Thursday, April 30, 2020

The brightest hope for the future

My thoughts on our 42 days on quarantine and as I finished writing the answers to 70 questions for Story Worth. 
My last question was: What is your brightest hope for the future? 
“When life gets hard, remember we were not the first to ask, “Is there no other way?” Jeffrey R. Holland.
As of today, In Argentina and many parts of the world, people have been through COVID-19 quarantine for 7 weeks now. We will never have the same outlook on life after experiencing this lock-down. 
Elder Henry B. Eyring testified, “The Lord doesn’t put us through this test just to give us a grade, he does it because the process will change us.” I am reminded of the many lessons and lectures I studied in School just to pass the test and receive a good grade. Those tests were timed. Whether or not I was prepared the clock did not pause during the test to give me a chance to review it again. We may or may not be temporally prepared for a test like this, i.e., quarantine, during this time, but maybe we need a test like this first to spiritually change and learn the lessons or lectures that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has prepared for us. 
I have always believed that no matter what circumstances you were born into or currently face, there is hope for a brighter future because we are never alone. Think about the fact that each one of us has had experiences unique to each one of us. We are one of a kind. We come from different backgrounds yet there is so much that we have in common one with another. We know where we came from, why we came to this earth and where we will go when we leave this life. Knowing those truths to me is huge. And not only that but we know that we are children of our Heavenly Father who loves us. We know we want to return to Him.
With the current global concerns, in this troubling times, life may seemed overwhelming, so many families are dealing with disappointments, uncertainty and many challenges. Missionaries coming home early, homeschooling children, graduations cancelled, changing situations at work, weddings rescheduled, etc. we may think that God has abandoned us and may think we are alone. We can find peace and comfort in the truth that God the Father and the Savior, Jesus Christ does not mean that mortal challenges will cease to exist, but we do believe that the Lord can give us the strength to meet these challenges. We have seen the tender mercies of the Lord all around us recently, even with adversity, miracles are happening left and right. We are never alone. I take one day at a time. I know there is a plan. We already know what the outcome will be, and who will be victorious!
How do I know our future will be bright? You could ask yourself, How did God bless me today? I do that each day, even at a time when the coronavirus has caused illness and death, closed schools and curtailed daily routines and not to mention destroyed the economy but in spite of it all, each day I find something I am thankful for. Elder Holland explained, “There are repeated declaration in the scriptures where we have the Lord’s promises He ‘will be with us in all our circumstances, good and otherwise.’ That reassurance can be a source of hope and encouragement. Whatever happens we are never going to be separated from the Savior’s love and His companionship. We are in very sure and loving hands.”
I believe our youth are at an advantage from previous generations, particularly in advancing our Father in Heaven’s plan. The young men and young women has had more exposure to more gospel teachings than any previous generations, and now are currently enjoying the best training of any generation from Primary, to Priesthood, to Young Women. When I think about the home centered gospel approach, I feel it was inspired because our youth are ready for a higher and holier approach. 
Our opportunities to succeed in this life are limitless. We also know that if we fall short, our Savior has provided us with His precious gift of the Atonement. As we follow the example of the Savior, ours will be the opportunity to be a light, in the lives of those around us; that includes family members, friends and even total strangers. I have attended many leadership trainings where all the Mission Presidents and General Authorities get together to discuss better ways to do Missionary work and in every meeting I have been aware of how much confidence our leaders have placed in our young Elders and Sister Missionaries. They have their love and appreciation and their hope placed in them. They know that the success of the new generation is essential to the continued establishment of the Church and the growth of His Kingdom. 
Elder Rasband while visiting The Philippines said the following: “ The way ahead will not be smooth or without incident. In the coming stages of your life you will feel the boat rocking under you, no matter your preparation or your sheer goodness. Recognize the turbulence for what it is. The Lord allows challenges that at times will feel like tsunamis to make us strong and effective in His service and to help us always turn to Him…When our Father in Heaven said, ‘This is my work and my glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life to man.’ He was talking about all of His children, you in particular! The Lord’s hand is guiding you. By divine design. He is in the small details of your life as well as the major milestones. As it says in proverbs, ‘trust in the Lord with all thine heart;…and he shall direct thy paths.’ (Proverbs 3:5-6) He will bless you, sustain you, and bring you peace.” 
Some years ago, at another meeting President Monson said the following: “You are the Children of the covenant. (3 Nephi 20:25-26) I confirm to you that it is not by chance that we are here and that we are who we are. Our Heavenly Father and His son stand ready to respond to your questions through the ministering of the Holy Ghost. But is up to you to qualify for and receive those answers. Begin by spending more time in Holy places. The chapel, your home or your room where you can safely retreat from the dark distractions of the world. Spend more time where the Spirit is present. That means more time with friends who are seeking to have the Spirit with them. Spend more time reading your scriptures. Spend more time in your knees in prayer. Prayer is the key. Pray to know what to stop doing and what to start doing. Serve with love to those members of your family. Remember this is your world, the future is in your hands. The outcome is up to you.” 
You represent in a beautiful way the future and strength of the Church. Because of your righteous desires and the commitment to follow the Savior, your future will always be bright. At a meeting in Argentina President Nelson had all the children and youth stand and he said to them “My dear young friends, you are the hope of Israel. The Lord knows you. You are precious in the sight of Heavenly Father. He loves you. The Lord has great confidence in you. He knows your successes, and He is mindful of you. You are preparing the way for the second coming of Jesus Christ and His Millennial reign. Make no mistake about it, you were born to lead the way. We love you. All the leaders of the Church love you.” What a blessing it is to be able to watch President Nelson’s recent video “message of hope.” President Nelson’s words are so comforting: “My dear friends, our Heavenly Father and HIs Son Jesus Christ know us, love us, and are watching over us. Of that we can be certain.” 
My dear family, I testify that as we find the strength and will power in our hearts and minds to not let this quarantine (test) negatively affect us, we will be blessed by the Lord who has prepared many positive lessons for us to study and learn from. Be safe, be strong and be positive. I have no doubt that brighter days will come!
Con amor,

