Monday, May 11, 2020

What made you smile on Mother's Day

Thoughts on 53 days on quarantine.

The question was asked, What made you smile on Mother's Day?

Here are my answers:

I walked into the kitchen and found the table set for a nice breakfast and gifts from Daniel

I was able to send flowers to my mom that got to her right on time.

I called and spoke with my mom to wish her Happy Mother's Day and read her Facebook messages

Smiled, because I did FaceTime with the girls.

Receiving a surprised Macy's gift card from my mom and Mari that never expires.

We zoomed with the whole clan chatted for about 40 minutes

Had another sacrament at home, thankful to have a husband who holds the priesthood

watching the new Church video for mother's Day and showed it at our zoom

Looking at our screen with all of our children and grandchildren always makes me cry

The amazing mother's day cards the family made for me

I love seen my family doing well and healthy but over all living the gospel

Take to my sister Liz in El Salvador

Listening to Bianca sing like she does each Sunday

Watched a beautiful video of Mary, the mother of Jesus

Reading messages my girls posted on Facebook and Instagram always puts a  smile on my face.

My thoughts on this unique mothers day from Elder Holland:

"This is a rare time of enforced solitude when we don't have unnecessary distractions or superficial busyness taking us away from the truly important things in life, such times invite us to look into our soul and see if we like what we see... the result is a kind of mandatory Sabbath -- a time when we step from our normal routine, from life as usual, and consider our dependance on God and the blessings from Him we so often take for granted.,, things are going to come right... They are undoubtedly on their way to more grateful, a little more thankful, and a little more inclined to remember how many problems are resolved because of God, angels, covenantal promise and pray... the opportunity to respond to trouble and turmoil with ever greater faith is documented over and over again is scripture-- where the love of God, the sacrifice of Christ, and their many manifestations of mercy are the great constants when we face adversity of one kind of another... this present pandemic presents a precious opportunity to demonstrate fait.. often those opportunities seem rare. In our modern age we don't have to worry about parting the red Sea because we have engineers that can build a bridge over it. We need some reminders from time to time that those beautifully engineered bridges can collapse, so to speak. This pandemic is just such a collapse... the Lord is our ultimate shelter, He is our tower. He lift us out of troubled waters and places us on the rock of our Redeemer. He covers us with his wigs, poetically seeking... we are always taking about not having enough time to think about such things. Well we have some time now... with that time, members can be immersed in things of the soul that we always want to address, and how very well we should. but sometimes in the hubbub of daily don't seize the opportunity to do."

And those are my thoughts on Mother's Day 2020

Con amor,

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