Thursday, March 24, 2016

Holy Week

Holy Week is celebrated in Manila. It's a holiday like similar to Christmas. Today was a slow day here in Manila because if  there is a day where the world stops is today and tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be good Friday so we went out with Daniel to get the last minute food items for the weekend but nothing was open even today. We assumed everything would be closed tomorrow but not today so we came home empty handed to fix dinner on whatever we had. Thank goodness for food storage!

We thought that being Easter season we would find plenty of those nice movies about Christ or the Bible but nothing was available on any of the  T.V networks. Sad! It seems like this world we live in is so politically correct that they have completely forgotten about why we celebrate Easter. The most important event EVER! So I will prepare my lesson this Sunday in Relief Society which falls on this very special Sunday.

It is also very sad that in many parts of the world many Christians are not allowed to worship and not only that but are being persecuted and even killed. I am so grateful I live in the only Asian country where there is Religious freedom and that thanks to the Spaniards who dominated this land for centuries, they brought with them those Christians beliefs. The Catholic Church around the corner was full of people last Thursday. If there is any day Catholics attend Church is at Easter and Christmas time. Ironically the opposite happens sometimes with some of my friends who go on vacation at this time of the year and don't go to Church but they attend Church every Sunday of he year. I am glad I got to experience the calmness of this past week here in Manila.

Con amor,

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