Friday, August 10, 2018

A time to remember

A time to remember...

If you were asked what you did on any given day three weeks ago would you be able to remember without going back and checking your calendar first? Or what about a day two weeks ago? More than likely the answer is no.

But what if you were asked where you went on your last vacation – could you remember that? Or what you did last Christmas or on the Fourth of July? Chances are you remember exactly where you went and what you did.

That’s because we tend to remember the experiences that are out of the ordinary. When we do things that are novel such as going on a vacation, or eating at a new restaurant, or trying something new we remember these things vividly.

We also remember the repeated experiences which is why it is so easy to recall what we did during the holidays each year and what traditions we celebrate.

We also remember “firsts”. Our first kiss, our first love, our first heartbreak, the first time we rode our bike, the first time we drove a car,

We remember people that we feel close to in life and we remember people who impacted our lives in a majorly positive way as well as people who impacted us in a majorly negative way. We remember our relationships that were meaningful to our lives.

I bring all this up because over the weekend I was scrambling to get a bunch of things done already and then all of the sudden Bianca called to ask me if I could watch the girls while I go see my mom in a fe days. I will be there on her anniversary and her birthday so why not? I am sure somehow I will be able to manage leaving her a the weekend so I can spend time with Bianca and  her family. This was going to be a memory that would stay with me. If I didn’t go, I would look back and have no memory of what could have been a fantastic time together. 

If we can stop ourselves from just saying “no I’m too busy” all the time we can open the door to doing things that will forever be amazing memories. Be more willing to do “first experiences”. Be more willing to start and keep up repeated traditions. Be more willing to make time to get close to people who can impact your life for the better. 

These are the things you are going to remember in your life. These are the memories you get to take with you. Focus on making more memories in life! You will not regret doing them. 

Con amor,

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