Thursday, February 21, 2019

Wisdom from the experts

"Motherhood is vulnerable and confusing at times" Cristi Dame explains. And who is she, you may ask? So let's pause for a minute. She is that one girl who knew what she wanted to be at age 17. She is the one young mother who gave up her private family practice to stay home with her kiddos. She is one who reads up on the latest parenting discovery found on this planet. She is passionate about teaching what she knows. She has dedicated a million hours of research over the past twenty years, so if you are lucky enough to cross her path, find out what she has to offer on her newly design on line course and it will be as if you walked into her office one on one and trust me on this one, you will be so blessed beyond belief!  

She continues... "with so many different philosophies and ideas pulling at us to find just “the right” way to change “negative behavior” in our children.
 What if I told you to set aside some of those ideas for a moment and come learn how YOU and 30-MINUTES a week can change your child and some of those behaviors that are driving a wedge between you two in my Parenting + Play e-course!

It’s based on the fact that all humans crave connection and belonging especially during our most imperfect moments and I will teach you how to create intentional special playdates with your child that will not only ENCOURAGE and EMPOWER them but will invite feelings of CONNECTION and BELONGING to take place. And you just might start seeing those frustrating behaviors begin to disappear.
And the best news is this Parenting+Play course is 50% off for the rest of the month using the code INSTA50! (Link to course in profile)
And as an extra bonus for signing up this month you automatically have access to my private Instagram where you will have my personal feedback, motivators, and further explanation of the topics covered for FREE starting February 25th for 8 weeks!
Topics I cover are:
Connection and BelongingPlay How to set up the playdatesEmotionsBeing PresentEmpowermentEncouragementLimit Setting and Choices
This course is geared for children ages 2-10 give or take but the foundation and principles can be applied to any age.
I would be honored if you joined me! ðŸ’–" 

And I completely endorse and support her message.

Con amor,

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