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

To stay or to go

Thoughts on our 41 days on quarantine 

Today Daniel and I had to make a big decision of either going away to feel more secure, free and comforted or staying in a place with so many unknowns.

After discussing this matter and praying, we decided to take our chances. We will probably be inside our apartment for another four months if not more, and that is what worried us. Our main concerns where two things: What if we get sick and the hospitals here in Buenos Aires have collapsed? when we know the medical attention is better in  Utah. or What if we find it hard to be technically on house arrest? When we know that in Utah things are opening up and we would be able to see family. In other words, physically and spiritually makes sense to leave since Daniel is working remotely and he can do it here or there the same.

We own a beautiful apartment in Salt Lake that is empty at the moment that also needs our attention. During the earthquake a huge vase dropped and damaged the floor. It made complete sense to go but we won't. We feel a deep sense of obligation to our calling in staying. Now that the decision is made the only thing left to do is to make the best of this situation.

We have recently heard President Nelson say, "I invite you to think and deeply and often this key question: How do you hear him? I also invite you to take steps to hear Him and more often." That is exactly what we are trying to do. We are not only trying to hear Him but also to do something about it and at this time we are offering Him our consecration in return.

Elder A. Maxwell explained, "To the extent we are not willing to be led by the Lord, we will be preoccupied with lesser things... if one minds the things of the world, he cannot have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16) If the Master is a stranger to us, then we will end up serving other masters... Many have sufficient faith o avoid major sins of commission, but not enough faith to sacrifice distracting obsessions and to focus on sins of omission... The submission of one's will is the only uniquely personal thing we have to place on God's altar...When we finally submit ourselves  by letting our individual wills be swallowed up in God's will, ten we are really giving something to Him! It is the only possession which his truly ours to give... Consecration constitutes the only surrender which is also today victory! May we deeply desire that victory."

Con amor,

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tea Tuesday

Thoughts on 40 days on quarantine.

I love Tuesdays because this is one day I get to FaceTime together with Cristi, Bianca and Mandy and grandchildren while they are staying home due to quarantine. We share thoughts, and at times I do a spot light on one of our relatives so they learn about them. I admire so much these mothers who are doing all the teaching at home plus everything else.

Here are three quotes to keep our spirits up:
"Troubles never need to be permanent nor fatal... Darkness always yells to light. The sun always rises. Faith, hope and charity will always triumph in the end; furthermore, they will triumph all along the way... In days ahead, you may suffer some disappointment. On occasion you may feel genuine despair, either for yourself, your children, or for the plight of others. You may even make a personal mistake or two, and you may worry that any chance to be happy and secure in life has eluded you. when such times come, I ask you to remember. "This is the gospel of happy endings." Jeffrey R. Holland

"Regardless of the world's condition, you can face the future with optimism and joy if you have faith in Jesus Christ... It is mentally rigorous to strive to look unto Him in every thought. But when we do, doubts are fears flee." Russell M. Nelson

"All of us, at some time or another, will traverse spiritual wilderness and undertake rugged emotional journeys. In those moments, however dark or seemingly hopeless they may be, if we search for it, there will always be a spiritual light that beckons, giving us hope of rescue and relief. The light shines from our Savior, who is the Light of the World... Discerning the Savior's spiritual light begins with our willingness to believe. We are then given a promise-- every one that asks, shall receive; and those who seek, shall find; and they that knock it shall be opened. every day each of us faces a test; Will we chose to believe and allow His light to grow within us, or will we refuse to believe and travel in darkness? The Savior shines Hs guiding light on all who will choose to believe and follow Him." Whitney Clayton

I am grateful for young mothers who are taking the time to teach their children those things of the heart and the spirit as well.

Con amor

Monday, April 27, 2020

Time to sit and wait

Thoughts on 39 days on quarantine.

I don’t know about how it is where you live but for us, the quarantine will last for another five months. The airport will remain closed until September first. I am grateful for the miracles that have taken place despite the rigid governmental restrictions with the undaunted task of moving the missionaries out of Argentina. 

Daniel have been in meetings all day for the past seven weeks, from the time He wakes up to about 10:00 pm. When we hear people complaining about being bored at home, we can’t relate. I am trying to keep busy cooking, cleaning, organizing and working on Family History. Today we had a good devotional with the Family Search manager and it's impressive all the things you can do from your computer at home. If any of you is interested in updating your family records, this is when. 

