Tuesday, May 22, 2018

El Salvador

From May 10th to May 20th, I went to El Salvador for Paola's homecoming and it took me two days on different flights to get back home. My mom came with me on the flight back and  I stayed in Orlando the night of the 20th.

What an amazing experience to have been there that one Sunday on Mother's day with my mom and welcoming Paola. She gave such a good talk that people were in tears and I wished I had invited more of my friends. I had a to do list that got done including a visit to the craft market. I wished I had bought more things to give as souvenirs but it will have to wait for next time in two years because I hope to come back in 2020 to celebrate my 60th birthday.

They say that when there is a will, there is a way and this trip to El Salvador all the way from the Philippines is proof of that!

Con amor,

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