Monday, September 30, 2019

5 days to General Conference

You are probably wondering why I would be pointing this fact out to you – well, let me tell you – I point this out because we all need to have something to look forward to in life and I LOVE General Conference talks! Every day, I listen to at least one talk, so tune in next Saturday and Sunday. 

I didn’t write a single post the last two weeks because I was out of town and I never write when I am away from home. I like to feel present spending time with family and not too concern about writing here so much. 

There were many highlights but one I will always remember was witnessing Isaac's blessing and helping Bianca and Joseph with moving to a new house. Before that, I attended the SALT retreat in Salt Lake and went to Idaho for five busy days. I love it when I feel useful and needed plus it's so fun to spend time with family.

 I recommend that before this year is over, get out your calendars and mark the dates of all the fun things you are looking forward to, such as General Conference, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's. Then add simple things like going for a drive to see the leaves change colors, or going to the pumpkin patch to pick pumpkins for carving or seeing the upcoming movie or play or concert or host a Halloween party, or take a weekend road trip or visit an old friend. 

You will also find that by planning these adventures on your calendar that you will be more likely to use your time wisely so you can be finished with your work on time in order to allow you to get to your exciting adventures. 

Calendaring these activities and events will be a great motivator to help you stay focused. I know it works amazing for me when I do itSchedule several things in the coming weeks and months that will give you something to look forward to and then be excited every day as you count down to your exciting adventures. The anticipation is often more exciting than the actual event. 

“Well,” said Pooh, “what I like best,” and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what it was called.”

I am excited to sit down and start mapping out some future plans on upcoming dates to get excited about!  I feel like Winnie the Pooh right before he eats his honey as we are getting ready for another trip.

Have a great day family and enjoy setting up some future exciting plans to look forward to. 

Con amor,

Sunday, September 29, 2019

I am back!

I was away for a little over two weeks. I left on September 12th and arrived to Buenos Aires from New York this morning on September 29th. Where did the time go? All I remember is that I was very busy going from one place to another. I was exhausted but felt happy to feel useful and needed. I love to help and that is when I feel the happiest!

First arrived in Salt Lake on Friday the 13th and Vale came to pick me up. I needed to find keys to the apartment to wait for Cristi who was also coming into town and to be there when the internet guy came to installed our router. On Saturday We got up early in the morning to attend SALT retreat and what a treat that was!

Woke up Sunday morning to take our flight to Boise. It was Asher's 4th birthday on the 15th and I was glad I came just in time to open presents. He is such a sweet boy. I am glad I was there to assist with Joy School that week and to watch the boys practice soccer and football. I also loved going to see Asher play at the little Gym and that is where Asher had his birthday party the next Saturday but I had to miss it because I was on my way to New York.

I did make one quick stop in Salt Lake and this time I stayed with Mandy so we went to the Zoo to look at the sculptures from recycling things found in the ocean. Very interesting! We ended up eating at the Ruth Diner of course. Zoo and Ruth Diner go together and Spencer had never eaten there. Later I went to visit the Morrison when I learned of their father's passing and before I could even blink, it was time to go to New York.

Got in New York at 6:30 a.m. and poor Bianca went to pick me up that early. I had a shower and got ready to attend Church where Isaac was blessed. The Merkleys also came and left the next day. On Tuesday the family moving to the home came to take measurements and that is when Bianca realized that they had to be out of there over the weekend so we got busy packing. She had enough boxes and I took care of the basement, and the girls room. Carolyn also came in to help. Ward members also helped so between all of us, we got it done. By Saturday night, Bianca was all moved in. Yay! It came time to say good bye and again poor Bianca took me to the airport however, it felt good to have that time together to talk.

The way I will remember this month of September is packing and unpacking, and packing again! I packed my suitcases so many times that I wouldn't even finish unpacking for one trip before I began packing again for the next one. I am currently packing my suitcase but this time I get to travel with Daniel and love to travel with him. I don't enjoy traveling alone but I do it anyway.

