Today being a fast and testimony Sunday, I find it appropriate to share this fellow's testimony he shared on his facebook page that has very much touch my heart. Darin Southam is his name and he went on a mission to El Salvador and anyone who has been to my country and has served for two years is my instant friend. This is what he wrote:
"I don't do this very often but I have something to say and I believe in expressing oneself openly and honestly, when so moved upon. I am an actor, a writer, and a director. I am also a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I'm 'Mormon' if you will. Further, I am by definition, a devout Christian-- or at least I seek earnestly to be 'a person who exemplifies in his... life the teachings of Christ'. Of all the roles I have played as an actor, the most rewarding has been to play Jesus in multiple pictures. I cannot adequately express the blessing (and the stark reminder of my own imperfections) it has been to theatrically portray the Master and Creator of the universe.
"I don't do this very often but I have something to say and I believe in expressing oneself openly and honestly, when so moved upon. I am an actor, a writer, and a director. I am also a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I'm 'Mormon' if you will. Further, I am by definition, a devout Christian-- or at least I seek earnestly to be 'a person who exemplifies in his... life the teachings of Christ'. Of all the roles I have played as an actor, the most rewarding has been to play Jesus in multiple pictures. I cannot adequately express the blessing (and the stark reminder of my own imperfections) it has been to theatrically portray the Master and Creator of the universe.
I was baptized when I was 8, though my 'conversion' to Christ came later at 16, when I finally decided to stop wandering and truly commit my life to God. A year later, my father collapsed of a heart attack on a beach in Cancun Mexico-- only a week after my 17th birthday. Had I not come to know God a year prior to my father's death, I know without doubt, I would have handled the unforeseen adversity much differently.
As I confess to being a 'wanderer' in my early teens, I mean to say I didn't have a divine objective or a definitive goal to advance spiritually-- not that I deliberately sought to be 'rebellious', per se. I never drank alcohol, abused drugs (legal or illegal), and I was a virgin when I married the love of my life. Michelle was also a virgin before we married. I realize how strange these confessions may be in a 'modern' or 'progressive' world but nonetheless, there they are.
So how does a 'prude' person like me find himself in a business that is generally perceived to be overrun with corruption? My answer is simple: I want to change things. I want to shake things up-- disrupt the norm. I hope, in doing so, I can perhaps show someone-- who may be buying into the 'Hollywood' lifestyle as 'fun' and 'exciting'-- that nothing could be further from the truth. Yes I LOVE my job and I LOVE making films in Hollywood-- and yes it's sometimes fun to pose for the occasional photo-- but, if there is any doubt that 'Hollywood values' are deadly, please peruse the 'Deaths' section on Conservapedia and see just how many 'Hollywood' folks have bit the dust in the name of 'fun' and 'excitement':
With no desire to offend or diminish the happiness of anyone who has a different life, I can say, from my own experience of living-- as well as readily observing many adverse lifestyles-- lasting happiness is found when someone gives their life to Jesus Christ. And I dare say, that is the only way to happiness. Happiness that lasts anyways.
I am thrilled to see the advancement of Christian Cinema in Hollywood. With 'War Room' recently 'nearly dethroning' 'Straight Outta Compton' (thank the Lord, before another cop is brutally massacred), it is becoming more and more undeniable that Christian Cinema has a loyal, faithful, and lucrative audience.
I submit that we, ALL Christians-- regardless of denomination, must UNITE in support of Christian Cinema. Evangelicals, Protestants, Baptists, Catholics, and yes Mormons-- We must stop judging others and unilaterally declaring who is Christian and who is not. How is it 'Christian' to reach into someone else's mind and tell them they are not a Christian when they declare by their works that they are indeed converted to the gentle Christ? Nothing could be further from being Christian than to dictate the mind of another. Said Thomas Jefferson, 'I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man'. I embrace this creed as my own. I have sworn the same.
Now, in a world rapidly descending into moral relativism, a UNITED CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT is the ONLY thing that will stop the degeneracy. I believe the Bible to be the Word of God. I also believe in The Book of Mormon, which just so happens to mention Christ every 1.7 verses-- something even the Bible cannot boast of. From The Book of Mormon we read that God 'manifesteth himself unto ALL those who believe in him (regardless of denomination), by the power of the Holy Ghost; yea (among) every nation, kindred, tongue, and people' (2 Nephi 26:13).
So, regardless of what 'type' of Christian we profess to be, let us unite in the production and support of Christian Cinema. That is my commitment. Who's with me?
Please LIKE and SHARE (or TAG friends)... and throw an 'Amen' in the comments if you're feeling lively.
ALSO, here is my latest film Just Let Go Movie, in theaters September 28th:
(See me at minute 1:12 and 1:15 as the District Attorney)
There you have it. I love people who have the courage to stand up for what they know it's true!
Con amor,
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