I was away for a little over two weeks. I left on September 12th and arrived to Buenos Aires from New York this morning on September 29th. Where did the time go? All I remember is that I was very busy going from one place to another. I was exhausted but felt happy to feel useful and needed. I love to help and that is when I feel the happiest!
First arrived in Salt Lake on Friday the 13th and Vale came to pick me up. I needed to find keys to the apartment to wait for Cristi who was also coming into town and to be there when the internet guy came to installed our router. On Saturday We got up early in the morning to attend SALT retreat and what a treat that was!
Woke up Sunday morning to take our flight to Boise. It was Asher's 4th birthday on the 15th and I was glad I came just in time to open presents. He is such a sweet boy. I am glad I was there to assist with Joy School that week and to watch the boys practice soccer and football. I also loved going to see Asher play at the little Gym and that is where Asher had his birthday party the next Saturday but I had to miss it because I was on my way to New York.
I did make one quick stop in Salt Lake and this time I stayed with Mandy so we went to the Zoo to look at the sculptures from recycling things found in the ocean. Very interesting! We ended up eating at the Ruth Diner of course. Zoo and Ruth Diner go together and Spencer had never eaten there. Later I went to visit the Morrison when I learned of their father's passing and before I could even blink, it was time to go to New York.
Got in New York at 6:30 a.m. and poor Bianca went to pick me up that early. I had a shower and got ready to attend Church where Isaac was blessed. The Merkleys also came and left the next day. On Tuesday the family moving to the home came to take measurements and that is when Bianca realized that they had to be out of there over the weekend so we got busy packing. She had enough boxes and I took care of the basement, and the girls room. Carolyn also came in to help. Ward members also helped so between all of us, we got it done. By Saturday night, Bianca was all moved in. Yay! It came time to say good bye and again poor Bianca took me to the airport however, it felt good to have that time together to talk.
The way I will remember this month of September is packing and unpacking, and packing again! I packed my suitcases so many times that I wouldn't even finish unpacking for one trip before I began packing again for the next one. I am currently packing my suitcase but this time I get to travel with Daniel and love to travel with him. I don't enjoy traveling alone but I do it anyway.
This coming Tuesday we are headed again to Utah to attend General Conference and for meetings and doctor appointments. That is a treat for us each October and it is also our anniversary month so yes, I am beginning to think that October has become my favorite month for obvious reasons.
Con amor,
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