I just heard this talk by Elder Lawrence E. Corbridge in it he said the following:

“We live in a world of distractions. Never has there been more information, misinformation, and disinformation… How do we avoid distraction and deception? … There are primary questins and there are secondary questions… Here’s two primary questions: Is there a God who is our Father? Is Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Savior of the world? 

“If you answer the primary questions first, the secondary questions get answered too… There are different methods of learning scientific, analytic, academic, and divine…The divine method of learning incorporates aspect of the other three but ultimately trumps them all by tapping into the powers of heaven… The things of God are made known by the Spirit of God… Jesus said, Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not fear not.” 

And I hope that is what we are all trying to do. We are all trying to figure out how to handle this situation using all methods including the divine method. 

May you stay healthy and strong!

Con amor,

Sunday, April 26, 2020

He is the Master Healer

Thoughts on 38 days on quarantine.

The last five weeks as I’ve watched the news stories and read the articles about the spread of the Coronavirus it has been difficult not to let feelings of fear start creeping in. Especially fear for how it would affect your aging parents, fear for friends with low immune systems, fear for the medical teams working on patients. Fear that not only this disease is killing people but also killing the economy. And the list goes on...

As I spoke with my mother, kids, sisters, I realize that all our conversation revolves around COVID-19. This virus is having a massive effect on us, the economy, on jobs, on companies, etc. As I sit still looking out the window early this morning, (I couldn’t get to sleep with all the worries about all the things this could affect.) I thought about a quote from President Nelson.  

“I wish to express my deep gratitude to all who participated in the recent fasts—both on Good Friday, April 10, and on Sunday, March 29—as we joined together to petition our Heavenly Father for relief from the effects of COVID-19. I was humbled to learn of friends from many faiths all over the world who joined with us to appeal for relief.

Fasting reminds me of the supreme sacrifice that our Savior, Jesus Christ, made for each of us. As we look forward to a recovery from this worldwide pandemic, I pray that we will find a stronger relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is our Master Healer. He will heal our broken hearts. He will bestow upon us personal peace and comfort. Thanks to Jesus Christ, no condition is hopeless. Thanks to Him, brighter days are ahead, both here and hereafter.”  

This is very true. If we think on a brighter note, maybe, just maybe this COVID-19 has invited us to seek our Savior Jesus Christ more. He is the Master Healer. 

Con amor,

Saturday, April 25, 2020

You must decide

Thoughts on 37 days on quarantine.

You are the fellow who must decide 
(written by Edgar A. Guest)

 “You are the fellow who must decide
Whether you’ll do it or toss it aside.
You are the fellow who makes up your mind
Whether you’ll lead or will linger behind
Whether you’ll try for the goal that’s afar
Or just be contented to stay where you are.
Take it or leave it. Here’s something to do!
Just think it over — It’s all up to you!

What do you wish? To be known as a shirk
Known as a good man who’s willing to work,
Scorned for a loafer or praised by your chief,
Rich man or poor man or beggar or thief?
Eager or earnest or dull through the day,
Honest or crooked? It’s you who must say!
You must decide in the face of the test
Whether you’ll shirk it or give it your best.

Nobody here will compel you to rise;
No one will force you to open your eyes;
No one will answer for you yes or no,
Whether to stay there or whether to go.
Life is a game, but it’s you who must say,
Whether as cheat or as sportsman you’ll play.
Fate may betray you, but you settle first
Whether to live to your best or your worst.

So, whatever it is you are wanting to be,
Remember, to fashion the choice you are free.
Kindly or selfish, or gentle or strong,
Keeping the right way or taking the wrong,
Careless of honor or guarding your pride,
All these are questions which you must decide.
Yours the selection, whichever you do;
The thing men call character’s all up to you!”

That poem is a great reminder that while there are many things in this life that we can’t control, the one thing we always have complete control over is the type of person we are going to be. 

Con amor,

Friday, April 24, 2020

Gone too soon

Thoughts on 36 days on quarantine.

Today I have been experiencing sorrow after finding out last night that a great soul has transitioned to the next life. My heart is broken for Cesar Eduardo’s family. President Holland said: “Tears are the price we pay for loving.”

I did not know him very well but I do remember him as the cutest kid, always so kind with a heart of gold. He was a sweet boy. He fought long and hard and is finally fully recovered. Free of the bondage of the flesh that tormented him here on earth. We regret over things we did or we regret over things we wish we had done but never did. People call this “The End,” but in reality, t’s “The beginning.” 

To the family:
May it bring you gentle comfort to know that others care.
May it help you to remember that friends are always there.
May the love and strength of family help you face tomorrow.
And with time, may quiet memories help to ease your sorrow. 

Con amor,

Thursday, April 23, 2020

It only matters what I am doing

My thoughts on 35  days on quarantine.

Today we heard ambulances outside our balcony. I counted 15 ambulances. They closed the street across from us for the fire fighters to put out the fire from an old building. Anytime I hear the sound of sirens I get anxious. It reminds me once again that life is fragile and at any moment we could be gone prematurely, especially due to a pandemic. 

We are indeed living a time of crisis but there is nothing we can do for those things we can’t control. The only people who could do anything about it, in today’s fire, are the fire fighters. And that got me thinking; there are a million aspects to life totally out of our control. Focusing on things you can’t control is pointless so why waste your time. 

