Sunday, June 19, 2022

Celebrating Father's Day

 What a beautiful Day! Today is father's Day here in Argentina and in the U.S. so this morning we woke up in Mar del Plata in the best room available at our hotel. "The Governor's room" Went to breakfast and then to Church. We went for a walk afterwards by the ocean. I had bought a mate straw and two ties to give Daniel but the best gift was my time. 

As I contemplated what a wonderful father Daniel is I thought about a time when I was a young woman attending Institute and a teacher told is in a nutshell. "Don't marry a man unless you would be proud to have a son exactly like him." That really made me rethink the men I was dating in my life. 

I hadn't thought of them that way before. Would I be proud to have a son grow up to be like them? Given that I am about as protective a mama as a person can  be, I knew that asking that question was setting the bar incredibly high for a man to reach. As I continued dating, I found that as I considered that question with most of the men I ate the answer was no and those relationships ended but one day I gave in and marry a person I thought was perfect for me but time showed me how some people have a change of heart. 

Sadly, some people change and I was not lucky to marry someone who stayed the same so the next time around I had to make sure I married someone who I knew would never change. Someone with real integrity. Someone who would stand by me now and forever. If I had not met Daniel, I would still be single for sure! 

Con amor,


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