This coming Tuesday we are headed again to Utah to attend General Conference and for meetings and doctor appointments. That is a treat for us each October and it is also our anniversary month so yes, I am beginning to think that October has become my favorite month for obvious reasons.

Con amor,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


I just finished reading the book Mindsetbut if I was the author I probably would have given the title of Persistance

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race” – Calvin Coolidge

I needed that quote today to remind me and Daniel too of how important it is to press on…even when you don’t feel like it.  Even when your back hurts from carrying suitcases moving things around and for Daniel is even worst at work, his head hurts from answering everyone’s questions at the same time, and his poor stomach is tied up in stress knots because he has a million calls to return and an email box that is busting at the seams and he knows there is no way he is going to get to any of it today, which just makes it hard facing the ever- mounting piles tomorrow.  Yes, even then it is important to press on.

The book is about loving challenges and it even goes into welcoming failure to get better at something. “working hard is not something that makes you vulnerable but something that makes you smarter… innate talent is nothing, success is 99 percent hard work.” She divides the world into learners and non-learners. She wrote: “I think intelligence is something you have to work for… It isn’t just given to you… you can always substantially change how intelligent you are.” She wrote: “I gave my all for the things I value. Think about what you want to look back and say. Then choose your mindset.” A growth mindset is about believing people can develop their abilities… setbacks are good things that should be embraced, and that setbacks should be used as a platform for learning.  

“People are all born with a love of learning but the fix mindset can undo it.. seek constructive criticism.. keep on going… adolescence is a time of opportunity: a time to learn new subjects, a time to find out what they like and what they want to become in the future.” 

The Author is a teacher of Psychology and has inspired students. “Everyone in a way is a teacher and everyone has a role model, someone who pointed the way at a critical moment in their lives.” There are people when faced with failure think: “Not only weren’t they discouraged by failure, they didn’t even think they were failing. They thought they were learning.” 

“Your intelligence or personality is something you can develop as opposed to something that is fixed…scientist are learning that people have more capability for lifelong and brain development than they ever thought. Of course, each person has a unique generic endowment…it’s not always who start out the smartest who end up the smartest.”

Her research has shown that the view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life. It can determine whether you become the person you want to be and whether you become the person you become to be and whether you accomplish the things you value.”

“Every situation calls for a confirmation of their intelligence, personality, or character. Every situation is evaluated: Will I succeed or fail? Will I look smart or dumb? Will I be accepted or rejected? Will I feel like a winner or a loser? “

“This growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts, your strategists, and help from others. Although people may differ in every which way—in their initial talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments—everyone can change and grow through application and experience…It’s impossible to foresee what can be accomplished with years of passion, toil, and training.”

“Why waste time proving over and over how great you are, when you could be getting better? Why hide deficiencies instead of overcoming them… and why seek out the tried and true, instead of experiencing that will stretch you? This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives.” 

“People with the growth mindset were not labeling themselves and throwing up their hands. Even though they felt distressed, they were ready to take the risks, confront the challenges, and keep working at them.” 

“when you are lying on your deathbed, one of the cool things to say is, I really explored myself… if you only go through life doing stuff that’s easy, shame on you.” In other words she separates the ones who get their thrill from what’s easy --- what they have already mastered --- from those who get their thrill from what’s hard.

Seabiscuit: “Here was a horse who was so broken, he was supposed to be put to sleep… yet trough determination and against all odds, they transformed into winners.” 

 We all have interests that can blossom into abilities… What any person in the world can learn, almost all persons can learn… despite the widespread belief that intelligence is born, not made, when we really think about it, it’s not so hard to imagine that people can develop their intellectual abilities. 

“Creativity is not magical act of inspiration. It’s the result of hard work and dedication…people can do a lot more than meets the eye.”

“Athletes with a growth mindset find success in learning and improving, not just winning.”

The book Good to Great is about people who are constantly trying to improve… leaders are made not born and made more by themselves than by external means.’’ Sadly, stereotypes tell teachers which group are bright and which groups are not.