At a time, such as this, I can’t control what other people do, but I can control what I do. We are keeping ourselves indoors. We are using all our food storage so we don’t need to go out to get anything. For me, I think of it like this: Do your best and have God take care of the rest. The only way I can avoid 100% getting infected with COVID-19 is for me to stay indoors. If I can focus my attention on what I can do to help the situation, that is enough. I should not worry about what others do or not do. I want to be safe, and being safe is up to me. I repeat, It doesn't matter what others are doing. It only matters what I am doing. 

Con amor,

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A letter from sister Wendy Nelson

Thoughts on 34 days on quarantine.
(From sister Nelson)

My Dear Sisters,

I woke up this morning NOT to the shaking of our home from yet another aftershock from the earthquakes we have recently experienced here in SLC, nor to an updated internet view of the mapping of the devastation of the Coronavirus. 
The first image that came to my mind even before I got out of bed was Minerva Teichert’s painting of the woman praying in fields which have been ravaged by crickets. It is called, The Miracle of the Gulls. 

You know that true account. Believers, like you and me, know that the Lord sent numberless seagulls — in the very moment of deepest distress by some, and of deepening faith by others — to devour the crickets and then regurgitate them in the Great Salt Lake. What was the outcome? The lives of some 4,000 pioneers were saved. 
My dear sisters, whom I love more than you would ever believe, you and I are Latter-day women of God, disciples of Jesus Christ, who believe in miracles. Why? Because we know the Source of those miracles. We are perfectly poised to participate in bringing forth the miracle the Lord has in store for the world.  (See Bible Dictionary on “prayer.”)
As you and I continue to pray — and fast as we are able — the Lord WILL send ”seagulls” to devour OUR “crickets” (aka presently, the Coronavirus). 
The politicians and the scientists will do their best to make projections about the days ahead. But — they will not know to factor in “The Miracle of the Gulls.”
Although at this April 2020 General Conference, we will not be able wrap our arms around you, or hear the feelings of your heart, we will be thinking of you — and always praying for you — as you do your work for the Lord that you pre-mortally covenanted you would do. 
A work that makes ALL the difference, helping to gather scattered Israel and to prepare a people ready to receive the Savior when He comes again. 
I pray that each of us will hear exactly the message from April 2020 General Conference the Lord has prepared for us. 
Thank you for your prayers for this unique, “memorable and unforgettable” Conference — because the fight with “the opposition” is real and relentless. 
I leave you with greetings and gratitude from President Russell M. Nelson who loves and honors you, your husband, and your family members. 
With love and faith,
Wendy W. Nelson
Thank you sister Nelson. If President Nelson chose you to be his wife, you must be an amazing wonderful person. 
Con amor,

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Be Still my soul

Today I am sharing what Bianca wrote:

Thoughts on 33 days on quarantine.

Quoting my own child.

"I haven't posted on here in a long time! I hope this finds you well. Recent events have had me feeling a lot of things, and music has been helpful. So I send this out with love! Lately I've had this "ah ha!" moment and fell like God has been teaching me this.. to remember to trust Him. 

A few weeks ago, I had the rare privilege of being on a jog alone in the woods. I was listening to some inspirational music and taking deep breaths in and out. I felt this overwhelming feeling of love from God and these words of comfort to 'remember, thy God doth undertake to guide the future as He has the past." These are lyrics from my favorite hymn and they've been coming too my mind often in all this uncertainty and change. 

Words and intention are powerful! And I keep getting impressions that I need to remember. Everything, even filth, can work together for my good if I choose to let it. Filth turns into beauty in nature. Think of cow poop for example... how that filth actually is turned into fertile ground for growth. I dare say we are in a lot of "crap" right now, and I have no doubt it is preparatory to something beautiful beyond description. Be still my soul... all safe and blessed we shall meet at last." 

Bianca has a beautiful soothing voice and for her and her insights, I am grateful. 

Con amor,

Monday, April 20, 2020

A blind date to remember

Thoughts on our 32 days on quarantine. 

It was Easter time in April. I was looking forward in getting out of the house to see a cultural show at the Covey Center in Provo, about an hour away from my home. I had two tickets, one for me and one for my daughter Mandy.

The night before the show, Mandy remembered that she had a driving class she couldn't miss and couldn't go with me. I didn't want the ticket to go to waste so I emailed my aunt to ask her if she could contact her friend to see if he would like to use the extra ticket. I didn't even know his name. My aunt had told me about someone she knew but we had not gotten introduced. All I knew was that he came very well recommended by people I trusted.

He responded in the affirmative but he confided with me later that he only did that out of obligation. He didn't want to be rude to my aunt. The next day he came to pick me up. When we got to Provo to eat dinner before the show, Mandy called to tell me that her class got cancelled and that she could come with me after all. We turned around to get her. That impressed me very much because he was so patient. He didn't mind driving all the way back to get my daughter. Mandy was very surprised when she saw Daniel. She had no clue I was on a date.

The three of us enjoyed the show and dinner at a Japanese Restaurant afterwards. I know without a doubt that I was not meeting Daniel for the first time. It was a reunion of sorts. Our kindred spirits knew each other. It felt so familiar that I don't have any other explanation. It didn't feel like we were getting acquainted, It was more like we were being reunited. We knew things about each other without saying a word or explaining. I felt as if i had always known Daniel.

