Today was amazing! We had a special visit and devotional with Elder Renlund and Elder Cook. They came with their lovely wives to do an area review. Here is what they said:
Elder Cook:
He used the expression "kick it out of the park" as he spoke of how he learned to do things immediately when he is asked to do them. He learned that from Elder Nelson. He told a story of when he gave something to Elder Nelson for review and said, this is not important so please have him take a look at it when he finds time. Elder Nelson's secretary said: he will do it today. He never leaves anything for a later day. The advise he gave the employees was to don't have things sit in the office, take care of things the same day. Be prepare. Jesus Christ is at the heart of the game. Mothers and Fathers need to devote more time with their children to teach them the gospel in the home. Be aware of those who need to be ministered to.
Elder Renlund:
First his wife spoke about linking our name to Jesus Christ by telling a story of a doctor who received a prestigious award that caries the name of Doctor Russell M. Nelson and even though he is not a member of our Church he has said that after receiving that award with President Nelson's name he has changed his behavior to be more Chris like. Likewise we need to do the same as employees and members of the Church we have a double identity and need to be great examples. After she spoke Elder Renlund said: "If you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together." Be the kind of person the Lord would want on his team. We always keep our word. We don't gossip and speak negative about other people. Asume best intent. Continue to try to get better. He did a mathematical equation on the board to show improvement. We try and try again until we get it right.
Con amor,
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