I asked a friend to give me her talk she gave on mother's day because it touched me to think of the divine role we all have as mothers. She had quotes from people that remind her of her mother.
Things like:
Learn from others and admit to your mistakes.
Stand up for what you believe in.
Live the gospel.
Fast and follow the spirit.
Serve others, practice generosity.
Rise early and be punctual.
Be a good friend to find a good friend.
Set priorities of good, better and best.
Celebrate Holidays with family.
Choose the narrow path.
Eat together as a family.
Vacations don't have to be extravagant to have fun.
Compete but always play fair.
Express gratitude.
Forgive quickly.
Spend time with you kids.
Deeds are better than words, words are best spoken and show.
Love your work.
Overcome difficulties.
Value education.
Value family.
Value hard work.
Be always honest.
Have integrity.
Be prepared.
To have a testimony.
As I am now a grandmother of wonderful children, I feel he urge to make sure my daughters are teaching them things they need to know even when I had not done a good job teaching them myself. Cristi's second son, Beckett is 1 today and how much I want those little ones to learn things that will keep them on the straight and narrow path.
Rosemay Wixon said on her talk "Staying on the path.": And we hold on to our children and follow the Savior's lead, we will all return to our heavenly home and be safe in our Heavenly Father's arms. Jacob said: "O how great the plan of God. "The savior has marked the path and led the way. I testify that as we hold on to our children and follow the Savior's lead, we will all return to our heavenly home and be safe in what trials will our children face? Like Joseph Smith, our children can find the courage to "do whatever is necessary." When we are intentional about holding them and teaching them of Heavenly Father's plan through prayer and scriptures, they will come to know where they came from, why they are here, and where they are going.
The key to accomplishing effective gospel teaching in the home is to invite the Spirit of the Lord to be with us. Some of the best counsel my husband and I received during some turbulent times of raising our children was to do all that is possible to invite and keep the Spirit in our home. Children can not learn spiritual things and have spiritual feelings without the guidance of the Spirit.
As parents, we can share our testimony of Jesus Christ with our children often. The bearing of testimony, whether during family home evening or in a teaching moment, will invite the Spirit. President Boyd K, Packer also instructs us to "teach our young people to ear testimony--- To bear testimony that Jesus is the Christ, that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, that the book of Mormon is true.
Children are always learning from us. They are learning what is important by what we choose to do as well as what we choose not to do. Casual, infrequent family prayers, scripture study, and family home evenings will not be enough to fortify our children. Where will children learn the gospel and standards such as chastity, integrity, and honesty if not at home? These values can be reinforced at church, but parents are the most capable and most effective in teaching them to their children.
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