After Daniel dropped us off, Mandy said, "mom, I think he likes you" and that is when my love story gets really exciting! I left something in his car that he needed to return. He came back the next day to return it so we went out again, and again the next day. On the third day is when he proposed. I took it as a joke. I had only known him for three days. We somehow managed to see each other every day until we were married six months later. I am so glad I took the bold initiative to invite him because it proved that it was meant to be. President Monson explained, " There is a guiding hand above all things. Often when things happen, it's not by accident. One day, when we look back at the seeming coincidences of our lives, we will realize that perhaps they weren't so coincidental after all." 

Con amor,

Sunday, April 19, 2020

I miss these people

Thoughts on 31 days on quarantine. 

Life has taught me to be adaptable. We had our calendars all laid out and booked up for months ahead but then something unexpected happened and you find yourself having to completely change everything you had planned.

Here we are at home having to figure out a new plan due to the infamous COVID-19. On one hand, we are missing meetings we had previously scheduled. It means missing events we had hoped and planned to attend. We have to miss out on getting together with people we were looking forward to seeing. I am thinking of a wonderful weeding in particular but it is simply part of life. It is what it is. 

On the other hand, I don’t think there has ever been a time such as this in my life when I have felt the hand of the Lord guiding, protecting and sustaining our family despite of the pandemic.  Today our family connected via zoom. It was wonderful to see all those faces we love so much. We gathered as if we were in the same room. 

This is a time for re-grouping, re-charging, re- energizing, re-connecting, etc. I feel confident this CORONA-19 will soon be a thing of the past, but for now, we need to reach out to those people who need a helping hand. We need to stay connected with those who matter to us. Think about this; today, they are not attending any meetings or going to any sport games or classes. Etc. this is unique for our time and I feel optimistic that there is so much to learn from this crisis. 

There are new things we are learning to do different, like better use of our technology. This is a time to give thanks for those things that we do have and not for what we are missing. For starters, I am grateful for my core beliefs in a loving God who is saddened by what is happening in the world. I am grateful for energy, water, food and shelter. I am grateful for my health. I am immensely grateful for a kind and loving husband, amazing children and beautiful grandchildren inside and out, and for a caring extended family.


Con amor, 

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Vera is one

Thoughts on 30 days on quarantine.

How I wanted to spend this day with our beautiful Vera. I remember vividly this day a year ago. There had been a few false alarms the previous weeks but not this time. Cristi felt she needed to go back to the hospital. I am glad she did, or this baby would have been born at home. During this time, I also found out we were moving to Buenos Aires, a little closer to the U.S. than Manila. 

What a blessing this was for me to have been there. I can't imagine not been able to welcome our newest grand -baby into the world. Today we called to sing  Happy birthday over 6,500 miles away. Oh, how I had wanted to be there in person. To spend this day with our precious Vera would have been heavenly but I feel grateful for the technology that has allowed us to keep in touch since we are not allowed to travel abroad.    

I keep telling myself, nothing can last forever. There have been other pandemics throughout history and somehow people have recovered. I keep hoping that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Despite the fact that we are apart physically our thoughts remain intact. I can't deny that we can't wait to see our grandchildren. How we miss you and wish we could hug you. We pray for you. We think of you dear family. We will get through this! 

Con amor,

Friday, April 17, 2020

Mommy, I'm hungry!

Thoughts on 29 days on quarantine.

People are posting images to flood Facebook with positive thoughts of Love instead of negativity. What I am sharing is from an email I received today from my busy bee. 

“Have you ever noticed how in the scriptures men are always going up into the mountains to commune with God? Yet in the scriptures we hardly ever hear of women going to the mountains, and we know why—right? Because the women were too busy keeping life going; they couldn’t abandon babies, meals, homes, fires, gardens, and a thousand responsibilities to make the climb into the mountains. 

I was complaining about this to a friend the other day, saying that even as a modern woman I feel like I’m never “free” enough from my responsibilities, never in a quiet enough, or holy enough spot to have the type of communion I want with God. Her response floored me, “That is why God comes to women. Men have to climb the mountain to meet God, but God comes to women where ever they are.”

I have been pondering on her words for weeks and have searched my scriptures to see that what she said is true. God does in deed come to women where they are, when they are doing their ordinary, everyday work. He meets them at the wells where they draw water for their families, in their homes, in their kitchens, in their gardens. He comes to them as they sit beside sickbeds, as they give birth, care for the elderly, and perform necessary mourning and burial rites.

Even the women at the empty tomb, who were the first to witness Christ’s resurrection, were only there because they were doing the womanly chore of properly preparing Christ’s body for burial. In this seemingly mundane and ordinary task these women found themselves face to face with divinity.

So if— like me—you ever start to bemoan the fact that you don’t have as much time to spend in the mountains with God as you would like. Remember, God comes to women. He knows where we are and the burdens we carry. He sees us, and if we open our eyes and our hearts we will see Him, even in the most ordinary places and in the most ordinary things.” Heather Farrell.

I salute all young mothers out there, stay positive. What you are doing matters more than you give yourself credit! 

