Saturday, April 18, 2020

Vera is one

Thoughts on 30 days on quarantine.

How I wanted to spend this day with our beautiful Vera. I remember vividly this day a year ago. There had been a few false alarms the previous weeks but not this time. Cristi felt she needed to go back to the hospital. I am glad she did, or this baby would have been born at home. During this time, I also found out we were moving to Buenos Aires, a little closer to the U.S. than Manila. 

What a blessing this was for me to have been there. I can't imagine not been able to welcome our newest grand -baby into the world. Today we called to sing  Happy birthday over 6,500 miles away. Oh, how I had wanted to be there in person. To spend this day with our precious Vera would have been heavenly but I feel grateful for the technology that has allowed us to keep in touch since we are not allowed to travel abroad.    

I keep telling myself, nothing can last forever. There have been other pandemics throughout history and somehow people have recovered. I keep hoping that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Despite the fact that we are apart physically our thoughts remain intact. I can't deny that we can't wait to see our grandchildren. How we miss you and wish we could hug you. We pray for you. We think of you dear family. We will get through this! 

Con amor,

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