Thursday, November 26, 2020

To Mandy

When I became a mother for the first time I never knew I could love another human being so much. I still remember the way I felt when I gave birth to her. Three years later, I remember wondering how could I ever love another person as much as I loved my first born and again the same feeling of gratitude came to me as soon as my second daughter was born and once again, I fell in love instantly the minute I held her in my arms. 29 years ago, on November 26, my third and last daughter Mandy was born, once again, I instantly loved that little infant with my whole heart. 


What I learned is that no matter how many children or grandchildren you have, your heart expands. You love each child the same that is how Heavenly Father must feel about each of His children. He is no respecter of persons. It was in that moment that I realized that a parent’s heart doesn’t divide, it multiplies. And there are no people on the planet I love with my entire heart and soul the way I love my daughters.


It’s been said that parent is only as happy as their saddest child – and that is 100% true. When your children hurt, you hurt. When your children are sick, you wish you could take their sickness on yourself so they wouldn’t have to go through it. Your love for them has no bounds…and you realize that the love you feel for your children is the closest thing to God’s love that we will ever experience in this life.


On this thanksgiving -day as my youngest turns 29, I want to wish a Happy birthday to my amazing daughter Mandy – I am so proud of her and the incredible woman she has grown up to be. And I’m so blessed that even though she is an adult, she will always be my beautiful baby girl. I love you with all my heart Mandy. Happy Birthday! #givethanks

Con amor,



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