One day Jesus taught from Peter's boat on the Sea of Galilee. Afterward He told Peter to take the boat to deep water and let out the nets to catch fish. Peter explained that he and others had been fishing all night without catching anything, but he said he would do as Jesus commanded.
Peter and his brother Andrew caught so many fish that their net began to break. James and John came in another boat to help. The fishermen were all amazed. Jesus called Peter and Andrew to follow Him and become "fishers of men."(Matthew 4:19); (Luke 5:10) He also called James and John. The part I love about this story is that they all left their boats and nets and follow Jesus.
President Ezra Taft Benson taught, "Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can" This is what happens to Peter and his fellow fishermen, Jesus helped them realize that they could do more than catch fish.
Con amor,
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Friday, February 28, 2020
The baptism of Jesus Christ
Jesus came to John the Baptist to be baptized in the Joran River. John knew that Jesus was without sin, and so he thought Jesus did not need baptism. When Jesus explained that even the Savior must be baptized, John went down into the water and baptized Him.
When Jesus came out of the water, John saw the Holy Ghost come to the Savior and hear Heavenly Father's voice bearing witness of His beloved Son.
Con amor,
When Jesus came out of the water, John saw the Holy Ghost come to the Savior and hear Heavenly Father's voice bearing witness of His beloved Son.
Con amor,
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Prophets knew of Christ
Many prophets told the people to repent. They told the people that Jesus Christ would come to earth. He would be the Savior. He would die to save all the people on the earth. Some of the prophets who told about Jesus Christ were Moses, Jeremiah, Micah, Zechariah, Lehi, and Isaiah.
The prophets said Jesus Christ would be born in Bethlehem. Jesus would grow up as other children do. People would not know he was the son of God. God would send a prophet to help Jesus. He would teach the people about Jesus. He would baptize Jesus. He would be called John the Baptist.
Jesus would love everyone. He would do many miracles. He would teach men about God. He would show men how to be like Heavenly Father. He would suffer for their sins. Some people would not believe in Jesus. They would hate him. They would crucify him on a cross. He would die and then be resurrected. All the things the prophets said about Jesus did happen and all the things the prophets have said about his second coming will come to pass as well and I pray that our family can be there to receive him.
Con amor,
The prophets said Jesus Christ would be born in Bethlehem. Jesus would grow up as other children do. People would not know he was the son of God. God would send a prophet to help Jesus. He would teach the people about Jesus. He would baptize Jesus. He would be called John the Baptist.
Jesus would love everyone. He would do many miracles. He would teach men about God. He would show men how to be like Heavenly Father. He would suffer for their sins. Some people would not believe in Jesus. They would hate him. They would crucify him on a cross. He would die and then be resurrected. All the things the prophets said about Jesus did happen and all the things the prophets have said about his second coming will come to pass as well and I pray that our family can be there to receive him.
Con amor,
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Ash Wednesday
Fast or Lent
Fast from hurting words and say kind words
Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude
Fast from anger and be filled with patience
Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope
Fast from worried and have trust in God
Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity
Fast from pressures and be prayerful
Fast from bitterness ad fill your hearts with joy
Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others
Fast from grudges and be reconciled
Fast from words and be silent so you can listen
Instead, I will write about Christ and some of his teachings to commemorate His life.
Isaiah 7-9
or 2 Nephi 17 -19
Isaiah was a prophet of God in the Old Testament who prophesied to the people of Israel that the Savior Jesus Christ would be born to a pure and righteous woman. Isaiah said the Savior would be called "immanuel", a name which signifies that Jesus would save His people. Isaiah also prophesied that Jesus would be called "Wonderful", Counselor, The mighty God. The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace," and that He would rule over all the earth.
One way to make sense of Isaiah is to realize that he sees through four different windows. Like when we see things with the perspective of North, South, East and West. Sometimes he is looking through multiple windows at the same time.