Con amor,

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Quarantine for four weeks

Thoughts on 28 days on quarantine. 

Amazing what has happened in four weeks.

Four weeks ago exactly I went out to buy fruits and vegetables at our neighborhood fruit stand a half a block away. I have not gone outside of my apartment ever since. That is so weird because I  have no desire to go out anyway. I don't even know what it would be like to go back to how it used to be only a month ago.

Somehow we have managed eating all the stuff we had on our cupboards and our freezer. Things like: home-made bread, pupusas, Milanesas, fajitas, tortilla Española choripan, tortilla soup, banana bread, corn bread, pasta frola, pizza, bread pudding, squash soup, quesadillas, tuna melt, tacos, french toast, beef stew, lentil soup, enchiladas, and today we made empanadas. No, we are not suffering. On the contrary, we are gaining weight. A lot of weight, I am afraid!

During this time I have been spending time writing and when my wrists feel tired, I read a book. My goal is to read a book a week. I also call my family, especially my mom . I call any time I get a chance and Daniel calls his mom too. Daniel has been busier than ever in his life. He has worked non-stop holding meetings remotely with everyone else from the office who is quarantine as well.

In Argentina is against the law to go outside unless you are buying food or medicine. The businesses that are considered non essential are all closed. And no one knows the extent of the quarantine. Summer was ending here in Argentina and schools were starting but now, they are all closed. It feels weird to know that you can't travel abroad because all the airports are closed and you can't go out for a drive or walk outside either.

There is no doubt that we live in uncertain and difficult times but in the midst of uncertainty, we can be sure that the Lord knows us, loves us and it's watching over us. "You will have days when you will be discouraged. So pray for courage not to give up!" Russell M. Nelson

Con amor,

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The three Nephites

Thoughts on our 27 days on quarantine.

As Jesus was preparing to leave the Nephites, He asked each of HIs twelve disciples to tell Him what they desired of Him. Three of them did to speak, but Jesus knew their thoughts: they wanted to remain on earth until He came again so they could serve others and teach the gospel. Jesus blessed them that they would not die and would be protected while they remained on the earth.

Today I was thinking, what would like to be one of the Three Nephites? They have been on this earth two millennia and have seen the Churh grow despite the fact that for some years it seemed that everything disappeared as the Apostles started to get old and died.

Amazing to think that when I was in third grade we learned how then Indians were so friendly with the Spanish Conquistadors because the natives thought is was the white God who was coming back. This is found in every History text and I believe it's true.

Con amor,

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Christ in America

Thoughts on our 26 days on quarantine.

Not too many people know this. When Jesus was crucified, there were great storms and earthquakes in he land of the Nephites. Thick darkness covered the land for three days. After the earth grew quiet and the darkness ended, many Nephites gathered at the temple. There they heard the voice of Heavenly Father introducing Hid beloved Son. As they looked upward, they saw the Savior descend from heaven. He stretched forth His hand and declared the He was Jesus Christ. For many years the prophets had testified that Jesus would appear to them after His Resurrection. Now the Nephites remembered the prophecies, and they fell down to worship Him.

Jesus invited the people to feel the prints of the nails in His hands and feet so they could know He was the resurrected Savior. Jesus chose twelve disciples to minister to the people and gave them the power to baptize and give the gift of the Holy Ghost. He taught His gospel to the Nephites. Offered the sacrament, healed the sick, prayed with the people, and blessed the children. He taught them about the scriptures, tithing, His son Coming, and naming the Church after Him. before leaving Jesus blessed the disciples.

At the end of His first day with the Nephites Jesus could see that the people wanted Him to stay. Feeling compassion for them and knowing they had great faith, He asked them to bring their sick or suffering and He would heal them. The people came forward with all who were sick, lame, blind, deaf, or afflicted in some other manner. Jesus lovingly healed each one. All who were healed and those who were well bowed down together to worship the Savior. As many as could reach Him bathed His feet with their fears.

Jesus wants all children to know He loves them. After I think that is why He visited the Nephites too. He wanted to teach and bless them. He asked that the children be brought to Him, so He could bless them and pray for them. As the Nephites watched the heaven opened and angels came down and circled the children; the children looked as if they were being circled by fire.

I am so grateful that I have this knowledge found in the Book of Mormon which incidentally, is what we are asked to study this year in the come follow Me, Sunday School program and have gain a greater appreciation for 3 Nephi.

Con amor,

Monday, April 13, 2020

Whatever became of the Apostles?

Thoughts on 25 days on quarantine.

Jesus taught His Apostles for 40 days after His Resurrection. He instructed them to continue with the work. They went out teaching His gospel and they all suffered death except for one who miraculously survived. 

Matthew suffered in Ethiopia, killed by a sword wound.

Mark died in Alexandria, Egypt, after being dragged by Horses through the streets until he was dead.

Luke was hanged in Greece as a result of his tremendous teaching.

John faced death when he was boiled in huge basin of boiling oil during a wave of persecution in Rome. However He was miraculously delivered from death. John was then sentenced to the mines on the prison island of Patmos. He wrote his prophetic Book of Revelations on Patmos. The Apostle John was later freed and returned to serve as Bishop of Edesia in modern Turkey. He died as an old man, the only apostle to die peacefully.

