my biggest worry. What to do with it all.

Con amor,


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