Thoughts on 179 days of quarantine.
One tradition I love doing is making an ABC gospel book for all our grandchildren. I do it when they turn one or two so they can take the book to Church to read during sacrament. It’s hard for little ones to remain still and quiet and the book made with photos of them and their family was intended to keep them focus on something good. But I didn’t want this tradition to end there, for that purpose, I decided to also make another gift to give to all our grandchildren who are graduating from high school. This is also a pivotal time in their lives when they have turned 18 and have legally become an adult. This is when they leave home to start their newest adventure of the exciting college life. What a milestone that is!
I am a firm believer that the best thing a parent or grandparent can do is to help their young become the best they can be; that will reflect into every aspect of that person’s life. I want to help all our grandchildren believe in themselves more, I want to help them set goals and plans for their future that they are excited about, and most of all, I want to help all of them by sharing everything I can about what lessons I have learned and to draw on my personal experiences to help each of them to accomplish all that they want to in this life.
When I look back at the years and experiences in my life I now realize that the value of having had all the hard times and the rough lessons is that I can now take what I learned and teach it to others so that I can hopefully help them to move faster and farther than I did by helping them avoid the pitfalls along the way and mistakes that I made in order to learn.
I want to express my feelings and thoughts dear to my heart and by doing so, I hope this will be a good way for them to remember me. A High school graduation is both an ending and a beginning. It has been said that we live in troubled times: the COVID-19 pandemic, the downhill economy, loss of jobs, violent outbursts and riots might have you wondering, is there a bright future for them? Yes Absolutely, Yes!
Now that I have reached the “senior citizen” status, I feel this deep desire to pay forward the same kindness that was paid to me over the years by making time to write those thoughts and hopefully teaching them the lessons that I have been able to learn over the years that have helped me so much. The young people of today are incredible and they push me to want to be a good example.
You see, there are really two ways that we learn in life—we can to through it ourselves (this is what I refer to as “the hard way” or we can learn it by hearing what someone else went through this is what I refer to as “the much easier and less painful way.” But the only way for people to learn from someone else’s experiences is if that person is willing to put themselves out there and share those experiences with others and that is something I am very excited to do more of. It’s so exciting for me to have a new goal that I am working on. Goals are amazing because they give you energy and passion that really ignites a fire in you to achieve.
This I can tell you for sure; there is hope for the future because our children part of it. The future is not only bright but thrilling and filled with potential. I would like to offer them those things I wish someone had told me back in the day when I was their age. I am so excited for our youth. They are the very best this world has ever seen!
Con amor
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