I found out my husband was having an affair.
My heart was hit hard by the news on April 27th, 2004
...and my daughter at home was stressed to the breaking point. Wondering what would happen next? The world she knew had collapse.
We knew of so many people around us dealing with divorce but when our turn came, we sobbed just like everyone else.
But unlike most people, my tears turned to laughter. Within the hour, I had made the decision that changed the course of my life forever. In fact, as I walked out of my house and got in my car headed to downtown Salt Lake City, I was screaming Nooooo and crying...but by the time I turned around and made it back home, I was already laughing!
Anyone seeing me at that moment would have thought I was insane. Crying and laughing at the same time. But the Lord had turned my tears of sorrow into tears of laughter as I realized He had just set me free. He had done me a huge favor. He immediately reminded me of my dream of going back to school. And I decided THIS was my moment. THIS was my chance to finally go after finishing my degree.
If He hadn't intervened, I'm not sure when I would have escaped the unhappy marriage treadmill I was on. Not sure I ever would have the time to start fresh and to step into my true destiny with someone who values me for who I am inside.
Now, after years of a meaningful relationship with someone who truly matters, I can tell you the truth from my heart:
It changed the course of my life. Because it forced me to re-evaluate the path I was on.
Then it set me on the path to a new me. And within a few years, it led me into an adventure living abroad.
You've heard this before, I'm sure. But sometimes...what feels like a setback is really a set up.
You see, I was letting the "security" of a stale marriage stand in between me and who God had called me to be.
What are YOU letting stand in your way?
Take a deep breath, pray for guidance and step in the direction of your dreams.
Con amor,
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