His views include:
1. His day
2. Jesus' s Mortal Ministry
3. The Last Days
4. The Second Coming and Millennium
When we read 2 Nephi 11:4-6, there are 8 characteristics of Christ that both, Nephi and Isaiah wants us to see . Nephi gives us a blueprint of what to look for. Nephi says his soul delights in:
1. The coming of Christ
2. The covenants of Christ
3. The grace of Christ
4. The justice of Christ
5. The power of Christ
6. The Mercy of Christ
7. The great and eternal plan of deliverance from death
8. The proof that without Christ all of us will perish
Con amor,
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
12 Steps to Self Care
From time to time I collect lists of things people write on their social media that I find interesting and this popped up today which incidentally are themes found in the scriptures.
This one is from the House of Leaders
12 Steps to Self Care:
1. Be kind to yourself.
2. Don't be a people pleaser.
3. Don't be afraid to say yes.
4. Don't be afraid to say no.
5. If it feels wrong, don't do it.
6. Let go of what you can't control.
7. Never speak bad about yourself.
8. Never give up on your dreams.
9. Trust your instinct.
10. Love yourself.
11. Say exactly what you mean.
12. Stay away from drama and negativity.
I specially like #5 and 12 to stay away from what feels wrong, or any drama and negativity. My sister reminded me today how in 2 Nephi 26:32 it talks about contention to avoid, it reads: "And again the Lord has commanded ... that they should not content one with another..." I will keep this scripture in mind when confronted with contention. It is better to not argue. I have learned that I need to avoid what bothers me because is not good for the soul. I also love reading the verses found on 2 Nephi 9:6-13 on the plan of happiness. Bottom line, knowing those truths brings peace to my soul each time. I feel grateful for the time I am spending reading the words found in the Book of Mormon.
Con amor,
This one is from the House of Leaders
12 Steps to Self Care:
1. Be kind to yourself.
2. Don't be a people pleaser.
3. Don't be afraid to say yes.
4. Don't be afraid to say no.
5. If it feels wrong, don't do it.
6. Let go of what you can't control.
7. Never speak bad about yourself.
8. Never give up on your dreams.
9. Trust your instinct.
10. Love yourself.
11. Say exactly what you mean.
12. Stay away from drama and negativity.
I specially like #5 and 12 to stay away from what feels wrong, or any drama and negativity. My sister reminded me today how in 2 Nephi 26:32 it talks about contention to avoid, it reads: "And again the Lord has commanded ... that they should not content one with another..." I will keep this scripture in mind when confronted with contention. It is better to not argue. I have learned that I need to avoid what bothers me because is not good for the soul. I also love reading the verses found on 2 Nephi 9:6-13 on the plan of happiness. Bottom line, knowing those truths brings peace to my soul each time. I feel grateful for the time I am spending reading the words found in the Book of Mormon.
Con amor,
Monday, February 24, 2020
Find joy in the journey
Today I want to write about the art of feeling joy because I had a pity party for myself the other day where I got all my tears and sadness out and I woke up today and decided that it is time for me to follow the advice my amazing daughter Bianca gives me anytime I feel down, which is, “live in the moment, don't wish for the past or future and decide to be happy now, because happiness is a choice!”
She’s right on. Happiness is definitely a choice! Maybe our circumstances don’t always come by choice (although many of those do too), but our decision on how we will cope with them and deal with them is. We can always choose to change our thinking and changing our thinking 100% controls our feelings. If we choose to focus on the positive we will be happy. If we choose to focus on the negative we won’t be. It really comes down to that. Which means we really do have a choice. I want everyone else to be happy because there is nothing nicer than seeing everyone with a smile on their face.
“The sexiest curve on your body is your smile, so flaunt it!”
Now don’t get me wrong. I am not saying its not okay to occasionally throw a pity party for yourself and break down and cry. But I do think it needs to be just that, occasional…and definitely not a lot. So you give yourself a night to grieve or cry or curl up in bed but then you wake up the next day and smile and move on. Because life truly is amazing and beautiful and wonderful. It really is. And there is always something to be grateful for and happy about.
