Monday, February 10, 2020

How to give a gift that says " I love You"

Time to think about that special gift. HOW TO GIVE GIFTS THAT ACTUALLY SAY “I LOVE YOU”
And to give gifts that say and show and tell that you really care (whether it’s someone you love romantically or love affectionately), give gifts that show you know the person and you’re paying attention, explains Stuart Fensterheim, a licensed clinical social worker and family counselor in private practice in Scottsdale, Arizona.

“If your partner mentions something they like or want, file that away for future reference,” Fensterheim says. The act of remembering something that means something to that person is what tells them that you care, not just that you bought a box of candy because of the date on the calendar.
Here is one idea no one thinks about doing for that one person who has it all! 
Instead of buying material gifts, spend the money on a benefit dinner or race that profits a charity or cause that’s important to both you and your partner. Studies show that gifts that are experiences that both the recipient and gift giver can do together strengthen relationships more than material gifts. “It’s a great way to give back and have fun celebrating your love at the same time,” Fensterheim says.

My amazing husband gave me the sweetest gift for Valentines, and I am not talking about candy and chocolates, he has let me go away to be with my mother who is turning 80 years old on February 15th. The day after Valentines so we will be apart physically on the 14th but not in Sprit. That is what I call the best gift ever! We have been celebrating and will continue to celebrate Valentines all month long. 

Con amor,

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