My closing remarks at the Director's seminar on Friday October 19th 2018.

There is such an amazing surreal feeling when two people in love get sealed for time and eternity that I am not sure how to describe this happy feeling. I can only picture in my head their eyes sparkling so happy and in love. It is clear that newlyweds only see the good in each other.
How wonderful it would be if couples could find a way to always remember how in love they were with one another on their wedding day and then hold on to those feelings for each other all the years of their marriage. Wouldn’t be amazing to be able to somehow bottled that feeling and keep it sacred so it never gets lost!
Bianca has written many love songs: I like to think of three.
The song “feel the love again” is about how in marriage everyone starts out so happy and in love… Then as time goes on, he forgets to put the cap on the toothpaste and it gets all over the bathroom mirror which annoys her. Couples start to see all the negative things and without even realizing it, they can let the love once they had for each other get taken for granted and start to disappear.
Bianca also wrote a song entitled “promise” eluding to the fact that when you marry, you make a promise in the altar that should never be broken.
She also wrote the song “Please stay with me” about weathering the storms of life together.
I believe that in those three songs is the secret of what makes a good marriage. In one it tells you to see the best in each other and to not be critical of one another. The other song is a good reminder of the promises and covenants we made in the temple and the third is about how couples can weather any storm together and endure to the end; happily be falling in love continuously all over again and again.
Bottom line, in a nutshell, your spouse should always be your priority. In Genesis 2:24, we read: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh.”
What are my reminders? I have a big paining of our hands opening the temple door. People often comment on the beautiful picture adorning our living room wall. For us, this is a good reminder to keep our covenants and when I see this picture I see my husband’s hand and mine entering into the presence of our Heavenly Father. This is a symbol of living our lives with the end in mind to return to him.
I supposed that is why some people have their wedding photos on display. People want to look at those photos and remember that special day when they had the ability to make each other their first priority and only see the good in each other. We all can do that if we choose to. I also highly recommend the book "Love is a Choice" by Elder Lynn Robbins who is a good friend or ours.
This weekend take the time to look at your wedding photos and notice your big smiles. Then make an effort to go on a date just the two of you and hug, kiss, hold hands and truly enjoy the evening together.
Focus in only seeing all the good in your spouse and like Bianca’s songs remember to One: see the best in each other, Two: keep those promises made in the temple and three: nurture each other to weather any storm enduring to the end.
Since President Nelson has stressed the idea of ministering to one another. All of what we call marriage in my mind is spelled Ministering. Marriage is ministering to each other forever!
Con amor,
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