Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The to do list for the year!

As the year is coming to a close, I want to take this opportunity to share some of the goals DMBA our health insurance had suggested we did throughout the year. There were six challenges but I am getting a late start so I will work on them simultaneously. This was the original plan for the year. 

2015 Living Healthy Challenges

Starting in 2015, each Challenge is worth $30 toward your premium refund. To qualify,
you must register for the Wellness Program and complete each Challenge with at least
a 75% success rate.
Of course, true wellness is about more than eating fruits and veggies and staying active.
 So for Living Healthy 2015“Be the change you want to see.” Embrace your individual
circumstances, resolve to improve, and be well in 2015!

Challenge #1: January 1 to February 28

BE ACTIVE!   One of the best things you can do for your health is to stay active!
Just 30 minutes a day helps you feel better and can lengthen your life.
It doesn't matter what you do — walk, bike, dance, or lift — just get moving!

Challenge #2: March 1 to April 30

BE MINDFUL!   Of course, exercise is a key component to good health.
But how you fuel your body is equally as important.
With this feel good food Challenge, you'll start to think before you eat!

Challenge #3: May 1 to June 30

BE PRESENT!   It's important to pay attention to the little things we do every day
that make us healthier and happier. In this Challenge, take time for yourself
every day with these short, daily de-stressors.

Challenge #4: July 1 to August 31

BE AWARE!   Our environment impacts our health — and our success —
in many different ways. In this Challenge, focus on your own environment
and ways you can make it healthier!

Challenge #5: September 1 to October 31

BE SMART!   With a focus on financial health, this Challenge will get you on the path
to spending less and saving more. Start by tracking your expenses. Then make a goal
to stash away some cash. With a little discipline, you'll build a successful financial future!

Challenge #6: November 1 to December 31

BE THOUGHTFUL!   Giving to others and expressing gratitude can calm a troubled heart
and bring much-needed joy. So during this Challenge, volunteer, lift another's burden,
share a random act of kindness. Focus on others and you'll find yourself.
NOTE: These Challenges are not meant to take the place of personal instruction 
from your physician. If you have health concerns, 
ask your doctor for individual guidance. 
Challenges can be changed to meet individual medical needs.

Ok so this is what I am doing for the next four months all at once!  But I must say it helps to have a  goal poster at least it helps me because I need to be reminded each day so I don't lose sight on the things I need to work on. 

Con amor,

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