“How can growth mindset teachers be so selfless, devoting untold hours in preparation to teach their students? The answer is that they love to learn. And teaching is a wonderful way to learn. About people and how they tick. About life. Above all, a good teacher is one who continues to learn along with the students. Teachers are in the business of helping kids thrive, not finding reasons why they can’t.” 

“Whether we are aware of it or not, all people keep a running account of what’s happening to them, what it means, and what they should do. Our minds are constantly monitoring and improving.”

“What works is making a vivid, concrete plan: Tomorrow during my break, I will call the graduate school… or on Wednesday morning, right after I get up and brush my teeth I will sit at my desk and start writing my report… think of something you need to do, something you want to learn, or a problem you have to confront. What is it? Now make a concrete plan. When will you follow through on your plan? Where will you do it? How will you do it? Think about it in vivid detail of when, where and how will you do it? Which of course ups the chances of success.”

“When going to an interview. Learning the nuts and bolts of the company could give you an advantage.”

“In a relationship, you seem to have everything. You have a fulfilling career, a loving marriage, wonderful children, and devoted friends. But one of those things isn’t true. Unbeknownst to you, your marriage is ending. It’s not that there haven’t been signs, but you chose to misinterpret them. By the time you wake up and take notice, it’s too late. Your spouse has disengaged emotionally from the relationship. It was an evolving thing that had stopped developing for lack of nourishment…  every new person you meet is judge too as a potential betrayer” 

ask these questions: what mistake did you learn that taught you something? What did you learn today?  What did you try hard at today? 

Controlling anger: is something else that’s a problem for many people. Something triggers their temper and off they go, you find yourself at your wit’s end losing control of their mouths or worse. Anger control is a big issue between parents and children. You think, I will never do it again but the next time is a carbon copy of the time before.” What can be done? Several things, first, spouses can’t read your mind so when an anger provoking situation arises, you must matter-of-factly tell them how it makes you feel. When you feel yourself losing it, you can learn to leave the room. 

Dieting: To diet you need a plan. You need to keep desserts out of the house.  Think in advance what you will order at restaurants. Consider exercising more. Maintenance is a must. What habits are you going to develop to continue the gains you have achieve? If there is a set-back ask: What can I learn from this? What will I do next time when I am in this situation? Change needs to be maintained. People often stop doing what caused it to improve. Once you feel better, you stop taking your medicine. These changes have to be supported or they can go away faster than they appeared.  

Carol Dweck explains how It is so easy to talk yourself into giving up….it is so easy to make an excuse as to why you are justified to stop working, to give up, to walk away.  You can always find some valid justification on why that would be okay.  But the truth is that it isn’t always okay to give up and walk away.   Sometimes that is exactly opposite of what you really need to do.  Sometimes if you will just put your head down and work like crazy then you will overcome whatever trial or hurdle you are facing.

She explained how the most genius things she has ever done in her life didn’t come because of genius at all…they came from straight up hard work…the crazy hard kind of work to be more exact.  The kind of work that was so hard that she wanted to quit over and over but she told herself that quitting wasn’t an option – she told herself that her only real option was to press forward and simply GET IT DONE – and then she would go to work and do it.  And surprisingly enough that worked. Hard work overcame almost every problem ever thrown at her.  Hard work and persistence that is. Now she has a best seller because she put on the effort to write the book. 

In her book, she declared: “Don’t give up when things get hard. When things get hard just work harder.  Persist and watch the miracles start to happen.  And when you find that you have succeeded in accomplishing whatever it is you set out to accomplish, be sure to look back and recognize that this was the result of your persistence finally paying off.” 

She had also something to say about the fact that we can all change. 

“Change can be tough, but I’ve never heard anyone say it wasn’t worth it. Maybe they are just rationalizing, the way people who’ve gone through a painful initiation say it was worth it. But people who’ve changed can tell you how their lives have been enhanced. They can tell you about things they have now that they wouldn’t have had, and ways they feel now that they wouldn’t have felt. 

Did changing toward a growth mindset solve all my problems? No, But I know that I have a different life because of it—a richer one. And that I’m more alive., courageous, and open person because of it. 