“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.” – Marianne Williamson
Life is good and I am so happy I got a chance to celebrate with my sisters and extended family my mom's 80th birthday in Orlando and got to see Bianca and family.
My trip started on February 12 and ended this morning arriving in Buenos Aires from New York. I am grateful for the upgrades to First class during this whole trip and for all the wonderful memories we made except for one that I will put it behind me. Sometimes I wish we could do some days over again and the morning of February 17th 2020 is one of them. I even forgot to call Nixon on his birthday.
I sometimes regret living so far away but what consoles me is that they are always in my thoughts and prayers. Life is supposed to be fun!
Con amor,
Friday, February 14, 2020
Happy Valentines
You brighten my day,
Just know that you do,
I’m ever so lucky,
To have a friend such
Dear as you!
(Got that from a Hallmark card.)
I don’t typically do a blog post when I am away on vacation but today was too special to pass up. I am spending this Valentines with the first love in my life. My mother! She is turning 80 years- young tomorrow and my sisters and I are in Orlando to celebrate her big day tomorrow. (Feb. 15this tomorrow – yay!)
I can’t wait for tomorrow to come but today I wanted to take a quick minute to wish all of you a Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether you have a great love in your life or not I hope you know that all of you who are reading this post are loved tremendously by a loving God!!
I also wanted to personally wish my sweetheart a very Happy Valentine’s Day today. Although today we are apart, we will be together forever! You are an important part of our blended large family and I can’t say enough how I appreciate you so much for letting me come to be with my mom.
Thank you, Daniel, for being a part of my life each day. Thank you for your love and support you have given me for so many years now. Please consider this my Valentine’s Card to you. Have a great Valentine’s!
Con amor,
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Introducing "The Playful Nest"
You probably never heard of “The Playful Nest” but in a better world, I believe “The Playful Nest” should be a household name for parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches, or anyone who is in contact with children or youth.
The Playful Nest podcasts were developed by Cristi Dame who is a licensed counselor and a mother of four. In her weekly podcasts, she discusses amazing practical and useful ideas for parents. I can listen to her all day. I love how she ends every podcast with words of affirmations.
These are the words of affirmation for the month of February:
“Choosing love helps me find peace
I take time to listen to myself and others
It’s ok to make mistakes because they help us learn and grow
I am full of light and I am full of compassion.”
I invite you to discover all the light and knowledge found in each podcast of “The Playful Nest”
Con amor,
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Making Valentine cards
When my girls were little in elementary school they loved Valentine’s Day because in the days leading up to it, each child in their elementary school class would bring a shoebox from home and they got to decorate it to make it look like a little mailbox. Then I would buy them a box full of Valentine cards and a bag of little heart candies and they would write out a card to each of the kids in their class and then add a few candy hearts into each envelope. No one was left out because the teacher had sent a letter with all the kids names in her classroom.
When Valentine’s Day arrived, they each took out their homemade little mailboxes and place them on their desks and then each child would go around the classroom dropping a valentine card into each mailbox. I was a room mother and saw how exciting it was for the kids to drop those cards in each mailbox and I loved it when my kids came home at the end of the day with their own mailbox full of cards.
It was so exciting for them to open each Valentine card and it always made them feel so loved. It also felt good to know that no one in the class got left out – every student had their mailbox full of cards and candy to take home.
But I think the most exciting part was opening a Valentine card from that cute boy in the class our daughter had been crushing on all year. That was the icing on the cake. I really miss those days of doing Valentine mailboxes! I wish we still did those as adults so I am inviting some friends tomorrow to have lunch and make valentine cards to give away. I think we need to find a way to let the people in our lives know that we love them and what a better excuse than to do it on Valentines. We should not pass up the opportunities to say thank you, write a note, send a text of encouragement and make someones day this Valentines.
