Tuesday, December 29, 2020

What kids want from parents

11 things Kids want from Parents:


1.    Showing is better than telling. I learn by watching you.

2.    Love me. Give me hugs and kisses. You can’t spoil me with those. 

3.    Kind and firm discipline. My brain is still developing and so I’m slow in learning. But I do want to learn, if you patiently and kindly teach me. 

4.    Be my safe- haven—Always be here for me no matter what

5.    Talk with me—Don’t just talk to me 

6.    Hear me—Sometimes I just want to be heard without judgement or lecture

7.    Accept who I am—Don’t constantly compare me with other kids

8.    Let me play outside a lot

9.    Give me food that is nutritious and yummy 

10.Trust me—Let me make my own decisions on non-safety or health related things. I couldn’t learn to walk without failing. I can’t learn to make good decisions without making bad ones. 

11.Encourage me—Your praise means so much to me 

 Once upon a time, I taught a parenting class to single moms. We would go over one by one sharing ideas of how to be better parents and in my case, a better grandparent. 

Con amor,


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