It’s for you to decide whether change is right for you now. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. But either way, keep the growth mindset in your thoughts. Then when you bump up against obstacles, you can turn to it. It will always be there for you, showing you a path into the future.” 

I enjoyed reading "Mindset" and highly recommended it!

Con amor,

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Going back 18 years

On Facebook people have been posting: 
On this day 18 years ago…
246 people went to sleep in preparation for their morning flights. 
33 crew members (25 flight attendants and 8 pilots) went to sleep that night in preparation for take safely to their destination
2,606 people went to sleep in preparation for work in the morning tomorrow
343 firefighters went to sleep in preparation for their morning shift
60 police officers went to sleep in preparation for their morning shift
60 police officers went to sleep in preparation for morning patrol
8 paramedics went to sleep in preparation for the morning shift of saving lives
(and I went to sleep in preparation to celebrate my 20thwedding anniversary)
Except for me, none of them saw past 10:00 a.m. Sep. 11, 2001
(Tomorrow is September 11th. A sad day for many who lost loved ones and a sad day for a marriage that ended in death as well.)

 As you live and enjoy the breaths you take today remember that in one single moment life may never be the same. Today kiss the ones you love, snuggle them a little tighter and never take one second of life for granted. 

Con amor,

Monday, September 9, 2019

Happy birthday President Nelson!

In celebration, this month, I am reading all 82 of President Nelson's talks and pondering on some of his quotes. I particularly loved when he said:

“In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost…

… in this the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we worship Him who commenced His Infinite Atonement of Gethsemane. He was willing to suffer for the sins and weaknesses of each of us, which suffering cause ‘to bleed at every pore.’ He was crucified on Calvary’s cross and rose the third day as the first resurrected being of our Heavenly Father’s children. I love Him and testify that He lives! It is He who leads and guides His Church…

…find a quiet place where you can regularly go. Humble yourself before God. Pour out your heart to your Heavenly Father. Turn to Him for answers and comfort. Pray in the name of Jesus Christ about your concerns, your fears, your weaknesses…the very longings of your heart. And then, listen! Write the thoughts that come to your mind. Record your feelings and follow through with actions that you are prompted to take…

…you don’t have to wonder about what is true. You do not have to wonder whom you can safely trust. Through personal revelation, you can receive your own witness that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and that this is the Lord’s Church. Regardless of what others say or do, no one can ever take away a witness borne to your heart and mind about what is true…

…nothing opens the heavens quite like the combination of increased purity, exact obedience, earnest seeking, daily feasting on the Book of Mormon, and regular time committed to temple and family history work…

…I am optimistic about the future…our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, will perform now and when He comes again. We will see miraculous indications that God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, preside over this Church in majesty and glory, but in coming days it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost…

…the most important truth the Holy Ghost will ever witness to you is that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. He lives! He is our Advocate with the Father, our Exemplar, and our Redeemer.”  President Russell M. Nelson 

My Facebook post today read: “I don’t know of many people who at age 95 walk without a cane. President Nelson is a one in a million-kind soul. He has excelled at anything he tried, including healing hearts.  His life is one remarkable achievement after another. To know you is to love you. Happy 95 remarkable years of life to a dear friend, neighbor, son, brother, Doctor, Elder, grandfather to so many, father of 10, husband, and a true disciple of the Lord. May you continue to bless many lives like you have blessed our family. We love you and sustain you as the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. a.k.a. our prophet seer and revelator.” And to think that he was here days ago and gave his remarks all in Spanish to express his love for us. I hope he felt our love for him as well. 

Con amor,

Sunday, September 8, 2019

A birthday celebration

Last night we watched the 95th birthday celebration of President Nelson and what a treat that was! We watched incredible performances by Donny Osmond, Tenor, Nathan Pacheco, Jenny Oaks Baker and family. The Bonner Family, GENTRI and the Tabernacle Choir. The icing on the cake was when he surprised the audience by playing the piano, Chopin's "Prelude in C minor" Wow!

