Saturday, April 6, 2019

Family is about time

Yesterday and today Daniel and I spent time with Vale who came to the Philippines to do research for her work. It is sometimes difficult to stay in contact with all of our ten children so having her over was a treat for us. 

Vale grew up in a family of Seven children.  Five boys and two girls.  How Daniel and his first wife  did it? I will never know!  Especially because they weren’t the most mellow of children to say the least.  But somehow the all survived!

As they have all grown into adulthood and started families of our own it is often times difficult to stay in contact with each other on a regular basis.  We are all spread out across the U.S. with some living in Florida, Texas,, Colorado, Nebraska, Connecticut, Idaho, Utah and even Ireland. Everyone has incredibly busy lives so we often go for long spurts without seeing one another or even talking to one another, except for Analia who calls religiously every day but when the times come that we can get together it is always as if no time has passed at all.  I think that is the beauty of being family – there is this connection that ignores time or space and binds you together forever.  You are family.

 It was so fun to see Vale and to spend time with her and her co-workers.  I am so proud of the woman she has grown up to be. We took them to Tagaytay and to the U.S. cemetery and memorial and we did some shopping as well.  I came into the family when she was in college but even so we can feel that bond of family when we come together.  It’s that bond that forever ties you together.  That is what family is all about – It’s about being bonded together through good and bad times. It’s about growing up together in the same house to then taking what you have learned from that experience and spinning it off into your own family. Replicating the things you liked from your family, and deciding to change the things that you didn’t like from your family.  Everyone grows up and becomes their own person.  But deep down, no matter how much time passes and no matter how grown up you become, you are still those same kids from the same family with the same roots.  You are family.

I am grateful for my new family.  I am grateful for my upbringing.  I am grateful I had 3 sisters to be friends with and built sand castles whenever we went to the beach.  I am grateful for the memories we created together as children and for the friendships we have as adults.  I am grateful to parents who provided us that opportunity.  And I am grateful to have my own large family consisting of 10 children, nine in laws, 20 grandchildren and one on the way that I get to be bonded with for eternity.  I LOVE MY FAMILY!

Con amor,

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