And to all you men out there who are lucky enough to have a girl in your life that’s hoping and praying she’ll get to open a Valentine’s card from you – Do It!! You have no idea how much you will make her day when you let her know how much she means to you…and don’t forget to buy her flowers or my favorite, chocolate covered strawberries. Yum!
Con amor,
Monday, February 10, 2020
How to give a gift that says " I love You"
Time to think about that special gift. HOW TO GIVE GIFTS THAT ACTUALLY SAY “I LOVE YOU”
And to give gifts that say and show and tell that you really care (whether it’s someone you love romantically or love affectionately), give gifts that show you know the person and you’re paying attention, explains Stuart Fensterheim, a licensed clinical social worker and family counselor in private practice in Scottsdale, Arizona.
“If your partner mentions something they like or want, file that away for future reference,” Fensterheim says. The act of remembering something that means something to that person is what tells them that you care, not just that you bought a box of candy because of the date on the calendar.
Here is one idea no one thinks about doing for that one person who has it all!
Instead of buying material gifts, spend the money on a benefit dinner or race that profits a charity or cause that’s important to both you and your partner. Studies show that gifts that are experiences that both the recipient and gift giver can do together strengthen relationships more than material gifts. “It’s a great way to give back and have fun celebrating your love at the same time,” Fensterheim says.
My amazing husband gave me the sweetest gift for Valentines, and I am not talking about candy and chocolates, he has let me go away to be with my mother who is turning 80 years old on February 15th. The day after Valentines so we will be apart physically on the 14th but not in Sprit. That is what I call the best gift ever! We have been celebrating and will continue to celebrate Valentines all month long.
My amazing husband gave me the sweetest gift for Valentines, and I am not talking about candy and chocolates, he has let me go away to be with my mother who is turning 80 years old on February 15th. The day after Valentines so we will be apart physically on the 14th but not in Sprit. That is what I call the best gift ever! We have been celebrating and will continue to celebrate Valentines all month long.
Con amor,
Sunday, February 9, 2020
When you Stand Alone
We all know that President Trump was acquitted of charges associated with his impeachment but the big story was not so much the fact that Donald Trump will remain as the President of the United States but what the media captured was Senator Mitt Romney’s single voice from his Party going against all odds.
I give Senator Romney the benefit of the doubt and believe that he spoke from his heart and his careful attention to his oath of office which was also an oath to God. He had nothing to gain by voting “guilty” on the contrary, he has so much to lose.
What I learned from Senator Romney is that sometimes you need to be that one and solitary voice over all the confusion. I commend Senator Romney for his willingness to put himself on the line. I know of his kindness and his good heart but never knew how brave and bold he was. I am very pleased to have voted for him and will do it again.
Con amor,
Con amor,
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Taxes Vs. Valentines
It’s that time of the year again when I start getting ready to do my taxes but that is such a dreadful thing that I have to put it aside at least for another week and focus on Valentines.
Here are some fun date ideas to help you plan ahead for the holiday of LOVE!
Valentine’s Date Night Ideas
The Cozy Concert play or movie: Check out local venues and find what up-and-coming plays, concerts or bands are playing. Nothing sends love waves out like an intimate table for two while a performer plays acoustic ballads to you and your honey or a romantic movie that will let you hold hands while you watch it. This year Daniel agreed to see a movie with me and three other couples. Sometimes is also fun to celebrate with a group.
Spa Date: What could be more perfect than booking a couple’s massage at a local spa for your Valentine’s date? Not much, except for following it up with a couple’s pedicure! It’s the perfect way to relax and unwind. And make sure to have some chocolate covered strawberries available to snack on while your feet soak! I grew up with a mom and sisters who loved going to the spa for massages and facials. I would also recommend giving your sweetheart a facial. It is very easy to do, just apply moisturizing cream on the face and gently massage it. Also, do a scalp treatment while you are at it!