Some years ago, President Nelson offered Daniel a blessing and all of what he said has come true. He talks to you looking at you in the eyes as a caring friend.  He remembered my name as we shook hands. I don't know how he can remember people's names but he does.  For our weeding he gave us the copy of his Book and glued our invitation on the front cover with a dedication. Who has the time to do a that? He is amazing! We were lucky to have heard him talk at our home ward in Bountiful. He lived three houses down from where we lived.

He is not only our dear Prophet but a friend. I think he is a friend to each person he meets. When he came to the Dominican Republic he spoke to the area presidency telling them how pleased he was with Daniel's work as the DTA and when he visited us in the Philippines he told the employees:" Let me tell you something about Daniel Almeida, I love this man" I felt so touched when he said that.

Con amor,

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Best is Yet to Come!

I cannot believe that the first week in September is long gone and that means that Summer for most of you is coming to an end and fall is beginning. All the fun Summer vacations have come to an end. Everyone’s kids are back to school at this point, and you all have to get back into your normal routines again. For us is the opposite. The cold Winter months are still lingering. Some days are nice but most are windy and cold. 

I remember those days when it was sad to have summer playtime behind us – facing the end of our little break from the norm and our time off and playing out in the sunshine. But in other ways there was also something very comforting about getting back into a normal routine once again and where we have a little more consistency and more of a normal schedule to follow. 

The hardest part for me is having an empty house for the past nine years. It’s sad to have the house be so quiet. I miss not having any family near us for so long.🙁

It seems everything in life is in seasons, and with the end of each season comes the beginning of the next. Letting go of the past season is often hard and makes you sad because you don’t want to let go of the good things that came with that season…and the only way I know to cope with that sadness we go through when that happens is to try and consider all the wonderful things that the next season might hold and then focus our thoughts on that each day instead.

And so, as we head into Spring we can focus on things like going to fun outings to museums, eating out and shopping around our neighborhood. There are so many vendors walking distance from where we live. 

And when it comes to ending one season of our life and beginning another….well those can be a little tougher on us than going from summer to fall…or Winter to Spring but nonetheless we have to try and focus our thoughts on all those positive things that this next season of our life will bring to our lives.  

That, and always believe that the best is yet to come!

Con amor,

Friday, September 6, 2019

Today is a new beginning

So, like most people in the world I always start my New Year off with the resolution to lose at least ten pounds. I do it every year with the best of intentions and some years I have done awesome and other years I have failed miserably. In 2009, I did amazing and lost about 24 pounds because I wanted to look good for my wedding in October.

But 2019 has arrived and can’t say I will look that good on my 10thwedding anniversary, actually, I have done terrible. I gained 35 pounds back from the weight I had lost…sniff…sniff… But here we are at the start of a new school year feeling hopeful for this “new year.” I know it’s not technically a new year but I always associate September and back to school as a beginning of sorts. A second chance per se to start something new and have just four months before my 60thbirthday. 

We are also going to be attending my nephew’s wedding in 2020 and you can bet your bottom dollar that I am determined to get back in shape again before the wedding next Summer. I am confident that is doable because there is time. I refuse to be that woman that is too overweight to enjoy her life and who gets winded just walking up a simple flight of stairs, which sadly happens right now! So back to school is spelled back to my diet. I have begun my four months to a “Celestial Body Program! “And this time I am committed.!

So, the next time I am tempted to put something unhealthy in my mouth I need to remind myself that “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!  whoever came up with that quote clearly has never lived in Buenos Aires. The food here is incredible so much that I know for a fact, this is not the place to be when on a diet….Just saying 🙂

Because misery loves company so much I thought I would invite each of you to join me in this quest of four months to a celestial body so I can have my own little support group of people to bond with as we get on those treadmills and eat healthy together!

Four months to a celestial body has officially begun and this time, I am DETERMINED!!!

Con amor,

Thursday, September 5, 2019

What is real power?

Today we went to see the Church where the Pope was baptized and to take a tour inside the building of congress.  It’s a beautiful old building that is being renovated. As we were talking to got into a discussion about politics. The woman who is running for Vice-President will also be the president of the Senate. 

