Monday, November 30, 2009

Things a good leader does

It’s official, we are moving away. Daniel is a good leader. Here are five things to do as a leader!


1. Excitement! Daniel is always excited about his work no matter how challenging it might be. If you are excited right now, don't lose the excitement. There are people in all walks of life that can't stand to see you succeed. They get jealous and do their best to give you reasons to slack. Don't be a slacker. 


2. Obey rules! Look around you. Follow the rules. Daniel is obedient to rules. He learned that from his father. Follow procedure but find ways to do more without expecting anything back regardless of who sees and who doesn't. Share your ideas good or bad and discard the bad as fast as a rotten potato. Become a value part of any place you work. Don't be complacent just because others encourage it. 


3. In every job there is something to take pride in. I heard of a woman teaching her grandchildren how to wash a china dish. She and her husband had run a restaurant and the one thing besides the great food that brought people back was that the dishes were spotless. Not a speck of food anywhere on them. When lined in a row they were beautiful not just something to plop food on but incredibly so clean each plate looked as if it was new and being used the first time. She said to them. These people honor me with trust and pay me for doing something I love. I treat them as my loved ones. Treat each job you ever have as treasure. Each one will help you develop the skills to move though life with integrity if you will let it. 


4. Learn discipline in speech and honesty. Never let pressure to get something done push you to take short cuts that cheapen who you are. Be the best of you at all time and in all paces. 


5. In every job you work with people who also have lives of stress, sadness and successes. Learn to care. Hear their voices. Listen for a tired voice and empathize. Daniel always has a listening ear to anyone is distress. He is so kind and that is why I married him. 


Con amor,


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