A Romantic Ride: Check out your local city’s page and find out if there are carriage rides or sleigh rides available nearby. Live in a city by the ocean? Book two seats on a sunset cruise. A romantic ride in the moonlight is the perfect setting to give your Valentine a special gift, preferable if its homemade.
Single Awareness Day: Valentine’s Day is for lovers, but if you’re single, no problem, you can still celebrate!! Rally against cupid with other singles at events organized in your city in honor of “Single Awareness Day.” Better yet, go spend the money you would have spent on a Valentine on something special for yourself! Be your own Valentine! And give yourself a fabulous present…you deserve it!
Con amor,
Friday, February 7, 2020
This is The Life!
Today all the 27 pictures we brought were hanged on the walls. Finally, I am getting used to the idea that this is now our home. There really is nothing quite like the feeling of walking into the space that is your own.
There is that familiar smell, the coziness, the familiarity, the sense of comfort, and that peaceful spirit that whispers "This is your place, you’re home, the most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your home." Such a great feeling. The photos of our children and grandchildren are displayed and the rest of the pictures have a special place as well.
On Thursday I went to the National Museum of Decorative Arts to learn about Josefina de Alvear and the Chilean diplomat Matias Errazuriz who got married in Buenos Aires in 1897. The couple owned an impressive collection of art displayed in their residence. Your home should tell the story of who you are and be a collection of what you love and that was the case with the Alvear family.

The home was more like a beautiful palace but I wouldn’t trade ours for theirs. House + Love = Home.
(The fact is that I just love our apartment in Belgrano. What I love most about my home is who I share it with. Argentina is a cool place to call home.) WE LOVE IT
Con amor,
Thursday, February 6, 2020
How to be a friend!
How to be a friend using 3 words
The last box arrived today. It took eight months to get here from Manila to Utah to Buenos Aires. It was accidentally sent to the U.S. and that is why it took so long. Inside the box I found this handout I got who knows where or when but I kept it all these years because it’s a good reminder of how to be a friend.
Here it is:
"There are many thing that you can do to strengthen your relationships. Often the most effective thing you can do involves saying just three words. When spoken sincerely, these statements often have the power to develop new friendships, deepen old ones and even bring healing to relationships that have soured.
1. Let me help
2. I understand you
3. I respect you
4. I miss you
5. Maybe you're right
6. Please forgive me
7. I thank you
8. Count on me
9. I'll be there
10 Go for it
11 Bonus: I love you
I loved reading it again today and hope you love it too. I can think of instances when my true friends have said and done those things and hope I can be a true friend too.
Con amor,
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Do not forget the One!
One Valentine’s Daniel gave me a huge teddy bear, chocolates and flowers. He saw the picture on line but didn’t read the dimensions. That day, we were the talk of our neighbors when it was delivered to me. February is the special month to spread a little love. Here is a good illustration of that!
Not a One! (by: Dale Galloway, Chicken Soup for the Soul)
Little Chad was a shy, quiet young man. One day he came home and told his mother that he’d like to make a valentine for everyone in his class. Her heart sank. She thought, “I wish he wouldn’t do that!” because she had watched the children when they walked home from school. Her Chad was always behind them. They laughed and hung on to each other and talked to each other. But Chad was never included. Nevertheless, she decided she would go along with her son. So she purchased the paper and glue and crayons. For three weeks, night after night, Chad painstakingly made 35 valentines.
Valentine’s Day dawned, and Chad was beside himself with excitement. He carefully stacked them up, put them in a bag, and bolted out the door. His mother decided to bake him his favorite cookies and serve them nice and warm with a cool glass of milk when he came home from school. She just knew he would be disappointed and maybe that would ease the pain a little. It hurt her to think that he wouldn’t get many valentines – maybe none at all.