I was thinking about how much power can an individual be given?  If you were to take a poll of what it takes to become a genuinely powerful person you would likely get answers such as: holding a high -level position, or having a lot of money, or having a large social media following, etc. But all those answers would be wrong…

Sure, a person can leverage a title, or money, or position, or social media followers to act powerful, but the fact is that the moment their title or money or position or social media following goes away, so does their power, because it never made them genuinely powerful – all it did was give them the ability to ACT as if they were powerful for a finite period of time.

Genuine power isn’t dependent on a title or position or money or followers. Genuine power comes from the ability to influence others through the respect and love they hold for you – that is what gives a person genuine power. Genuine power can’t be demanded or bought, it must be earned through good and respectable behavior and it must be maintained through continually acting with integrity and love.  When someone does that they have true and genuine power and with that they can change the world forever.

When we look back at history to those people who truly changed the world for the better it was those people who had genuine power that was earned by their good character. It was people like Mother Theresa and Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr. and so many others who acted selflessly and with love and kindness to everyone around them and who lived their lives with integrity. Their influence was incredible, not just during their lifetime but well beyond. It wasn’t just for a finite period of time – their influence is infinite. ..

To become a powerful person, treat others with kindness and respect, even those who don’t deserve it. To become a powerful person, find something you can love in everyone you meet. To become a powerful person, live your life with integrity at all times, even when no one is watching you. Live by what you believe even when the circumstances seem to justify doing otherwise. Stay true to your values at all times and in all situations, even if it costs you everything…because doing that will give you genuine power and that is something that no one can take away from you and that is something that will change the world forevermore.

Con amor,

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

What grade would you give yourself

September means that school is back in session and we are all back to our daily routines and our focus on getting good grades this new semester. I will like to do the same even when not in school. 

I miss not being in a school setting so I decided to take an Institute class on World Religions, as I thought about getting good grades, it made me stop and think about the opportunity this could be for all of us adults, even if we aren’t in school any longer, to come up with a report card structure of our own that we could personally work on getting good grades for during this semester as well. I saw something on line that I want to share and use it to make a report card for myself.  I decided I wanted my report card to have all the characteristics that I most want to exemplify in my life.  Here is a copy of the list qualities I decided I want to try get an A+ on this semester: 

Always acknowledging God
Engaged in good works
Not Easily Provoked
Seek not my own 
Tender -hearted 
Trusting of God 

The fun thing about doing this challenge is that everyone can come up with their own list of qualities they want to get an A+ on.  Then use that list to create your own personal report card for this semester. 

Keep it posted somewhere you will have to notice it every day.  The Kitchen, next to your computer or bathroom mirror. I think the bathroom mirror works great because you will notice it when you go to brush your teeth first thing in the morning.  The important thing is to pick a visual spot that you are sure to see it every day.

Then as each day passes ask yourself what kind of grade you think you have earned for each quality for this semester.  You need to act as both the teacher and the student here so you need to give yourself a grade based on the good old honor system. 

Good luck to everyone on beginning this new semester of life!  And here is to a semester of straight A’s and some sweet rewards ahead!

Con amor,

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Flashback to September 3, 2015