Peter was crucified upside down on an x shaped cross. According to church tradition it was because he told his tormentors that he felt unworthy to die in the same way that Jesus Christ had died.

James, the leader of the Church in Jerusalem, was thrown over a hundred feet down from the southeast pinnacle of the Temple when he refused to deny his faith in Christ. When they discovered that he survived the fall, his enemies beat James to death.

James, the son of Zebedee was a fisherman by trade when Jesus Called him to a lifetime of ministry. As a strong leader of the church, James was beheaded at Jerusalem. The Roman officer who guarded James watched amazed as James defended his faith at his trial. Later, the officer walked beside James to the place of execution. Overcome by conviction, he declared his new faith to the judge and knelt beside James to accept beheading as a Christian.

Bartholomew also knows as Nathaniel was a missionary in Asia. He witnessed for our Lord in present day Turkey. Bartholomew was martyred for his preaching in Armenia where he was whipped to death.

Andrew was crucified on an x-shaped cross in Greece. After being whipped severely by seven soldiers they tied his body to the cross with cords to prolong his agony. His followers reported that when he was led toward the cross, Andrew saluted it in there words, "I have long desired and expected this happy hour. The cross has been consecrated by the body of Christ hanging on it." He continued to preach to his tormentors for two days until his death.

Thomas was stabbed with a spear in India during one of his jissinarary troops to establish the church in the subcontinent.

Jude was killed with arrows when he refused to deny his faith in Christ.

Mathias who replaced Judas Iscariot was stoned and beheaded.

Paul was tortured and then beheaded by the evil Emperor Nero at Rome in 67 A.D. He endured a lengthily imprisonment, which allowed him to write his many epistles to the congregations  he had formed through the Roman Empire. These letters, which taught the foundational Doctrines of Christianly, form a large portion of the New Testament.

Remembering those men of God is a reminder that our sufferings are indeed minor compare to the intense persecution and cold cruelty faced by the Apostle and disciples during their time for the sake of the faith. "And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake but he that endureth to the end shall be saved. " All the ancient Apostles are now enjoying paradise, like Jesus said they would if they remained faithful. 

The Apostles of today are not exempt from ridicule, mockery and persecution as well but no death penalty has incurred to any of them so in that regard the world has become more tolerant of Christians. I sometimes have wonder, if I had lived at the time of Christ would I have been that brave? 

Con amor,

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The miracle of Easter

Thoughts on our 24 days on quarantine.

If we were to compare Holidays, Easter beats out Christmas, hands down. Because Easter Sunday is the day when we are able to remember and rejoice in the atoning sacrifice and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are reminded that Christ overcame spiritual and physical death. He paid for our sins and voluntarily gave up His life on the cross for us to have the opportunity to live forever and return to Him. This is the most significant fight offered to All mankind. This is the central principle of the gospel.

In the Pearl of Great Price, God explains to Moses: " that his work and glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." Immortality comes to us because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Eternal life, is posible because of Christ's atoning sacrifice.

As the apostle Paul said, if there be no resurrection of the dead, then all our teaching would be in vain. Prophets of the old testament taught this concept over and over, and utilized sacrifices of the first lamb of the flock to convey this message.

Book of Mormon prophets taught the doctrine of the Resurrection as well. Nephi said, "Behold they will crucify him, and after he is laid in a sepulcher for 3 days he shall rise from the dead, with healing wings." Christ even prophesied about His own resurrection saying: " I am the resurrection and the life." As members of His Church, the resurrection and atonement are the center of our faith. No event is more centrally important to us. It is the greatest of all miracles performed by the Savior.

President Benson said, "Nothing is more absolutely universal that the resurrection. " As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." (1 Cor. 15:22) Without it, we would indeed be left hopeless; with it, we have nothing to fear in this life. The resurrection of Jesus Christ proves to us that there is life after death. For everyone!

There is another great blessing that comes to us because of Christ's ultimate sacrifice... There is no loneliness or sadness or pain-even death itself that can come to us that Jesus Himself, did not experience in his own body. We can trust that He is empathetic to our life experiences. Because Jesus is risen there is no fear ought to keep us from being "steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord." (1 Cor. 15:58)

He is risen! Christ the Lord is risen today. Al-le-lu-ya!
Raise your joys and triumphs high! Tell it out with joyful voice. Let the whole wide earth rejoice!

"Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." Joh 16:33

If we have indeed heard this good news? Shouldn't we celebrate with joy and gladness in our hearts? If God is God of love shouldn't we celebrate the greatest of all gifts that He gave to us, the atonement, and resurrection? I pray that we might carry this joy in our hearts daily.

I am grateful to have been raised in a home where I gained both an appreciation for the concept that Christ died for our sins, and that there is great joy in His message.

I want my grandchildren to know that Jesus Christ was not just a great teacher, but that he truly was the Son of God. He was the creator, and Savior of the World. And that through the resurrection of Jesus Christ our spirits and bodies will be reunited after death.

The gospel understanding enable teach of us, as Latter-day Saints. to carry joy in our hearts always. Furthermore, it allows us to approach the gospel with a heart overwhelming with gratitude, and not solely worried about keeping the commandments. "We love Him, because He first loved us."

