For two of them this week was their last week on their mission. It was so great to visit with such incredible noble young people. the most important thing they got out of their mission according to what they said was to have a better relationship with the Savior, to gain a testimony and to know that God loves them.
One missionary in particular told of a story that he wanted to feel the love of the Savior and he had prayed one day and fasted that he would feel his love but to his surprised the feeling didn't come. He prayed even harder and nothing but one day as he was visiting a family a little girl asked him the question? That God loves me? and when he answered yes he does. It is when he felt the amazing feeling of how much God loves him too. It was a testimony to him that he got his answer. That one single experience made his mission the best thing that has ever happen to him.
When I see these young men and women doing so much good, serving one another by following the teachings of the Lord I think of this poem because their life on the mission on a day by day basis is to always be thinking of doing good. They are doing the Lords errands as representatives of Him.
“This is the beginning
of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it
or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are
exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be
gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind…let it be
something good.”
Author UnknownI was so blessed to have been part of this bittersweet farewell for these missionaries: sister Crawford from Colorado and elder Davidson from Utah and wish them all the best as they return back home.
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