Thursday, August 19, 2021

Who is Vienna Jacques?

In my scripture reading today, I learned about a special elect lady. Vienna Jaques. 

She was born on June 10th 1787.


After she met the Missionaries in Boston, she traveled to Kirkland, Ohio in 1831

She stayed there for six weeks until she was baptized. Upon returning to Boston, Vienna helped bring several members of her family into the Church. 


She then settled -up her business, and went back to Kirtland to unite her interests forever with the Church.


In 1833, After her conversion, she willingly consecrated her entire savings to assist saints who were in more need than she was. Her savings was a reporter $1,400 hundred dollars. Today that would be the equivalent of $40,000 dollars. 


She then traveled to Missouri to receive her inheritance in Zion, however soon after she arrived she suffered persecution with the Saints.  


Vienna Jacques left her job as a nurse in Boston and join the Church when she was forty-three years old. She continued to follow and sacrifice with the Saints until she died in Salt Lake City at the age of ninety-six. Her obituary included the following tribute: 


She was true to her covenants and esteemed he restoration of the Gospel as priceless treasure. 


Vienna Jacques is a tremendous example of the core principle of the law of consecration, namely sacrifice. Someday I would love to meet her. 


Con amor,


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