"Because I live, ye shall live also." John 14:19

I testify that I have heard the good news. Christ the Lord Lives today. That He is a resurrected being with flesh and bones as he showed His disciples when he was resurrected. And that is exactly what will happen to us too!

We celebrate this Easter Day, may we celebrate the joy of this gospel gift everyday I pray.

Con amor, 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Holy Saturday

Thoughts on our 23 days on quarantine.

We have entered Holy Saturday, but what does it mean? " Without question, we find our greatest example to follow in the Son of God. He is the greatest example of excellence in all the world. He condescended to come to earth under the most humble of circumstances. 

He grew up as the son of Joseph the carpenter. He struggled with the adversary on the Mount of Temptation. He came forth resplendent and beautiful and magnificent to teach the world. During His brief ministry, He brought more truth, more hope, more mercy, more love than anyone else who has ever walked the earth. He was the great paragon of righteousness, the only perfect man to ever walk the earth. His was the wondrous example toward which we might all point our lives in our eternal quest for excellence. " Gordon B. Hinckley

Con amor,

Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday

Thoughts on our 22 days on quarantine.

The only good thing about this goo Friday is that we fasted along with people from around the world to ask for the people who are affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. We have been inside our home now for three weeks and it looks like it will continue for another month. 

Going back on that first Good Friday, Christ was crucified for our sins. He began to atone for our sins in the Garden, but that was not where His pain ended. Let’s talk about the crucification process for a few minutes. We know He was nailed to the cross, but do we realize what that meant? 
The Romans were the masters of crucification...they had been doing it for a long time. Normally, they would tie the person to the cross, but when they wanted it to hurt, they used nails strategically placed to do it. One nail was placed in each wrist, driven through a nerve that runs from the hand all the way up to the shoulder. 

The arms were not stretched straight out...they were slightly bent at the elbows. This allowed the person to pull themselves up to be able to breathe after the diaphragm had been stretched so tight they couldn’t get air out of their lungs. However, this only lasted a short time, as the person’s joints would start to separate from the body’s weight pulling down on the arms. This could add an additional number of feet to the length of your arms as your shoulders, elbows, and wrists dislocated.

To counter the inability of being able to pull yourself up with your arms to breathe, the Romans would put a small stand under the feet of the person. Their feet would be nailed, one over the other, at about a 45° angle over this shelf, as well as allowing a bend in their knees. As they eventually couldn’t lift them selves to breathe with their arms, this allowed them to push themselves up with their legs...until such time as lack of oxygen caused the leg muscles to cramp so bad, they couldn’t even do this. 

For this reason, along with the loss of blood Jesus had already suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane, from being whipped by the Romans, from having a crown of thorns literally pushed into his head, and from dehydration, because of His inability to get oxygen. 

 Christ only uttered 7 short sentences while on the cross.

The first, looking down at the Roman soldiers throwing dice for His seamless garment, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” 

The second, to the penitent thief, “Today thou shalt be with me in Paradise.” 

The third, looking down at the terrified, grief-stricken adolescent John — the beloved Apostle — he said, “Behold thy mother.” Then, looking to His mother Mary, “Woman behold thy son.” 

The fourth cry is from the beginning of the 22nd Psalm, “My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?” 

The loss of tissue fluids has reached a critical level; the compressed heart is struggling to pump heavy, thick, sluggish blood into the tissue; the tortured lungs are making a frantic effort to gasp in small gulps of air. The markedly dehydrated tissues send their flood of stimuli to the brain. Jesus gasps His fifth cry, “I thirst.” 

The body of Jesus is now in extremes, and He can feel the chill of death creeping through His tissues. This realization brings out His sixth words, possibly little more than a tortured whisper, “It is finished.” His mission of atonement has completed. Finally He can allow his body to die. 

With one last surge of strength, he once again presses His torn feet against the nail, straightens His legs, takes a deeper breath, and utters His seventh and last cry, “Father! Into thy hands I commit my spirit.”

Now, in order to speed the crucification process up, as it was possible for a person tied to a cross to live for days, pushing themselves up with their feet to breathe, the Romans, after a while, would break the legs of the person hanging there so they couldn’t use their legs to push themselves up, causing them to hang there and suffocate, but what about Christ?

In prophecy, it was written that He would be whole, that no bones would be broken. Think about previous sacrifices. People were told that the lamb had to be the first of the year. It couldn’t have blemishes. It had to be whole, with no broken bones. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ was to replace the practice of animal sacrifice, and so he could have no blemishes or broken bones. When the Soldier went to break Jesus’ legs, he discovered that Christ was already dead. To verify this, the Soldier thrust a spear into His side, up into his chest cavity.

“But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.” Let’s look at this Scripture from John and what it means. When a persons heart is stressed because of lack of oxygen, blood can leak into the pericardial sac. As it sits there, the plasma separates from the blood, creating a clear, water like fluid. As the pericardial sac fills, it can cause the heart to rupture. So e medical experts have surmised that, because of this verse, it was determined that Christ didn’t die of asphyxiation...he literally died of a broken heart. 

Christ atoned for our sins in the Garden of Gethsemane, but we sometimes forget that the pain He felt in the Garden actually continued on as he hung on the cross. What love must He have had to endure this for every one of us. I hope one day, I will get a chance to thank him in person. 

Con amor,