Saturday, April 3, 2021

Starting Today

Starting Today 


I love the new campaign for Easter this year where individuals would think of things they could do to celebrate Easter week by using the Phrase, ”starting today” Here are a few examples:


*Starting Today, choose to see the light 

Jesus invites us to “believe in the light” (John 12:36) 

When we believe in Jesus Christ, we can lift our sights above the things of this world and focus on what is sacred. 


*Starting today, choose to reset 

When we choose to repent, we choose to change! We choose to grow spiritually and receive joy. 


*Starting today, choose to open your heart 

Jesus invites us to love one another (John 13:34)

As we increase our capacity to love and work on the relationship in our lives, we will be able to grow into the person Jesus knows we can become. 


*Starting today, choose to serve

“The needs of others are ever present, and each of us can do something to help someone.” President Monson Oct. 2009


*Starting today, I am opening my heart

“Let us never forget that the Lord gave us this commandment to love God and to love one another, applying the Golden Rule. We cannot love God without loving our neighbor, and we cannot truly love our neighbor without loving God. This applies to you and to me, and if each of us applies it to himself, we need not worry about the other. 

If we are to have this love of which the Savior spoke, and which he emphasizes as being the most important thing in life, it must begin in the home and then carry  into our daily lives. Love begins in the home. Sacrifice for one another, Make one another happy.” President Tanner, October 1972 


*Starting today, choose to let it go 

Jesus invites us to “forgive, if ye have ought against any” (Mark 11:25) 

Through Him, we can repent and have the burden of sin removed from our hearts. But to truly experience the power of this blessing, we must follow His example and work to forgive the people who have wronged us. 


*Starting today, choose to forgive

“We can all receive unspeakable peace and partnering with our Savior as we learn to freely forgive those who have trespassed against us.” Elder Larry Echo Hawk April 2018 


*Starting today, Choose to ask for direction 

Jesus taught, “Ask and ye shall receive” (John 16:24) Prayer has the power to bring blessings into our lives. 

He encourages his disciples to ask their Father in Heaven for the things they need so that they can know that God hears and answers the prayers of His children. 


*Starting today, choose to pray

President Henry B Eyring said: “As we pray in faith, we become a vital part in the Lord’s work as He prepares the world for His Second Coming.” 

I invite you to pray always. Pray for your family. Pray for the leaders of nations. Pray for the courageous people who are on the front lines in the current battles against social, environmental, political, biological plagues that impact all people thought the world: the rich and the poor, the young and the old.” President Ballard October 2020 


*Starting today, choose to take the leap

Jesus invites us to “not be afraid” (John 14:27 Transform fear into faith.

Because of what He did, we can also leave fear behind as we use the power of His sacrifice to become a better version of ourselves. 


*Starting today, choose to focus on the Savior 

“This Easter, I encourage you to focus on the Savior. After all that Jesus Christ did for you, I invite you to do something this week to follow His teachings. You can start today on a new spiritual quest.“ President Nelson 


*Starting today, Choose to follow Him

Jesus invites us to “keep His commandments (John 14:15)

If we want to truly feel close to the Savior, we must take action and do the things He asked us to do. 

Review His words from the Sermon on the mount as you strive to follow Him. 


*Starting today, choose to learn

“Our efforts to prepare for the proving experiences of mortality should follow the example of the Savior, who incrementally increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” a blended balance of intellectual, physical spiritual and social readiness.” Elder Bednar


*Starting today, I am walking the walk

“My message to you tonight is straightforward. It is this: keep the commandments. 

He who created us and who loves us perfectly knows just how we need to live our lives in order to obtain the greatest happiness possible.” President Monson, Oc. 2015 


*Starting today, choose to make time for Him

Jesus invites us all to “come unto Him” (Matthew 11:28) When we turn to Him by giving Him our time, He can change our hearts and brighten our lives. 

He calls on us to become more like Him and experience the true peace that His gospel brings. 


*Starting today, follow the prophet

“As you are humble in following the counsel of the Lord’s prophet, I promise you an added blessing of safety and peace. A prophet’s greatest responsibility and most precious gift too us is his sure witness, his certain knowledge that Jesus is the Christ.” 

Neil L. Andersen April 2018 

Incidentally, President Nelson gave 5 ways to develop faith and trust in the Savior 

1.    Study. Become an engaged learner

2.    Choose to believe in Jesus Christ  

3.    Act in faith

4.    Partake of sacred ordinances worthily

5.    Ask Heavenly Father, in  the name of Jesus Christ for help.


Easter week a.k.a. “semana santa” (Holy week) was a memorable one. 


Con amor,


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