For the last six weeks since we found out we were moving we have been preparing our departure which included taking every item we owned and send it either to Salt Lake to be stored or Argentina which is a little tricky to do since we don’t have a home yet in Buenos Aires so we don’t know how much to send. Chances are, we are moving into a very small apartment.
As the weeks went on of working in chaos with a lot of stuff everywhere, things all scattered throughout the house, with piles of stuff here and there, I noticed that the worse the mess I became the more anxious so much that when Daniel’s friend decided to come visit us right in the middle of this chaos I felt grumpy. There was just no sense of order in our home to be entertaining guests.
But after the packers took all our stuff and we got rid of all the messes, there is this feeling of peace in the home and my disposition has improved tremendously so you are lucky to see me today because I am not grumpy anymore. I am finally at peace.
What I learned from this experience is that organization and cleanliness bring such a great feeling of peace. A clean space always makes it easier to focus and it allows us to accomplish much more. Moral of the story, less is more!
My home feels so good with the bare essentials and I think this is true also in the office. We want to focus on the essentials in order to do more with less.
Con amor,
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