Feminism of today:
Dear Feminist of today, call me a Racist, disgrace to women, bigot, embarrassment,
stupid, misinformed, and some words I can’t say. That is fine and dandy, except I will never want to be called a feminist and this is why?
I can’t stand the lies of planned parenthood. And I am
against the hypocrisy of modern day feminists who falsely claim to be for women
and because of that, I am apparently living in a bubble of ignorance.
Saturday March 18th we had our Relief Society Celebration. What an amazing group of true women. And I say this because the feminist movement wants us to feel wrong for wanting to be a woman. For wanting to believe in love, nurturing, tolerance, empowerment, acceptance and compatibility rather than equality. Men and women complement each other and not compete with each other.
There is nothing wrong with being a feminist if what you are
fighting for is true equality and empowerment. But that’s not the case, is it? Modern
day feminism isn’t about equality but vulgarity. It’s not about empowerment
because it is exclusively liberal. It is exclusively pro-abortion, It’s
predicated on your willingness to march around in a vagina costume and safety
pins. Modern day feminism tells women that they are simultaneously
self-sufficient and victims of white patriarchy.
Modern feminism ignores the fact that hundreds of thousands
of babies that are aborted each year are young women. Modern day feminism
dresses up like a virgin Mary in the middle of the street and stages an
abortion. Yes, that sadly, happened.
Modern day feminism. Ashley Judd stated that
Donald Trump becoming President is worse than being physically raped. Modern day feminists are up
in arms about every micro aggression against their feminine identity. But are largely silent when it comes to
sexiest remarks against Ivanka Trump, Keelyanne Conway and Betsy Devos. Modern
day feminist won’t let you be ashamed for sleeping around, but They’ll shame you
all day for being pro-life.
Today you can’t be a feminist and be pro-life. You
can’t be a feminist and a conservative. You can’t be a feminist and a Christian,
you can’t be a feminist and disagree with any part of the liberal agenda. And
yet somehow, we are the fascists. I am just some upper middle privileged bigot. I get told all the time, you know that a feminist just means you believe women should be equal to men right? Not!
Now, who are these people pointing fingers and voicing these kinds of insults at me.They are women who claim to be for love, tolerance, inclusion and equality. UNBELIEVABLE!
Why are these women expressing such hatred towards me? Is it because I said something factually wrong? Was I unkind or unsympathetic? Did I say something that was actually racist or bigoted or misinformed? Or did they just not like what I had to say? I get called a racist and a disgrace to women because I am conservative, because I am pro-life. That is it1 Not because of anything I’ve actually said that’s offensive or disgraceful. I get to be called these names because I represent a different side they do. Because I disagree with them. Because I didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton nor Trump for that matter.
So don’t buy it. You don’t have to be a
pussy-hat wearing, not my president hashtagging hypocrite in order to be a real
woman. Don’t let these so called feminists full you. Speak up, let their
movement die so that real empowerment, virtue and equality take root and grow. Yes,
Hillary Clinton and all you modern day feminists. The future is female,
and yes we will persist as women of divine nature. We are the Relief Society celebrating 175 years of selfless service.
Con amor,
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