That afternoon she had the cookies and milk on the table. When she heard the children outside, she looked out the window. Sure enough, there they came, laughing and having the best time. And, as always, there was Chad in the rear. He walked a little faster than usual. She fully expected him to burst into tears as soon as he got inside. His arms were empty, she noticed, and when the door opened she choked back the tears.
“Honey, I have some cookies and milk for you,” she said. But he hardly heard her words. He just marched right on by, his face glowing, and all he could say was: “Not a one. Not a one.” His mother’s heart sank at first, but then she noticed the huge smile on his face as he added, “I didn’t forget a one, not a single one!”
Next week is Valentines so make sure you don’t forget a single person especially those who don’t have someone in their life to tell them Happy Valentines. This is when we should all go out of our way to spread love and kindness. I know I will be spending it with my mother and family this year and for that, I feel grateful!
I feel so blessed to be loved by so many people in my life so Thank You!
Con amor,
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Friendship that lasts!
It’s impossible to say how much Aristotle wrote, but even from the fraction of his work that we have left today, there is a stunning amount of breadth in the subjects he covered.
Every field from astronomy and physics to ethics and economics has been influenced by the work of Aristotle. He has remained one of the most widely read and quoted thinkers in the history of our species.
While his impact can still be felt in the many different subjects today, maybe the most accurate of his observations relate to friendship. He saw it as one of the true joys of life, and he felt that a life well-lived needed to be built around such companionship. In his own words:
“In poverty as well as in other misfortunes, people suppose that friends are their only refuge. And friendship is a help to the young, in saving them from error, just as it is also to the old, with a view to the care they require and their diminished capacity for action stemming from their weakness; it is a help also to those in their prime in performing noble actions, for ‘two going together’ are better able to think and to act.”
The accidental friendships
Aristotle outlined two kinds of common friendships that are more accidental than intentional.
The first is a friendship of utility. In this kind of relationship, the two parties are not in it for the affection of one another, but more so because each party receives a benefit in exchange.
It’s not permanent in nature, and whenever the benefit ends, so does the relationship that brought the parties together. Aristotle observed this to be more common in older folks. An example of this would be a business or a work relationship. You may enjoy the time you spend together, but once the situation changes, so does the nature of your connection.
Similarly, the second kind of accidental friendship is one based on pleasure. This one, however, is more common in people that are younger. It’s the kind of relationship frequently seen among college friends or people who participate on the same sports team. The source of such a friendship is more emotional, and it’s often the most short-lived of the relationships. It’s fine for as long as the two parties gain enjoyment through a mutual interest in something external, but it ends as soon as either tastes or preferences change.
Many young people go through different phases in their views on enjoyment, and quite often, the people in their lives tend to change as the phase they’re in recalibrates over time. Most of the friendships that many of us have fall into these two categories, and while Aristotle didn’t necessarily see them as bad, he did feel that their depth limited their quality. It’s fine, and even necessary, to have accidental friendships, but there is far more out there.
The friendship of the good
The final form of friendship that Aristotle outlined is also the most preferable out of the three.Rather than utility or pleasure, this kind of relationship is based on a mutual appreciation of the virtues that the other party holds dear. It’s the people themselves and the qualities that they represent that provides the incentive for the two parties to be in each other’s lives.
Rather than being short-lived, such a relationship often lasts until the end, and there is quite generally a base level of goodness required in each person for it to exist in the first place. People that lack empathy or care for others seldom develop these kinds of relationships because, more often than not, their preference is to look for pleasure or utility. On top of that, friendships of virtue take time and trust to build. They depend on mutual growth occurring.
You’re a lot more likely to connect at this level with someone when you’ve seen them at their worst and watched them grow from that or if you’ve both endured mutual hardship together. Beyond the depth and intimacy, the beauty of such relationships is that they automatically include the rewards of the other two kinds of friendship. They’re pleasurable and beneficial.
