I believe God wants to ensure each couple to not feel alone in their marriage. He wants to be an integral part of their union. He is always present, always available, always ready to help the pair through any difficulty if they will only keep their covenants. Simple as that!
"Inevitably trouble comes sooner of later. Often a disagreement will break out, tempers will flare, and soon an impenetrable wall has risen between you." John Gottman, a renowned relationship expert, discovered four indicators also known as the "four horsemen" which starts out by criticism, defensiveness, contempt, leading to stonewalling. This is the time when communication has broken down, leading to isolation, frustration and despair. I can attest to all these feelings because it happened to me.
At times like these It's a blessing to know that you have access to a loving Heavenly Father who is all wise, all powerful, and always willing to listen. When you can't talk to your spouse, talk to the Lord. Ask Him to help you resolve the situation. It's imperative that you pray together everyday.
Our Father in Heaven has unlimited perspective; He can see over the wall. He perceives with utter clarity and can lay bare the root of the problem. Sometimes it is a simple misunderstanding. Sometimes God will provide one of you with insight into the other's deeply felt but unexpressed needs. In any case, the Lord will reveal to each of you your share of the blame and prompt you to humbly seek forgiveness, leading to reconciliation and unity. Then you can rejoice saying, "He tore down the wall"(Ephesians 2:14) Everyone has problems, just stay together and work them out!
The only advice I have to give is to make the Lord a partner in your marriage today, and He will make your marriage strong for all your tomorrows.
Con amor,
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