Wednesday, May 4, 2022


I love looking at my journal on years past when I was a young mother. If I only knew then, what I know now! Here is something from 1992 when I was thirty –two. I was a mother of three: Ages, ten, seven and one. Mother’s Day in the U.S. and many places around the world is May 8th


Recently I was listening to old conference talks when stumbled across a talk from April of 1992 where President Benson gave a list of 10 things he asked the mothers of the church to do. He follows up with saying that the men of the Priesthood and each son and daughter should do their part in helping make these 10 things happen.

1.    Take time to always be at the crossroads in the lives of your children, whether they be six or sixteen.

2.    Take time to be a real friend to your children.

3.    Take time to read to your children.

4.    Take time to pray with your children.

5.    Take time to have a meaningful weekly home evening. Make this one of your great family traditions.

6.    Take time to be together at mealtimes as often as possible.

7.    Take time daily to read the scriptures together as a family.

8.   Take time to do things together as a family.

9.    Take time to teach your children.

10.Take time to truly love your children. A mother’s unconditional love approaches Christlike love.

11. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes about the power of women in these last days.

12. “Much of the major growth that is coming to the Church in the last days will come because many of the good women of the world (in whom there is often such an inner sense of spirituality) will be drawn to the Church in large numbers. This will happen to the degree that the women of the Church reflect righteousness and articulateness in their lives. … Thus it will be that female exemplars of the Church will be a significant force in both the numerical and the spiritual growth of the Church in the last days.”

On this May fourth, may the force be with you wonderful mothers!

Con amor,


Tuesday, May 3, 2022

It's hard being human

What a huge disappointment. I have been counting the days to go on this trip. I was so eager to meet my new granddaughter that I even got ready to leave town days before because I was so excited. I didn’t want to forget anything. 

Arrived at the airport with enough time to take the PCR test and waited for the results like I have done countless of times but this time, it read in big red letters “positive.” I don’t think there are adequate words to describe my shock and unbelief that I was not getting on that plane. I got the virus and have no clue how I got it or since when because what I thought was Asthma is Omicron, the new COVID variant. You get it no matter if you were vaccinated and received your boosters. It is what happened to me. it is what it is!  


At times like this, I need to focus on the things I am thankful for:

I feel fine with a mild sore throat.

I have the means to pay ridiculous amount of money to change my flight to a later date.

I have a nice home where I can rest. 

We got plenty of food and water.  

I got Daniel by my side who gave me a priesthood blessing. 

I feel peace because I am literally in the Lord’s hands. 

Sooner or later, I will be healthy again and back in the swing of things!


Con amor,


Monday, May 2, 2022

All my bags are packed!

My most awaited trip to the U.S. is coming up tomorrow to meet the newest addition to our clan. In case you didn’t get the memo, Mandy and Spencer are parents to a beautiful baby girl, Maya Lee Morrison, born last Tuesday, April 26th! One more for April! 


Since I will be gone for the rest of the month, it will be up to Daniel to write the Monday letter. Please give him a call whenever times permits so he is not too bored. 


Yesterday we invited to dinner some people visiting from headquarters and Daniel made the best Sorrentino pasta to die for! We truly enjoyed our Sunday. Church was great. There were a lot of real and beautiful testimonies. It made me reflect on my own testimony and whether I am living true to what is in my heart.  Later, I had a zoom call with my mom and sisters where we shared what we were all up to. It was fast Sunday so Liz, my nephew Manu and I gave our testimonies in our respective wards. 


Here is in a nutshell what I shared with them. “I know true joy is only found through the Savior, Jesus Christ. I know everything else is just fleeting moments but joy, true joy that fills our hearts and makes us happy down to our very core comes only from one source, the Savior. I am spending four hours each day reading the scriptures. I can honestly say that He is my friend. He is my light. He is my source of peace in this crazy world. I know He loves me, and knows my name just like I know He knows all of you too. Everyone in this world. I want to love others the way He does. The love of Christ is the true balm of healing that is needed in the world we live in right now. 


Con amor,


Sunday, May 1, 2022

Heed them not!


I let God prevail in my life by doing something every day to seek Him. I let go of perfection and navigate the distractions as I strive to spend my efforts on what truly matters most.


But We Heeded Them Not!

Elder Bednar


Good morning friends!


Every conference, there's always a talk that has me muttering under by breath, easier said than done. Well, that's typically a sign that I need to come back to the message with a softer heart and a willingness to dig a little deeper. And usually I find that, yes, it is easier said than done, most things are. BUT! I also discover guidance, motivation, and encouragement to follow through with the doing part.


So. The part that feels SO much easier to say than actually do? Right here…


"Heed not” the evil influences…

“Heed not” the mocking voices…

“Heed not” the many distractions, taunts, and diversions in our fallen world….

“Heed not” the allurements of the adversary…


Now, the doing would be a lot easier if the adversary didn't work so hard on us, if he didn't already know where the chink in our armor was, if it wasn't his full-time gig to try and bring us down with him. Unfortunately for us, those things are all true. So sure, it's easy to say, “Heed not the allurements of the adversary…” But when read it this way, pay no attention to ________ (fill in the blank with that temptation that always seems to rear its ugly head). That's when it gets tough—when you're face-to-face with an allurement tailored to your Achilles heel.


With all that being said, I want to tell you two things…


First, before you put yourself in the dog house remember this, the flesh is weak. That is a fact we all came here with. Let go of the guilt and stop listening to the story that you're the only one who keeps struggling with the same mistake over and over again. You're not. The natural man is in of all of us and we're all fighting, I promise.


But here's the best part, and the second thing I want to tell you…


Our flesh may have been designed to house weakness and worldly desires, but your spirit was designed to overcome them by God himself. You have what it takes because you have Him.


“I frankly do not have the ability to describe adequately the precise nature and power of our covenant connection with the resurrected and living Son of God. But I witness that the connections with Him and Heavenly Father are real and are the ultimate sources of assurance, peace, joy, and the spiritual strength that enable us to “fear not, though the enemy deride.” As covenant-making and covenant-keeping disciples of Jesus Christ, we can be blessed to take “courage, for the Lord is on our side” and pay no attention to evil influences and secular scoffing.”


Satan may know you well, but your Father in Heaven knows you perfectlyWe were prepared for a time such as this, and we must not let go of our lifeline back to heaven—our connection to God and our Savior.


“If we abide in Christ, then He will abide in and walk with us. Press on. Hold fast. Heed not.”