At 30 weeks pregnant, Bianca felt a contraction. It wasn’t even close to time yet and not only that, but Bianca and Joseph were planning to be out of town for a Labor- day weekend get- away. Bianca had 10 more weeks to her due date. 
She was hoping the doctors would minister some medicine to stop the process and in no time she would be home. She hoped the incident would not last more than a few hours and she would be fine. She was early, it was probably all just a false alarm but the contractions kept coming five minutes apart. 
That night they knew they would need a miracle, but the miracle they got was one they could never have anticipated.
“So, when are you going to have kids?” People would asked the couple. 
Bianca and Joseph had been married for over ten years after seeing several fertility doctors they concluded that both of them brought an element of infertility to the attempt to have children and as such, the only way to get pregnant would be to try just about everything including homeopathic approaches and IVF among various other methods but nothing happened. 
Month after month trying for a baby to no avail and when it did, it ended in a miscarriage. Life took them from New York to Idaho that finally opened a way to becoming parents. 
Bianca explained to me how at the beginning of the IVF process, a patient is given a two-week course of shots to stimulate the ovaries to produce a lot of eggs at one time. Right before ovulation, the doctors do a surgical procedure to go in and remove all those eggs.
After so much ordeal examining each egg they ended with four viable eggs. They chose to transfer two embryos but ended in a miscarriage which is normal since it only has a 30% chance of success and were left with two embryos. From the two remaining they chose to transfer one embryo and this time it resulted in a long- awaited healthy pregnancy. 
Around the same time, Bianca and Joseph hoped that Ruby would have a little sibling but this time was through a dear friend Nicole who found herself miraculously pregnant with the remaining embryo. 
One third option to have a baby in their arms could also have been through adoption but to start the adoption process it required home studies, more probing, official questions about their finances, the state of their marriage, their plans for the future, Etc. So for now, two pregnancies were enough. 
And by all accounts, both pregnancies were normal. Bianca and Nicole were both  healthy and strong and so were the babies. They were both free of complications. Their baby girls were growing on track and there were no red flags.
Until Bianca unexpectedly began feeling contractions that were coming sharp and fast and much too early. Meanwhile, Bianca’s life was feeling more and more like a medical drama. Doctors and nurses were rushing around her. She was put on medication to help the 30-week-old baby’s lungs and various other drugs to try to slow Bianca’s labor and stop her contractions. When they came to see if it had worked, she was fully dilated and a premature baby was born. 
Sure enough on September 3rd 2015 Ruby May Merkley made her debut, weighing 3 lbs. 3 oz. It was during the night in The Philippines where I lived and didn't know anything until the next morning when I saw the text “She is here.” 

All of this happened while I was sleeping so I got on the next plane I could to come over to meet my granddaughter. Little Ruby would have to stay in the NICU for weeks. She didn’t have any major health problems, but she needed to eat and grow before she would be big enough and strong enough to come home. I often thought of why? But then I realized that I needed to be grateful for the miracle that took place.

Bianca wrote: "When I’m standing at the crossroads of fear and gratitude, I’ve learned that I must choose vulnerability and practice gratitude if I want to know joy. I’m not sure that it will ever be easy for me, but I have learned to trust this practice… I feel loved, and am gently reminded that I am not alone, that God was with me, is with me and will continue to be with me always. “ 

Proverbs 3: 5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

“This has been a favorite scripture of mine for about as long as I can remember. It wasn’t until I was an adult though, that I really started to cling to these verses as if my life depended on them. There is something about trust that I feel like I am learning over and over again. It’s as if every challenge and obstacle in my life has been to teach me this one thing– trusting God.” Bianca 

Ruby returned home one week before her actual due date and today she is celebrating four years of life and for that, I am grateful! 
Con amor,

Monday, September 2, 2019

You too? I thought I was the only one.

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: “What! You, too? I Thought I was the only one.” – C.S. Lewis

Today I was reminded of how rewarding it is to make new friends. I was able to sit down with two families from the Area Presidency. I had met them when we first arrived but had not been able to be in a relaxed setting taking but today for the first time we were able to sit down over dinner and spent a little time getting to know more about one another as people.

We were able to learn more about each other’s lives and families and our similar trials and struggles we shared as members and working for the Church. It is amazing how spending a simple dinner talking can create an amazing bond of friendship. C.S. Lewis’s words really are true – friendship really does begin with the simple realization of “you too?” and finding out you’re not the only one. 

I had asked sister De Hoyos how I loved pozole and if she makes it so she prepared it for dinner. She also made some delicious burritos to die for and buñuelos for dessert. This dinner was to welcome us and because in the month of September Mexico celebrates their independence it was so fitting to have Mexican food but the best part was the delightful company. 

It’s so exciting to meet new people and make new friends. 

Con amor,

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Merry Christmas

Say What? I learned when I lived in The Philippines to start celebrating Christmas from September 1 and the best way to do that is by reading another testament of Jesus Christ a.k.a. The Book of Mormon. It will be nice to do it before we start reading it each week next year for our Come Follow Me Reading assignments and I invite you to do the same.  

Con amor,