I love the quote: “Don’t count the days…make the days count.” It is such a great reminder to stop counting the days until this or that happens, or until this or that gets done, and instead start focusing on making each day count as it is happening. That last one is one I need to work on the most!
All of us have worries and concerns in life. Things we fear. Things we are dreading. Worries about what “might” happen or what “might not” happen. It seems that there is a truly endless supply of things to spend our time being worried about. Yet, at the end of the day does the worrying do anything positive for us, at all?? The answer is a resounding NO!
We have to stop worrying about the “what ifs” and the “what if not’s” in our life. For example, I worry that my mom and Daniel’s mom are getting older and have health issues and might leave us someday… but I can choose to spend every day worrying about the fact that they are getting older or I can instead choose to spend every day praying for them and calling them on the phone and visiting them whenever possible to spend time together. I could go on and think about all the things I can find to worry about every day and I am sure you could too – we all know in our heads the things we are stressing over – but stressing and worrying about them isn’t doing anything for us other than making us stressed out and worried!
A reminder to everyone, (but mostly a reminder to myself today): Don’t spend your life worrying and stressing, instead just do your best and trust the Lord to do the rest. Embrace it. And don’t forget to smile! And do keep waiting to be happy until this happens or that doesn’t happen, instead, don’t worry, be Happy!
Make the time you have count right now, this day. I am grateful I was able to spend a few hours talking to my mom. I am so grateful for it.
Con amor,
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