When you respect a person and care for them, you gain joy from being with them. If they’re a good enough person to warrant such a relationship to begin with, then there is utility, too. These relationships require time and intention, but when they do blossom, they do so with trust, admiration, and awe. They bring with them some of the sweeter joys that life has to offer. You could count these type of friends with your fingers.
All you need to know
If you’re someone who has been read for over 2,000 years, there is usually a good reason. Not everything Aristotle wrote is considered relevant today, and many of his assumptions have since been argued against, but given the originality of his ideas for the time that he lived in, it’s hard not to be impressed by his mind. Few names in history are as influential.
He taught us to examine the world empirically, and he inspired generations of thinkers and philosophers to consider the role and value of ethics in the everyday conduct of our lives. For the average person, however, the most relevant of his ideas relate to the importance of good relationships. He was particularly curious about the intention of friendship.
While he saw the value in accidental friendships based on pleasure and utility, he felt that their impermanence diminished their potential. They lacked depth and a solid foundation. Instead, he argued for the cultivation of virtuous friendships built with intention and based on a mutual appreciation of character and goodness rather than on some transactional value.
He knew that such a friendship could only be strengthened over time and that if it did thrive, it would last for life. To Aristotle, few things came close to the value of such a relationship. It makes sense. At the end of the day, the bonds we forge with those close to us directly shape the quality of our lives. For most things, life is long enough. It is, however, too short for the wrong kinds of friendship.
Like the Spanish old saying goes: “Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres” We are the people we spend time with.
Con amor,
Monday, February 3, 2020
Why I am not a bit Surprised!
There are two sides of every coin and viewpoint. I was telling my husband how I love to dance and go to Zumba. Yesterday, what I watched Shakira do during half time at the Super Bowl was something like going to a Zumba class. JLo was for my taste, a little too much!
I know so many Latinas who can dance just like that including my mother. That is how we dance. Our salsa, merengue, reggaeton, cumbia, bachata, Samba and belly dancing are that way. We dance and shake our booty, but so does Beyonce, Christina Aguilera, Madona, Britney Spears, and so many more. Honestly, I don't know how anyone expected anything different since both those artists perform that way in every music video and performance they do, however, having said that, I think JLo came a little too low. If only she had chosen to wear clothes that did not emphasize her female organs. I admire the fact that she is 50 and still athletic but I thought she had more class than that!
And about the costumes? nothing different from what we are exposed to week after week in each game. Cheerleaders have been hyper sexualized since I can remember so I don't know where all the "holier than thou" comments are coming from now because I never hear any outrage about how “sexual”the cheerleaders dressed or how they are dancing.
In the last decade, this kind of performance has been the standard and getting worse and worse. I keep thinking, how bad can it get? And it always does! To be fair, everything in show business is now hyper sexualized so why the outrage over Latinas performance and not literally everything else our kids are exposed to.
People shouldn't go bashing an artist while they praise another for exactly doing the same thing. Pink at the Grammys is a great example of that. She was praised for acrobatic skills and excellent performance. Her outfit was a lot more "revealing" yet no uproar but nothing but praise.
Please don't claim this was inappropriate when pop culture has made it very much appropriate for years, the only difference is those where a different type of ethnicity than those who performed at the Super bowl last Sunday. How is it acceptable in our culture or society for certain artists to be risqué or "inappropriate" but others can't dare take that step. I myself would prefer less nudity, of course and I think is wrong but unfortunately it is what sells.
What a confusing world we now live in, especially for our teenagers. We wonder why so many women have eating disorders, why so many men have pornography addictions, (16 States now call pornography a public health crisis,) why children are sexually abused, and why sexual trafficking just keeps getting worse?
I hope young men and women recognize that entertainers will do anything that sells but that does not make it right. As Muhammed Ali once wisely said to his daughter:
“Everything that God made valuable in the world is covered and hard to get to. Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground, covered and protected. Where do you find pearls? Deep down at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful shell. Where do you find gold? Way down and in the mine, covered over with layers and layers of rock. You’ve got to work hard to get them.
