Friday, November 27, 2015

Directors Seminar

So first of all let me say that I had a fabulous time. Today we ended the director's seminar. It was held at the Shan Gri la hotel. Our favorite hotel in Manila. All of the directors had a chance to get feedback for the work they are doing. It was also a time to meet the people who works with Daniel and their wives. 

My husband is hands down the best! He is a good leader! I know because I believe the key to being a good leader is to value and care for the people that you lead. Great leader, like my husband,  believe in the people that they lead, they help each person to see the potential that exists inside of them and they believe in their people's ability to achieve amazing things. It's their belief in you that inspires you to go the extra mile and to reach beyond what you thought you were capable of doing. " A lot of people have gone further then they could because someone else thought they could. " Unknown.

Seeing your potential through their eyes helps you to get a glimpse of everything you can achieve in your life. The employees who work for Daniel are truly blessed to have him as their leader.  My husband also had many great leaders throughout his life. They inspired him  to accomplish all that they thought he was capable of.  Even I got to experience stretching my abilities to do things when I didn't feel  confident on my own. He  trusted that I could and  what I could do better than I did, and if he thought I could be fabulous then I was going to believe and go for it. That its how great leaders lead. I hope that they are living up to that legacy of leadership that Daniel has crated for them. 

I am a firm believer that the best thing a leader can do for their people is to help them to become the best they can be personally because that will reflect into every aspect of their persons's life. But it starts by helping people on a personal level. Daniel would like to help all of his employees to believe in themselves more, to set goals and be the best they can be. 

The sun was shining but people were wishing they had snow. How bizarre! They even had fake snow coming down as their display. We all took pictures and went to a museum where we took a lot of pictures and acted silly. There is something inside of all us that wants to enjoy life and have fun and that is exactly what we did as a group. 

I found this great article written by a fellow who is in his 90's where he wrote his own instructions for people on  how to live their lives. It really made me think of the thoughts I had this past two days because these are things we could have told the employees as well. We want happy employees working for us. 

Life’s Little Instructions (given by 95 year old William Snell in 1993)

Sing in the shower.
Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.
Watch the sunrise at least once a year.
Never refuse homemade brownies.
Strive for excellence not perfection.
Plant a tree on your birthday.
Learn three clean jokes.
Return borrowed vehicles with the gas tank full.
Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
Leave everything a little better then you found them.
Keep it simple.
Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures.
Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
Be forgiving of yourself and others.
Say “thank you” a lot.   
Say “please” a lot.
Avoid negative people.
Wear polished shoes.
Remember other people’s birthdays.
Commit yourself to constant improvement.
Have a firm handshake.
Send lots of Valentine cards, sign them.
Look people in the eye.
Be the first to say “hello”
Return all things you borrow.
Make new friends but cherish old ones.
Keep secrets.
Plant flowers every spring.
Have a dog.
Always accept an outstretched hand.
Stop blaming others.
Take responsibility for every area of your life.
Wave at kids on school buses.
Be there when people need you.
Don’t expect life to be fair.
Never underestimate the power of love.
Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation.
Don’t be afraid to say “I made a mistake.”
Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know.”
Compliment even small improvements.
Keep your promises no matter what.
Marry only in the temple.
Rekindle old friendships.
Count your blessings.
Call your mother.
And your dad too, if they happen to be alive.

What I love about those ideas is that they reflect what Daniel himself would be saying to people, especially the one that says: Don't be afraid to say " I don't know" or " I made a mistake." 
Con amor,

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