Friday, July 3, 2020

I love freedom Part I

Thoughts on 106 days of quarantine. 

I got this message from someone who got it from someone else and I think is worth sharing but because its rather long, I will divide it in two parts. 

“As we prepare for the big Fourth of July festivities and celebrations full bbq’s and boating and fun with family and friends, I hope we all contemplate the freedom that we have within to make our own choices and to be the person we choose to be.  It is a blessing and a responsibility that we can’t ever overlook.  Making the right choice can be scary.  Making the right choice can feel overwhelming and near impossible at times. But it is always our choice.

“Stand for something, even if it means standing alone. Because often times, the one who flies solo has the strongest wings.”  -unknown

I believe that making the choices to do the right thing, regardless of the circumstances we face, is always going to make us stronger.  And every one of us will end up flying solo at one point or another in our lives, and when we do we need to recognize that each challenge is making us better, each struggle is making us stronger, and each lesson is making us smarter and more capable to face a future that lies ahead.  Know that no challenge is ever wasted.  Know that no struggle is ever left without its reward.  Sometimes the rewards come much slower than we would like (at least for me because, let’s face it, I am incredibly impatient!), but they always come eventually.

I know that for me this week has caused me to focus on the gift of freedom I have to be a citizen in a free country that was founded as one nation under God, as well as the freedom I have to make my own life choices which was given to us as a gift from God.  I am grateful to God for all the blessings in my life.  I am grateful that he inspired great men to found this country I live in.  I am grateful for the sacrifices that were made and continue to be made by so many to protect the cause of freedom.  And I am determined to never take either of my gifts of freedom for granted – my gift of external freedom and my gift of internal freedom.

“Freedom means that no one can stop you from doing what is right, or persuade you to do what is wrong.”  – Dadi Janki

What a great quote!  Love, love, love that quote.  Because I believe that with all my heart.  We may not all have freedom in our circumstances, but we all have freedom within ourselves.  We all get to choose who we are and whether we will do what is right or wrong.  I love that reminder of how lucky we are to have freedom to choose – we all have agency.  And that is a gift from God.” 

I love the fact that we are given a special gift called free agency. We are free to choose. I love freedom and I love that the United States is still one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” 

Con amor,

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