Saturday, July 29, 2017

Back home to face reality

Oh my goodness, when you are gone for three weeks there is so much to do and to get caught up. Landry, getting groceries, paying bills, answering emails and so on and so forth. Our lives are so busy even when we don't have little kids so I can only imagine what life is like for you young mothers but I commend you for doing all what you do, we love you!

The highlight of our trip was to meet Nico in Miami and Amalia in Denver and to hold mini family reunions. Daniel got a chance to see his mom, his older sister Estella and his two younger brothers, Roberto and Miguel Angel. He also got to renew his passport that had expired. It was fathers day in Uruguay so that was very special too.

We don't know when we'll be back but we are so glad we went. We don't think we could buy a condo in the Trump Tower of Punta del Este because the smallest unit there is over $700K and we determined that as much as we love Punta del Este, Uruguay, it's too far from the rest of the family.

Besides the beautiful wedding and celebration another special day was going to the cemetery where Daniels father Hermes is buried to place a special plaque on his grave site. Hermes must have been so happy that day to see his sons remembering him.

Con amor,

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