Tuesday, May 3, 2022

It's hard being human

What a huge disappointment. I have been counting the days to go on this trip. I was so eager to meet my new granddaughter that I even got ready to leave town days before because I was so excited. I didn’t want to forget anything. 

Arrived at the airport with enough time to take the PCR test and waited for the results like I have done countless of times but this time, it read in big red letters “positive.” I don’t think there are adequate words to describe my shock and unbelief that I was not getting on that plane. I got the virus and have no clue how I got it or since when because what I thought was Asthma is Omicron, the new COVID variant. You get it no matter if you were vaccinated and received your boosters. It is what happened to me. it is what it is!  


At times like this, I need to focus on the things I am thankful for:

I feel fine with a mild sore throat.

I have the means to pay ridiculous amount of money to change my flight to a later date.

I have a nice home where I can rest. 

We got plenty of food and water.  

I got Daniel by my side who gave me a priesthood blessing. 

I feel peace because I am literally in the Lord’s hands. 

Sooner or later, I will be healthy again and back in the swing of things!


Con amor,


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