Your body is sacred. You’re far more precious than diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too."
If there is one thing I wish I could teach all children and young adults it is this: When your spirit feels uncomfortable about something, if it feels “off”, if it feels unsafe-remove yourself from the situation immediately. Please, if you feel uncomfortable, turn off the TV!
Con amor,
Sunday, February 2, 2020
How do we let people know we care!
I found this good article on connecting with people.
This Valentine, How to let people know we care!
There are certain moments in life when we want to tell the people that we care about how much they actually mean to us. And for many, one of those moments is Valentine’s Day. But that's easier said than done.
When it comes to telling someone that we care it can be difficult simply because of the different ways that we use everyday language, explains Alison Wood Brooks, PhD, Assistant Professor of Business Administration and Hellman Faculty Fellow in the Negotiation, Organizations, & Markets Unit in Harvard Business School.
“In conversation, we often say things we don’t really mean orwe don’t say the things we really mean in the right way,” she tells NBC News BETTER. “It’s not to be deceptive, rude, or mean, but rather because conversing is hard.”
People talk quickly. And people respond quickly. “There’s not a lot of time for deep thought and reflection,” she notes.
That means we use phrases like “thank you” and “I love you” constantly. We’re not aiming to express the deepest sense of those emotions every time. Sometimes “I love you” means “you’re a lifesaver and I’m grateful for your help” (not “I want to marry you”). We tend to pick up on meaning based on body language, such as the inflection in someone’s voice, an eye roll, laughter, as well as context and our understanding of the relationship or situation we’re conversing about, Brooks explains.
In conversation, we often say things we don’t really mean or we don’t say the things we really mean in the right way.
To get better at using those other cues to let someone know that we really care it’s a matter of not just saying the words, Brooks adds. Ask questions, like: “How are you feeling?” and “How was your day?” And listen to the answers and respond. “It shows that you are listening, validating, and caring about who you’re conversing with,” Brooks says.
(One study from Brooks and her colleagues that looked at behaviors that were more likely to elicit success in speed dating found that people who asked more questions ended up going on more second dates than people who asked fewer questions.)
And give compliments. Research shows it works, Brooks says. Studies show flattery helps make the person receiving the compliment feel good about themselves and helps make it easier to like the person giving the compliment.
Ask questions, like How are you feeling?” and “How was your day?” And listen to the answers and respond. It shows that you are listening, validating, and caring about who you’re conversing with.
Con amor,
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Ideas for Romance
January, my birthday month sadly is long gone but as a consolation here comes February. Yay! Tis the season of hears and over- sized teddy bears. I know because I go one of those but my favorite is seeing every store covered with boxes of chocolates and bouquets of flowers. You know it’s that time of the year, again right? I’s Valentines!
Here are some ideas for the special person in your life
February 1
Thank him/her for the things that could easily be taken for granted.
February 2
Write a love note and tuck it in his wallet or her purse.
February 3
Recreate and reminisce your first date together.
February 4
Present her with a bouquet of fresh cut flowers and a love note or a box of chocolates and a love note for him.
February 5
Tell her, she is the most beautiful woman you've ever met or him he is the most handsome man you ever known.
February 6
Tie on that apron and give your sweetheart a taste of your gourmet cooking.
February 7
Pamper her/him by preparing a warm foot-bath, massaging her/his tired feet.
February 8
Write your own fairly-tale romance based on your story with special illustrations.
February 9
Give him/her a back rub after a stressful day at work.
February 10
Pick up his favorite snack and surprise him/her at work.
February 11
Send at love letter via post mail to her/his workplace.
February 12
As soon as he/she enters the room, give him/her a great big bear hug and a long kiss.
February 13
Plan a weekend get- away just the two of you.
February 14
Have a romantic evening. Revisit your first kiss over and over again.
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